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El trabajo plantea una aproximación a las dos traducciones catalanas medievales del Liber de Moribus (c. 1300) del dominico Jacobus de Cèssulis y la edición crítica de la primera de ellas (c. 1385), transmitida a través del ms. M (Madrid,... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)History of ChessDominican literature
The Libellus de moribus hominum et de officiis nobilium super ludo scaccorum by Jacobus de Cessolis, written between the end of the 13th and the beginning of the 14th century, is a moral treatise that makes use of the game of chess to... more
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      Romance philologyAllegoryAllegory (Literature)Manuscripts (Medieval Studies)
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      History of ChessJacobus De CessolisLucas van Leyden
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      History of ChessAusiàs MarchInnocent IIIFrancesc Eiximenis
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      Critical ThinkingAndragogyMendicant OrdersHistory of Chess
The philosophy of play during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance has been largely neglected by scholars, despite the fact that influential thinkers, such as Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas, perceived recreational play to be a vital... more
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      Italian StudiesHistory of ScienceIntellectual History of the Renaissance16th Century (History)