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Avvertenza: la tesi qui riportata è stata sottoposta a una lieve revisione formale rispetto alla versione sottoposta alla commissione di laurea. Condurre una vita associata significa oggi, in buona parte, condurre una vita connessa.... more
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      Media SociologyInformation TechnologyPhilosophy Of LanguageNew Media
Die globale Verbreitung sozial geteilter Bildinhalte und die konzernorientierte Ausrichtung von Online-Plattformen, Messenger-Diensten und Sozialen Medien haben den Stellenwert der Ernährungskultur weitreichend verändert. Der vorliegende... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesInternet StudiesSociology of Food and Eating
Comment internet modifie-t-il nos façons de se rencontrer, de travailler, de militer, de consommer ou de se cultiver ? Des questions devenues centrales, tant les technologies internet sont aujourd’hui intimement liées à nos existences.... more
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      SociologyMedia StudiesInternet StudiesInternet Sociology
Vastly growing online free-hospitality networks are a phenomenon of modern times. They have been already subject of social and peace studies, here explored from the perspective of information science. The main focus in this research,... more
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      SociologyTourism StudiesIntellectual PropertyKnowledge Management
L'introduction de mon mémoire original d'HDR, soutenue le 9 décembre 2019.
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      Internet SociologySociology of consumptionOnline Consumer Behavior
The aim of this essay is to outline and analyze milestones in the history of the Internet. As technology advances, it presents new societal and ethical challenges. Section II concerns the formative years (1957-1984). The early Internet... more
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      ScreenwritingEducationWeb 2.0Design
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      Anthropology of TourismInternet SociologyKenyaWildlife Conservation
Les hackers et autres bidouilleurs développent souvent un goût précoce pour l'informatique et les usages détournés des dispositifs numériques. Ce travail s'appuie sur une enquête ethnographique au sein d'hackerspaces, ainsi que des... more
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      Media SociologyInternet SociologySocializationSociology of Professions
The objective of paper is to describe processes related to the so-called balkanization of the Internet.
Paper presented at "WARSAW REGIONAL FORUM 2017 Space of flows"  18–20 October 2017, Warsaw.
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCultural GeographySocial Geography
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to show the limits of a-hierarchical organization in the Wikimedia movement governance model. Wikimedia governance, as well as the dynamic transformations it is currently undergoing, remains to be... more
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      Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)Online CommunitiesInternet SociologyPeer Production
Якою є роль інформації у суспільних процесах? Яким чином перетворити свободу інформації на благо для реалізації прагнення людини до свободи ?
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      Information SocietyInternet SociologyFreedomSocial Media, Internet, Democracy and Politics
The author gives an assessment of the influence of technologic innovations (personal computers, smart phones, Internet) on the build-up of the culture of innovative thinking and on conditions of promotion of other innovations. Using... more
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      Internet SociologySociology of Everyday Life
Les hackers et autres bidouilleurs informatiques developpent souvent un gout pour l’informatique et les usages detournes des dispositifs numeriques. Ce travail s’appuie sur une enquete ethnographique au sein d’hackerspaces, ainsi que des... more
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      Media SociologyInternet SociologySocializationSociology of Professions
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      Media StudiesInternet Sociology
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    • Internet Sociology
This paper draws from a federally funded study on intelligent, real-time mass analysis of public life in Germany. It examines how large-scale monitoring data and learning algorithms are currently used in local police procedures – ranging... more
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      Police ScienceData MiningInternet SociologySurveillance Studies
Treatments of new media in the Middle East seem often to stall on restricted views of communication as message-passing, variable reception by individuals, and averaging them as 'audience' or, in political terms, as 'public' opinion.... more
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      Middle East & North AfricaInternet SociologyInternet CommunicationPublic sphere (Communication)
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      Visual SociologyInternet SociologyUrban Social MovementsSociology of Social Movements
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      Self and IdentityInternet SociologyThe SelfSociology of Technology
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      Cultural SociologyInternet SociologySociology of Libraries
Estudio y análisis crítico de como es utilizada por un grupo de jóvenes la Net para pasar el tiempo libre en una biblioteca pública, y de cómo la experimentan, sienten y valoran. El presente artículo explora el tema considerando que la... more
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      Cultural SociologyInternet SociologySociology of Libraries