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Slovak utopianism (and specific social and political philosophy) of the 19th century are unique topics for philosophical research that can be useful especially in an international context. The aim of the research is, using the comparative... more
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      Political PhilosophySocial PhilosophyĽUdovít ŠTúrJán Kollár
The article focuses on marginal work of one of the most important representatives of the Slovak National Revival. Ľudovít Štúr during his studies in Halle visited Lusatia and issued a travel book Journey to Lusatia (Taken in the Spring... more
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      RomanticismTravelogueSlavsSlovak Literature
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      Biography19th Century (History)History of SlovakiaĽUdovít ŠTúr
The book Utopians, Visionaries of the World of the Future (The History of Utopias and Utopianism) consists of three parts: in the first one the reader reads about the definitions of utopia and utopianism and its division.... more
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      Francis BaconBernard BolzanoTommaso CampanellaUtopianism
In the early nineteenth century, several Slavic intellectuals believed in a single Slavic nation speaking a single language, though positing various taxonomies of the nation’s component “tribes” and the language’s component “dialects.”... more
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      Historical LinguisticsCroatian HistoryCzech & Slovak StudiesHistory of Slovakia
DUPKALA, R., PERNÝ, L. Štúrovci a Hegel. K problematike slovenského hegelianizmu a anti-hegelianizmu. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove. 3. vyd. 2021, 160 s., ISBN 978-80-555-2717-8 The leitmotiv of the publication is a... more
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      HegelHegelianismSlovak PhilosophyNational and Social Movements
Kultúrno-spoločenský, literárny a filozofický prínos Jána Francisciho (K dvestoročnici kapitána slovenských dobrovoľníkov, zberateľa povestí, poeta a redaktora) Matica slovenská si v roku 2022 pripomína v rámci ROKU ODKAZU ŠTÚROVCOV 200.... more
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      Military HistoryRomanticismFolklore (Literature)19th Century literature
Ján Galbavý: Štúr’s Hijra or Ľudovít Štúr’s original, authentic Account of his Flight in 1848. Historický časopis, 2019, 67, 4, pp. 713-734, Bratislava. The account of Ľudovít Štúr’s flight from Modra through Austria to Prague was known... more
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      19th Century (History)History of SlovakiaĽUdovít ŠTúr
In the early nineteenth century, several Slavic intellectuals believed in a single Slavic nation speaking a single language, though positing various taxonomies of the nation's component “tribes” and the language's component... more
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      HistoryHistorical LinguisticsCroatian HistoryCzech & Slovak Studies
Correspondence of the rector and parish priest of Modra, Karol Štúr, is preserved only in torsion, some of which are letters of official nature. One letter is a comprehensive explanation adressed to the inspector general of the... more
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      18th & 19th CenturiesSlovak languageRodové štúdiaHistory of Slovakia
Рекрутяк М. Постать Людовіта Штура у боністиці та нумізматиці країн світу / М. Рекрутяк // Людовіт Штур : ідеолог словацького національного Відродження : Матеріали наукової конференції 21 травня 2015 р. – Ужгород, 2017. – С. 54-67.
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      NumismaticsHistory of CzechoslovakiaHistory of SlovakiaĽUdovít ŠTúr
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      Biography19th Century (History)History of SlovakiaĽUdovít ŠTúr
Theater criticism analyzes theatrical project of two interesting themes (in the Slovak National Theater): Dostoevsky (The Brothers Karamazov) and the work of Karol Horak, about the story of the group around Slovak national hero, Ludovit... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatreFyodor Mikhaylovich DostoyevskyExistencialism
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      Biography19th Century (History)History of SlovakiaĽUdovít ŠTúr
The contacts Andrija Torkvat Brlić had established with the Slovaks during his theological studies at the Pázmáneum and while he was engaged in the Prague Slavic Congress were also maintained during the revolutionary events from 1848 into... more
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      Croatian HistoryCzech & Slovak StudiesCroatian and Slovak literary connections in 19th centuryHistory of Slovakia