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This three-volume work provides a complete study of this well-known group of animals, dealing with every level of their biological organization, from the molecular to the zoological. The leech, once so prominent in the history of... more
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      ZoologyInvertebrate BiologyInvertebratesInvertebrate Immunology
One of the dogmas of comparative (evolutionary) immunology for the last few decades has been that all invertebrates lack any form of immunological memory similar to that found in jawed vertebrates. Vaccinating invertebrates, such as... more
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      Invertebrate BiologyCrustaceaInvertebrate ImmunologyAquaculture
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      ImmunologyDrug DesigningFish ImmunologyComputational Drug Designing
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      Invertebrate ImmunologyAquaculture
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      Invertebrate ImmunologyCrabsMarine ParasitologyMarine Fungi
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      Invertebrate ImmunologyAquaculture
Microplastics (MPs) are established contaminants of coastal ecosystem. Present investigation is aimed to assess comparative toxicity of polystyrene microplastic (PS-MP) and expanded polystyrene microplastic (EPS-MP) in the coelomocytes of... more
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      Marine BiologyEnvironmental ToxicologyAquatic ToxicologyInvertebrate Immunology
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      Invertebrate ImmunologyMultidisciplinaryCrabsApplied Environmental Microbiology
Specific interactions between parasite genotypes and host genotypes (Gp x Gh) are commonly found in invertebrate systems, but are largely lacking a mechanistic explanation. The genotype of invertebrate hosts can be complemented by the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyParasitologyImmunologyEcology
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      PathologyHematologyImmune responseInvertebrate Biology
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      PhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsMaterials ScienceStatistical Mechanics
A survey of some immune functions of the haemolymph and circulating haemocytes of the lesser octopus, Eledone cirrhosa was carried out. Alpha-macroglobulin-like activity was found in the serum but not in the amoebocytes. Amoebocytes... more
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      ImmunologyInvertebrate BiologyMolluscan BiologyInvertebrate Immunology