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      Media and Cultural StudiesNew Media and EducationJournalism EducationEconomic and Business Journalism
Based principally on verbal data collected through interviews with journalists, journalism educationists, journalist trainers, and curriculum analysis, this study notes some progress made in the field of Malawian journalism since... more
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      Political ScienceMedia PolicyJournalism EducationJournalism And Mass communication
Community radio has assumed a monumental growth in the last two decades in several nations of the world. This development is largely due to its potential to democratize and provide a horizontal form of communication, thus, contributing... more
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      Health CommunicationJournalism TrainingINTERNSHIPSDevelopment Communication
Bu çalışmanın üzerinde durduğu nokta iletişim/gazetecilik eğitimi veren fakültelerde insan hakları ve demokrasi eğitiminin yeridir. Konunun belirlenmesinde etkili olan unsur ise demokrasi ve insan hakları konusundaki çarpıklıkları ve... more
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      Journalism StudiesJournalism TheoryCommunication skills trainingJournalism And Mass communication
While media assistance boomed in the 1990s, few of the so-called “media missionaries” stopped to do the grunt work: monitoring and evaluation. Since then, donors and implementers in the media assistance field have shown a growing... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesJournalismInternational Development
Based principally on verbal data collected through interviews with journalists, journalism educationists, journalist trainers, and curriculum analysis, this study notes some progress made in the field of Malawian journalism since... more
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      Media PolicyJournalism EducationJournalism And Mass communicationJournalism Training
The formation of customary international law has long been criticized for its lack of a clear methodology, characterized by an ambivalent relationship with state consent. Although customary international law seems to be entirely a... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSemioticsCultural Studies
Ellen Hume, Director of the Center on Media and Society at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, drafted a report based on her extensive research and interviews as well as the first World Journalism Education Congress held in Singapore... more
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      CommunicationEducationMedia StudiesJournalism
Bu çalışmada Dünya'da ve Türkiye'de gazetecilik eğitimine ilişkin genel bir çerçeve çizilmektedir.
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      JournalismScholarly CommunicationJournalism Training
CIMA is pleased to release a new report, Covering Elections: The Challenges of Training the Watchdogs, by Rosemary Armao, a veteran journalist and journalism educator. Election training for journalists has been something of a sideline in... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesJournalismInternational Development
Community radio has assumed a monumental growth in the last two decades in several nations of the world. This development is largely due to its potential to democratize and provide a horizontal form of communication, thus, contributing... more
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      Health CommunicationDevelopment communicationPolitical ScienceJournalism Training
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologySocial PsychologyCommunication
Community radio has assumed a monumental growth in the last two decades in several nations of the world. This development is largely due to its potential to democratize and provide a horizontal form of communication, thus, contributing... more
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      Health CommunicationDevelopment communicationPolitical ScienceJournalism Training
El presente artículo ofrece los resultados de una investigación de naturaleza exploratoria y descriptiva acerca del papel y la pertinencia de los medios experimentales en la formación de periodistas como fase previa a la concepción y... more
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      Training and DevelopmentOnline JournalismOnline MediaNewspapers and online journalism
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      JournalismJournalism TrainingMagazine JournalismNewspaper Journalism
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      Literary JournalismJournalism Training
There have been growing concerns among mass communication scholars and professionals on how to improve media practice and professionalism in Nigeria. These stakeholders think that a good starting point is an examination of the training... more
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    • Journalism Training
Durante décadas, o jornalismo foi entendido como uma simples prática profissional (uma ocupação), que poderia existir sem a necessidade de uma formação universitária especializada. Neste texto defende-se a formação universitária como a... more
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      JournalismJournalism And Mass communicationNewsmakingJournalism Training
The media in much of sub-Saharan Africa are severely constrained by several factors: lack of resources, government pressure, the influence of media ownership and the declining CQ quality of secondary education and professional education.... more
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      EducationMedia StudiesJournalismAfrica
Based principally on verbal data collected through interviews with journalists, journalism educationists, journalist trainers, and curriculum analysis, this study notes some progress made in the field of Malawian journalism since... more
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      Political ScienceMedia PolicyJournalism EducationJournalism And Mass communication
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      Media and Cultural StudiesNew Media and EducationJournalism EducationEconomic and Business Journalism
Résumé Prisma Presse En 1994, le groupe Prisma a lancé une formation interne à destination de cadres- journalistes baptisée Académie. Après un double échec, cette formule se transforme et est refondée sur un compromis entre la... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismPrecarityJournalism Training
Aro digitalean murgilduta, kazetaritzak orain arte izan dituen hainbat ezaugarri berriro definitzeko beharra du. Garai honek komunikatzeko aukera eta teknika berriak ekartzen dituen era berean, unibertsitatetik erantzun bat jaso beharko... more
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      JournalismE-learningOnline JournalismPeriodismo
In this reflective article, characteristics of the main journalism training systems are analysed: University education, professional schools and training provided by the media industry. The ultimate purpose is to consider an ideal model,... more
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      JournalismHigher EducationDigital JournalismPeriodismo
dans le journalisme contemporain, un champ sémantique beaucoup plus large que la stricte « actualité » ; les objets dont traite la presse et la manière de les aborder se diversi-fient. L'élargissement de la notion d'information tient... more
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      JournalismJournalism Training
On the request of the Center for Independent Journalism in Budapest and with the financial help of the CEE Trust the authors prepared two manuals of investigative journalism, one for students and another one for teachers. The two books... more
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      JournalismInvestigative JournalismJournalism Training
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      JournalismOil and gasJournalism TrainingExtractive Industry, Natural Resources and Development in Africa
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      Media StudiesJournalism TrainingEcole de journalisme
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      Theatre StudiesDevelopment StudiesAgricultural PolicyMedia Education
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      JournalismOnline JournalismJournalism TrainingJournalism Teaching
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      JournalismColombiaCritical Discourse AnalysisMass media
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      CommunicationCommunication ResearchJournalism TrainingPanos London