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Co-authored with Sabine Panchaud
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      Art History18th & 19th CenturiesElectricalArt Nouveau
In this article, I wish to elaborate on Benjamin’s reading of so-called “dark thinkers,” i.e. those radical thinkers of the fin de siècle whose cultural criticism willingly or not reinforced and reiterated what they actually criticized. I... more
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      Critical TheorySubjectivitiesEnlightenmentGender
Anton Seder, Directeur de la Kunstgewerbeschule, a accompagné son programme pédagogique par des publications régulières de planches de modèles pour les artisans ou les étudiants. Cette étude évalue le contexte éditorial et l'impact de ces... more
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      IllustrationDecorative ArtsArts and CraftsJugendstil
O objectivo desta dissertação de mestrado é tentar definir uma arquitectura Arte Nova de cariz portuguesa, a qual encontrou na obra desenvolvida pelo arquitecto Álvaro Augusto Machado, entre 1904 e 1907, a relação entre o espaço e a... more
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      Architectural EngineeringArt HistoryArtArchitecture
This essay will demonstrate that Behrens’ modernism was not a sudden epiphany, inspired by his collaboration with contemporary industry giant AEG, as has sometimes been supposed. In his Artist’s House, designed almost a decade earlier,... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArt Nouveau
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      Gender StudiesVisual StudiesHistory of SexualityUrban Studies
Une synthèse thématique de l'art symboliste à travers quelques chefs d'oeuvres de la collection Ferdinand Neess dont la donation et l'inauguration au Musée de Wiesbaden sont accompagnées par ce livre.
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      MythologyFin de Siecle Literature & CultureSymbolism (Art History)Fin de siècle Paris
Begleitpublikation zur Ausstellung in der Wissenschaftlichen Stadtbibliothek Mainz, 1.10.2009 - 6.2.2010 / Texte: Gerhard Mühlinghaus und Annelen Ottermann. Fotos: Martin Steinmetz
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The azulejos (tiles) are one of the most recognizable characteristic of Portugal. The entire or partial coverage of indoor/outdoor spaces and facades of buildings has been a constant decorative and effective resource for at least five... more
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      Art NouveauPortugalJugendstilAzulejo
In diesem Beitrag wird im ersten Teil die Beziehung des jungen Walter Benjamin zur Jugendbewegung ('Jugendkulturbewegung') und seine dazu gehörende Schätzung des Dichters Stefan George historisch-philologisch dargestellt. Hierbei fällt... more
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      Theodor AdornoWalter BenjaminNationalsocialismJugendstil
[ESP] La Casa Behrens, construida en 1901 por el arquitecto y diseñador Peter Behrens, es uno de los mejores ejemplos de “obra de arte total” en la Historia del Arte. Sin embargo, más allá del logro de una estética total, es decir, la... more
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Women, mostly young and elegant and often merged with nature, are everywhere in art nouveau: from commercial poster girls to allegorical figures, from conservative role models to icons of feminism—but rarely women of flesh and blood. The... more
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      Gender StudiesArt HistoryWomen's StudiesArt Theory
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      Art HistoryModern ArtArt NouveauAustrian History
Women, mostly young and elegant and often merged with nature, are everywhere in art nouveau: from commercial poster girls to allegorical figures, from conservative role models to icons of feminism—but rarely women of flesh and blood. The... more
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      Social SciencesArt NouveauMass media, culture and societyJugendstil
This book is a unique and comprehensive illustrated dictionary of French Art Nouveau Ceramics. A census conducted in 1901 indicated the existence of some 209 producers of pottery in France, employing a total of around 5,800 full-time... more
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      Ceramic Technology19th century France20th century FranceCeramics (Art History)
The enormous popularity of the decorated industrial wall and floor tile in Belgium is strongly linked to the Art Nouveau style that was put on the map by such prominent men as Victor Horta, Henry van de Velde, Gustave Serrurier-Bovy or... more
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      Art NouveauJugendstilTilesArchitectural Ceramics and Tiles from 16th to 21th Centuries
Der Aufsatz erörtert den Zusammenhang zwischen Rainer Maria Rilkes Figuren-Poetik in den "Neuen Gedichten" und der Ornamentästhetik des Jugendstils. Exemplarisch interpretiert werden die Gedichte "Begegnung in der Kastanien-Allee" und... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureLiteratureModern Poetry
Il libro ambisce tracciare il profilo a più facce dell'intellettuale sovversivo del primo novecento imbattutosi nel sindacalismo rivoluzionario italiano. Svelato il condizionante sostrato sociologico, traspare l'inquieta e peculiare... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceArt Theory
In diesem Aufsatz stelle ich den geborenen Hamburger, aber in Berlin tätigen Maler und Grafiker, Albert Klingner mit einem seiner Werke vor.
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      Art NouveauJugendstilTilesFliesen
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      Art HistoryDesignSculpture19th Century (History)
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      Art NouveauJugendstilSecesija
The paper is published with a summary in English. Istraživanje manje poznatog dijela opusa Dragana Melkusa (Bektež kraj Požege, 28. 10. 1860. – Osijek, 5. 9. 1917.) koje se odnosi na područje grafičkog oblikovanja knjiga i časopisa... more
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How it came, that the Vindonissa-Museum was built in Brugg, Switzerland in 1912. It is a site museum for the Roman fortress Vindonissa and a remarkable architectural concept by Albert Fröhlich.
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      History of MuseumsMuseums and IdentityVindonissaJugendstil
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      IllustrationSymbolism (Art History)JugendstilSimplicissimus
Im 20. Jahrhundert widmeten sich nur noch wenige Künstler dem Gemmenschnitt. Die Kunstgattung schien nicht mehr so recht in die moderne Zeit zu passen. Eine seltene und viel gerühmte Ausnahme bildete Martin Seitz (1895–1988) aus Passau.... more
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      ArchaeologyGemologyArt HistoryGlyptics
Rund um den Kurfürstendamm lässt sich um 1900 eine neureiche Gesellschaft in komfortabel ausgestatteten Behausungen nieder. Demonstrativer Konsum gehört hier zum guten Ton. Die richtigen Möbel, das richtige Porzellan, die richtigen... more
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Manchmal erhalte ich sehr interessante Führungsanfragen, für die ich noch einmal ganz anders in die Worpsweder Kunstgeschichte einsteige und recherchiere. So fragte die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie aus Bremen im letzten Jahr eine Führung... more
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      Heinrich VogelerJugendstilRainer Maria RilkeItalien
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      Art HistoryFin de siècle ViennaWiener WerkstätteJugendstil
En las siguientes páginas, se ofrece por primera vez una edición crítica en español del ensayo de Georg Simmel "Böcklins Landschaften", publicado en 1885 en el semanario Die Zukunft, que editaba en Berlín Maximilian Harden. Estas... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of ArtSchopenhauer19th-century German philosophy
"Salome's Lost Childhood," in “The Nineteenth-Century Child and Consumer Culture, ed. Dennis Denisoff (Ashgate, 2008).
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      Queer TheoryOscar WildeDecadence (Literature)Jugendstil
In beiden deutschen Gesellschaften sahen die 1960er und 70er Jahre Aufstieg und Normalisierung von Jugendstilen, in deren Zentrum internationale Popmusik stand. Aggressive Widerstände konnten die Durchsetzung der Jugendkultur im Westen... more
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      Popular MusicPopular CultureHistory of Childhood and YouthYouth Culture
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureColor (Philosophy)Color symbolism
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      Art NouveauJugendstilSecesija
L'opera di Klee si caratterizza per una sorta di costitutiva duplicità, tutt'altro che priva di pertinenze nella tradizione tedesca o svizzero-tedesca: come per un dono di veggenza, in altre parole, intrecciato a uno scrupolo di... more
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      German StudiesContemporary ArtGerman ExpressionismAbstraction
La publication de ma thèse de doctorat a été soutenue par mes deux universités de tutelle, l’Ehess et l’Université de Constance (D). Elle a fait l’objet d’une présentation de recherche à la Maison des sciences de l’homme de Paris. Les... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual propagandaVisual SemioticsHistory of Art
Catalogue of Tel Aviv Museum of Art exhibition (26 Oct 2012 - 2 March 2013), presenting selection of works by Jugendstil / Art Deco / Deutsche-Werkbund designer and artist Friedrich Adler (1878-1942) in context of Zionist movement and... more
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      Decorative ArtsStained GlassTextile DyeingGravestones
If Jens Peter Jacobsen is still read today, it is mostly as a Scandinavian classic and in the Nordic countries. And yet, there was a time when he was considered a world classic, on a par with Ibsen and Strindberg. In Germany especially,... more
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      Intellectual HistoryThomas MannLiterary SymbolismDanish Literature
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      ArchitectureUrban StudiesArt NouveauJugendstil
Was verbindet Heinrich Vogelers Möbelentwürfe mit den Bauernmöbeln der Teufelsmoor-Region? Das war die Fragestellung, die zu der Ausstellung "Mein Bauer ist mein Herz" im Haus im Schluh führte, die von Oktober 2007 bis Januar 2008... more
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      Heinrich VogelerJugendstilVolkskundeWorpswede
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      Baroque Art and LiteratureWalter BenjaminBaroque to NeobaroqueFin de siècle Vienna
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      Art HistoryGerman ExpressionismLorraineHistoire de l'art
Article consacré à la redécouverte récente d'un portail monumental réalisé d'après un projet d'Anton Seder et considéré comme détruit.
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      Art NouveauGoldsmitheryJugendstilStrasbourg
This article investigates a book-illustration in Jugendstyle by the Swedish painter Axel Törneman: “Head of Medusa” (1907), a cover to Gustaf af Geijerstams novel with the same title. This article offers a new interpretation of Törnemans... more
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      Art HistoryMass cultureGreek MythJugendstil
In linea con la riscoperta erudita delle «industrie artistiche», diffusa prioritariamente in ambito mitteleuropeo a cavallo tra Otto e Novecento, Klee mostra a più riprese un interesse spiccato, a tratti “poveristico”, per le arti... more
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      Art HistorySurrealismSymbolismGerman Expressionism
Chapitre du catalogue édité en néerlandais, anglais et allemand à l'occasion de l'exposition itinérante New Woman and Art nNouveau présentée à Amsterdam, Braunschweig et Karlsruhe
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      Gender StudiesArt HistoryWomen's StudiesJugendstil
Introduction to Rainer Maria Rilke's "Das Stunden-Buch" (1905). Text based on commentary in: Rainer Maria Rilke, Werke in 4 Bden. und einem Supplementband. Vol. 1: Gedichte 1895-1910.
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureLiteratureModernist poetry
«Dal cuscino del sofà fino alla costruzione delle città», questo il motto che animò le ricerche di architetti, pittori e designer variamente coinvolti nelle vicende del Werkbund tedesco dal 1907 fino alla Prima Guerra Mondiale. La lotta... more
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      Art NouveauLewis MumfordCharles Rennie MackintoshJoseph Maria Olbrich