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نوشتارِ حاضر درپی آن است که روشی نو برای طبقه‌بندی و نمایه‌نویسیِ قصّه‌های پیامبران عرضه کند. بدین منظور و برای نمونه، نخست قصّة کودکی موسی از کهن‌ترین منابع فارسی گردآوری شد. سپس برای تبویب یا رده‌بندی و کدنویسیِ این قصّه، از شیوة تحلیلِ... more
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      Persian LiteratureIndexingIslamic Learning Stories of Prophets
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      Islamic PhilosophyIslamic EducationIslamic StudiesSufism
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      IntertextualityRereading and IntertextualitySwahili LiteratureIslamic Learning Stories of Prophets
Pode-se afirmar, sem sombra de dúvida, que desde o início do movimento dos seguidores de Muḥammad (primeira metade do século VII AD), a figura da Virgem Maria ocupou proeminente lugar na espiritualidade e teologia islâmicas. Os muçulmanos... more
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      Quranic StudiesIslamic StudiesEarly Christian Apocryphal LiteratureMuslim-Christian Relation
Was Muhammad the only author of the Qur'an? Was Muhammad the only prophet in 7th century Arabia? Was Islam created by numerous poets and prophets?
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      Islamic PhilosophyQur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesIslamic History
Although a textual relationship between Arabic Muslim texts and their rendition through Swahili epic poems (tendi) is acknowledged in Swahili poetry studies, “translation” is not a straightforward explanation of this relationship.... more
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      PalimpsestsAdaptation (Literature)Swahili LiteratureQisas Al-anbiya'
This is the story of the plagues God inflicted on the Pharoah and his people because he refused to let his slave population of Hebrews leave. It is also about the struggle of Moses with the Pharoah until God indicated the time was ripe to... more
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      Comparative ReligionIslamic StudiesQuran's TranslationsIslamic Learning Stories of Prophets
In this article, we shall discuss causal loop (FPCL) which is a concept that is both fascinating and complex. Here, we can only scratch the surface of it. However, it shows us that our understanding of space and time and the human mind... more
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      PsychologyScientific Proof of GodIslamic Learning Stories of Prophets
First published in:

Scientific GOD Journal | November 2011 | Vol. 2 | Issue 8 | pp. 740-752
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    • Islamic Learning Stories of Prophets
Review Article: C.A. SEGOVIA, The Quranic Noah and the Making of the Islamic Prophet: A Study of Intertextuality and Religious Identity Formation in Late Antiquity (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - Tension, Transmission, Transformation,... more
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    • Islamic Learning Stories of Prophets