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      AssyriologyOld Babylonian periodSumerologyMiddle Babylonian period
In this review article, the 221 Old Babylonian letters published by Andrew George (2018) in CUSAS 36 are discussed. They stem mostly from southern Iraq covering a period of time between ca. 1880 and 1712 BCE. The most interesting group is... more
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      AssyriologyOld Babylonian periodIsin-Larsa Period
Ana kullanım amacı ürünlerin bir yerden bir yere nakli sırasında güvenliği, bir odanın veya odanın içerisindeki ürünlerin korunması olsa da farklı kullanım amaçları da bulunan mühürler, gerek üzerindeki betimlemeler ve gerekse... more
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyLate Bronze Age archaeologyAncient Near East (Archaeology)
ABSTRACT: This lecture focuses mainly upon Mesopotamia and Syria during the Middle Bronze Age (ca. 2,000 - 1,550 BCE), which translate into the Isin-Larsa period to Old Babylonian period. The lecture begins with a brief overview on the... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
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      Ancient HistoryAssyriologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamia History
(Please contact me if you require an offprint of this paper.) In the second third of the 19th century BC, the kingdom of Larsa in southern Mesopotamia went through a politically tumultuous phase. During this period, an individual with... more
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      Ancient HistoryAssyriologyMesopotamia HistoryAncient Near East
A myriad of cuneiform texts indicate that Dilmun was one of Mesopotamia’s principal Bronze Age trading partners. In this contribution an alternative explanation will be proposed on how and when it seized control over the maritime Gulf... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyAnthropology
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      HistoryMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamia HistoryAkkadian Language
Since 2016, one of the most important projects in the history of Slovak archaeology takes place in the Southern Mesopotamia. It is the archaeological project SAHI – Tell Jokha. This project is researching an important site where,... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyMiddle East Studies
Počiatky starovekého orientálneho mesta Babylon, ktorého panovníci založili rovnomennú ríšu, časovo nadväzujú na vytratenie sa Sumerov z chodu dejín. Nepomohla im ani súdobá vyspelá kultúra, remeselná výroba, písomníctvo, veď popri... more
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      Mesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamia HistorySumerianAkkadian
This paper publishes a praise poem of Warad-Sîn, king of Larsa. The manuscript, a one-column tablet, comes from a private collection and is unprovenanced (Kress 41 = CDLI P333397) The text might be an excerpt from a longer composition.... more
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      Ancient Near EastSumerianSumerian & Akkadian literatureAssyriology Sumerology Akkadian Sumerian Sumerian & Akkadian literature Sumerian Religion Mesopotamia History Ancient Mesopotamian Religions Cuneiform Ancient Near East Ancient Near Estern Languages Religious Studies
"Recent studies of the faunal remains from the Danish excavations at Qal'at al-Bahrain show that a substantial portion of the Early Dilmun material consisted of sea turtles. So far two species have been identified in Early Dilmun... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyAnthropologyZooarchaeology
An edition of a royal hymn to king Gungunum of Larsa celebrating his victory over the Didnu tribes. The text is philologically and historically discussed, showing it is a later copy of a now lost original. The royal ideology behind the... more
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      Sumerian & Akkadian literatureMesopotamian historyIsin-Larsa PeriodRoyal ideology in the ancient Near East
An index to the Diyala pottery cited in Armstrong and Gasche's study of second millennium B.C. pottery in Mesopotamia  (2014, Ghent and Chicago, MHE II: VI0.
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      Mesopotamian ArchaeologyOld Babylonian periodKassitesLate Old Babylonian period
In addition to the small group of well-known Old Babylonian incantations dealing with diseases that have fallen from the sky, there is now a complete new manuscript dated from the 19th century BC and most probably originating from the... more
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      AssyriologyHistory of ReligionAkkadianOld Babylonian period
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      ArchaeologyAssyriologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyIranian Archaeology
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Mesopotamian ArchaeologyOld Babylonian periodEarly Dynastic Sumer
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      Sumerian & Akkadian literatureIsin-Larsa Period
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      UrIsin-Larsa PeriodSumerian Administrative Documents
The Israel Museum houses a well-preserved rectangular tablet (H 6.7 cm; W 4.6 cm) catalogued as IMJ 80.60.190, which records a field pur- chase dated with the eighth year name of Warad-Sîn, king of Larsa.
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      Old Babylonian periodAssyriology Sumerology Akkadian Sumerian Sumerian & Akkadian literature Sumerian Religion Mesopotamia History Ancient Mesopotamian Religions Cuneiform Ancient Near East Ancient Near Estern Languages Religious StudiesIsin-Larsa Period
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyArchitectureMesopotamian Archaeology
The construction of cities, their monumental structures and ceremonial spaces, and their cultural life occupy considerable space in the early literary compositions from southern Mesopotamia. The scholarship on Mesopotamian cities has been... more
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      Sumerian ReligionAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
07.04.2021, 12th ICAANE, Workshop 1: Ceramic Traditions and Cultural Territories: New Research Approaches in the Study of the South Mesopotamia Pottery The excavations on the southern mound of Ur conducted by Prof. Dr. Adelheid Otto... more
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      Mesopotamian ArchaeologyOld Babylonian periodPotteryAncient Pottery Analysis
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      AssyriologyMesopotamia HistoryOld Babylonian periodMesopotamia
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      Old Babylonian periodLarsaIsin-Larsa Period
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      Old Babylonian periodLarsaIsin-Larsa PeriodBarley Loan Contracts
Aj v roku 2017 v južnej Mezopotámii prebiehal jeden z najvýznamnejších výskumov v dejinách slovenskej archeológie. Ide o Projekt SAHI – Tell Jokha. Skúma dôležitú starovekú lokalitu, na ktorej podľa vedcov v 3. tisícročí pred n. l.... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyMesopotamian Archaeology
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      Old Babylonian periodANE Cylinder SealsAncient Seals and SealingsAmorites
These are figs. 1-4 of my published paper but in the high resolution.
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      ArchaeologyAncient Near EastAncient Near East (Archaeology)Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)
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      SumerianAkkadianOld Babylonian periodCuneiform
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      Ancient Near EastCuneiformAssyrian Royal InscriptionsUr III administrative texts
Résumé: Nous présentons dans cet article l'histoire du régne de Rim-Sin d'aprés Ia doeu-mentation offlcielle de Larsa, mais aussi d 'aprês Ia correspondance des ambassadeurs de Mari à Babylone, qui nous informe sur le processus de... more
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      Ancient HistoryMesopotamia HistoryPolitical HistoryBabylon
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      AssyriologyMesopotamia HistoryMesopotamian ReligionsAncient Mesopotamian Religions
Archaeological investigations of the largest urban centers in southern Mesopotamia have excluded collection and detailed interpretation of faunal remains. This exclusion has resulted in a biased interpretation of urban dynamics based... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyWetlandsMesopotamian Archaeology
This paper provides an overview of the archaeological data concerning the transition from Early Bronze Age to Middle Bronze Age in the Upper Khabur valley, in the Syrian Jezirah. The long sequence of occupation exposed in area G at Tell... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyNear Eastern StudiesComparative sequence analysisMesopotamian Archaeology
The post-IIc period, a transitional phase between the “Golden Age” of the City IIb-c period and the annexation of Dilmun by foreign powers during City IIIa, is still poorly understood. Examination of City «IIF» pottery from Excavation 420... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyLate Bronze Age archaeologyEconomic archaeology
In 2018, A. R. George published a transliteration and translation of a large group of cuneiform letters, including more than 30 letters written in the name of king of Larsa Sumuel (1894–1866 BC) and his entourage. Letters... more
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      Old Babylonian periodLarsaSouthern MesopotamiaIsin-Larsa Period
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      AssyriologyOld Babylonian periodIsin-Larsa Period
The survey carried out in 2015 and 2016 in the western part of the site (Area C) revealed the presence of materials attributed to the first half of the 2nd millennium BC. Comparisons allow us to date this assemblage to a chronological... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Iraqi HistoryMesopotamian ArchaeologyOld Babylonian period
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      Historical GeographyAssyriologyMesopotamia HistoryAncient Near East
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      AssyriologyOld Babylonian periodIsin-Larsa Period
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyHistorical Archaeology