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This essay examines and discusses a hitherto unpublished drawing reproducing a fresco in Siena, now lost but traditionally attributed to Simone Martini by sources ranging from Ghiberti to Della Valle. The drawing, from the collection of... more
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      IconographyMedieval StudiesMedieval ArtPrints and Drawings
In my paper, I am discussing Decameron, one of the most important literary works of the 14th century, also known as The Human Comedy. The devastating pandemic of the Black Death of the Middle Ages produced the highest number of lethal... more
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      Comparative LiteratureApocalypticism In LiteratureLiterature and TheologyBoccaccio
The caccia Dappoi che ’l sole by Nicolò da Perugia appears to unfold the classic metaphor of fire to represent the sudden onset of courtly love. The object of passion is a lady whose name is carefully hidden in a numeric senhal: CECILIA.... more
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      Trecento MusicMedieval musicologyCacciaItalian Trecento
Domenica 20 settembre ho partecipato alla maratona di letture organizzata dall'associazione culturale Focara per Dante. Questo è l'estratto della mia ricerca e commento sul Canto II del Purgatorio della Divina Commedia.
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      Dante StudiesDanteDante AlighieriFilologia dantesca
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      PetrarchPetrarcaCanzoniereFrancesco Petrarca
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      Medieval ArtThe Kingdom of NaplesPittura del Duecento e TrecentoMedieval Frescoes
Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi “La Città Europea del Trecento. Trasformazioni, Monumenti, Ampliamenti urbani”, tenutosi a Cagliari nel dicembre 2005. «...Tra le tante ricerche sviluppate in questi anni il convegno sul... more
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      Medieval PalermoHistory of ParisStoria Dell'ArchitetturaPavia
A heavily repainted wooden Crucifix in the parish church of Ussita (near Visso, Macerata) is here published and attributed to a 14th-century Umbrian sculptor, known as the Maestro della Madonna del Duomo di Spoleto (Master of the Spoleto... more
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      UmbriaTrecento PaintingMedieval woodcarvingMedieval Wooden Sculpture
A Prolation Canon for three voices by Johannes Ciconia (c. 1370 – 1412). this piece is a unique example of irregular prolation from the French Ars Subtilior. Utilizing a 4:3:1 proportion, this piece creates an interesting rhythmic phasing... more
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      MusicMusical CompositionMusic HistoryMusicology
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      Patronage (Medieval Studies)Medieval IconographyIconography and IconologyTrecento Painting
Le pareti della Camera d'Amore, che trova posto all'ultimo piano del mastio nel castello di Sabbionara d'Avio, vennero decorate nel Trecento con un ciclo di affreschi di tema profano. In gran parte danneggiati, nel corso del Novecento... more
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      Sexuality and chivalry/courtly loveMedieval ArtCastlesCastle Studies
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      Gruppo 63Giovanni BoccaccioHamilton 90Boccaccio, Decameron
Performance score of Francesco Landini's madrigal, " Musica Son - Già Furon - Ciascun Vuol" transcribed from the Squarcialupi Codex (121v-122r). For a video of the score with a performance see the link below.... more
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      Musical CompositionEarly MusicComposition (Music)History of Musical Composition
A cura di Antonio Calvia e Maria Sofia Lannutti. Gran parte del patrimonio musicale del Trecento italiano resta tuttora accessibile in edizioni complessive ormai obsolete, in cui i testi poetici, talvolta di notevole livello, figurano... more
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      Italian StudiesMedieval StudiesNotation (Music)Medieval Music
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesLegal HistoryEuropean Legal History
This is a comparative manuscript edition of Gherardello da Firenze's (c. 1350) caccia "Tosto che l'alba". Herein you can see the difference between the piece's three available sources listed below. For a performable realization of this... more
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      MusicMusical CompositionEarly MusicMusic Education
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      Political SociologyUrban PoliticsUrban HistoryUrban Planning
This essay investigates reactions to the recurring disaster of bubonic plague by analysing a series of miniatures in the chronicle of Lucchese apothecary Giovanni Sercambi. Completed in 1400, the richly illustrated manuscript (Lucca,... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance ArtManuscript StudiesHistory of Plague
This is a performance edition of Gherardello da Firenze's (c. 1350) caccia, "Tosto che l'alba." This edition is a combination of the three available sources for this piece, selecting those options which are optimal when differences arise... more
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      MusicMusical CompositionEarly MusicMusic Education
This paper examines one of the most vivid passages in trecento historiography: Petrarch’s eyewitness account in Familiares V.5 of the Tyrrhenian earthquake and tsunami of 25 November 1343 that destroyed all shipping on the Bay of Naples,... more
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      Mediterranean StudiesMediterranean Underwater ArchaeologyNatural DisastersGender and Natural Disasters
Edizione critica e commentata a cura di V. Celotto
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      BurchielloItalian TrecentoLiterary Nonsensepoesia comico-realistica
For an audio-video animation of the manuscript with the modern transcription see the link below: An edition of the anonymous labyrinthine ballade on three canons, "En la maison Dedalus" (In the... more
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      MusicMusical CompositionEarly MusicMusic Education
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      Milan (Late Middle Ages)Filologia Italiana Letteratura Italiana del RinascimentoMilanoLetteratura italiana
Edition of Lorenzo da Firenze's caccia, "A poste messe" with english lyrical text underlay. For a video-score of this edition with a recording see the link below: Transcribed from the... more
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      MusicMusical CompositionEarly MusicMusic Education
Nel lavoro si analizzano le rime di corrispondenza dei trecentisti, con un focus particolare su Franceco Petrarca, Fazio degli Uberti e Francesco di Vannozzo. Dall'indagine sugli elementi fàtici e allocutivi contenuti nei testi sono... more
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      Medieval LiteratureItalian StudiesPetrarchItalian Literature
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesItalian LiteratureItalian Trecento
Nella prima metà del Trecento Siena raggiunse il culmine della potenza economica e del suo sviluppo demografico. S’iniziavano solo a intravedere alcune avvisaglie della crisi che l’avrebbe colpita a metà secolo e nei decenni successivi.... more
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      Art HistoryGothic StudiesHistory of ArtMedieval Art
Testo di un reading musicale a più voci, tenutosi Libreria Amore e Psiche il 14 febbraio 2006,con la mia conduzione, che intende delineare, attraverso una selezione di passi dalla cornice del Decameron e di novelle significative a tale... more
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      Lingua E Letteratura ItalianaDecameronStoria Della Lingua ItalianaGiovanni Boccaccio
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      Medieval Italian LiteratureCourts and Elites (History)MIlan under Visconti and SforzaItalian Trecento
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryCatalan Studies
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    • Italian Trecento
Riflessioni sui Fioretti di San Francesco in chiave letteraria e spirituale
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      UmanesimoMedioevoCristianesimoSan Francesco di Assisi
L’arretramento cronologico del ciclo di dipinti murali nella cappella annessa alla chiesa rotonda di San Galgano sul Monte Siepi (che oggi sappiamo eseguiti da Ambrogio Lorenzetti intorno al 1334-35) e il recupero dell’identità del... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryItalian artHistory of Art
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesSound studiesVoice (Music)
The present article focuses on the analysis of two manuscripts that seem to be symptomatic of the subtle and variegated reception of the Ovidian Metamorphoses in fourteenth-century Italy: on the one hand, the luxurious copy of the of... more
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    • Italian Trecento
L'odierna riflessione estetica sulle cornici architettoniche dipinte da Giotto deve confrontarsi con la storiografia e con la filosofia della storia. Le sue motivazioni duecentesche possono essere considerate in antitesi alle conseguenze... more
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      GiottoGiovanni BoccaccioPittura del Duecento e TrecentoItalian Trecento
Pietro Lorenzetti signed no fewer than nine paintings during his career, more than any other European artist until Jan van Eyck a century later. He also left an unprecedented “double signature” on one work, with the first inscription... more
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      IconographyAuthorship AttributionItalian Renaissance ArtMedieval Italy
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      TrecentoItalian Trecento
Animato da un'instancabile curiosità verso i classici antichi e moderni, Benvenuto da Imola elabora dei commenti vivaci, ricchi di agganci coi principali dibattiti culturali in corso, stesi in un latino gesticolato. Il volume esamina i... more
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesItalian StudiesMedieval Studies
Un diagramma della fortuna storica e le metamorfosi dell'immagine del grande artista trecentesco.
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      Art HistoryGothic StudiesHistory of ArtMedieval Art History
El presente artículo (que complementa otros dos trabajos previos de nuestra autoría) propone interpretar el ramo de lirios en las imágenes medievales de La Anunciación según dos significados dogmáticos, cristológico y mariológico,... more
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      IconographyTheologyPatristicsMedieval Theology
In the decades after 1300 you find in Italy an intensive re-reading of ancient texts and especial of Ovid, which is connected with the intellectual cultures of the cities. One example is of course Dante with his specific amalgam of... more
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      Manuscript StudiesAncient myth and religionMedieval illuminated manuscriptsOvid Metamorphoses
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      Heritage ConservationRestauration and ConservationTrecento PaintingTrecento and Quattrocento Italian Art
[«Il latino e i volgari italiani negli scritti di architettura dal Medioevo al Rinascimento»] In the Italian Renaissance there was a great variety of the architectural texts and besides the treatises of the architects (for exemple, Leon... more
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      Art HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsLexicologyLate Middle Ages
Nicolò del Preposto’s works are a significant example of the remarkable combination of poetry and music in fourteenth-century Italy. This new critical edition of the literary texts and musical settings, intended for scholars and... more
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      PhilologyMusic HistoryMusicologyRomance philology
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      Art HistoryArtMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      ReligionHistoryTheologyMedieval History
This essay examines the iconography of Mary sewing or doing other needlework in a domestic interior, a theme developed in the Lorenzetti circle and in other 14th-century Italian art such as small paintings by Niccolò di Buonaccorso,... more
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      Medieval Sermon StudiesTrecento PaintingHistory of needleworkAmbrogio Lorenzetti
Transcription of Matteo da Perusio's canonic Gloria from Codex Modena A. For a score-video with recording see the link below.
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      MusicMusical CompositionMusic HistoryMusic Theory
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      Dante StudiesRenaissanceDanteDante Alighieri