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"In cities around the world, individuals and groups are reclaiming and creating urban sites, temporary spaces and informal gathering places. These ‘insurgent public spaces’ challenge conventional views of how public spaces are defined and... more
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      UrbanismDemocracyPublic SpaceCommunity Design
To address the theme of urban divides, this essay focuses on acts of commoning and their potential for overcoming social, political, and spatial divides—divides that have become deeply entrenched in cities and societies today, as... more
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      CommonsHong KongInsurgent Public SpaceUrban Commons
"從突尼西亞到埃及,從占領華爾街到占領土耳其的廣場,從北半球的香港到南半球巴西,城市造反事件如野火燎原般席捲全球。這股從城市點燃的人民之火向我們指引了前方的道路。我們想問的是,人民的力量如何參與新公共空間的建立,又如何打破權力者與既得利益者的城市想望?在新一波的公民行動中,對城市空間的改造如何能夠帶給社會關係、政治過程和文化認同新的解答?... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationUrban PlanningUrban StudiesPublic Space
Unsanctioned, unscripted, and seemingly “undesirable” activities have long appropriated urban spaces in routine and sometimes unexpected ways, bringing new meanings and unforeseen functions to those places. In the last decade or so, such... more
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      Spatial PracticesUrban DesignInsurgent PlanningUrban Informality
《反造再起》為「反造系列」第二輯,以「城市共生」為主軸,分為〔關懷弱勢:人生百味、萬華協力〕〔老城再生與活化:台中中區再生、高雄哈瑪星〕〔聯合公民社會和公部門資源:Open Green〕〔人群關係的再造:古風小白屋、南機拌飯〕〔用其他方式重組社區關係:玖樓共生公寓、燦爛時光書店、都農網、還我特色公園行動聯盟〕五大方向,收錄十二個經典案例。各案例之間並非獨自發展,而是可資相互參照,彼此交疊。在實踐上這些案例也相互協力和串連,有的已經發展出社會企業甚至商業化的運作方式。... more
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      Taiwan StudiesCommunity DesignPlacemakingInsurgent Public Space
Recent global appropriations of public spaces through urban activism, public uprising, and political protest have brought back democratic values, beliefs, and practices that have been historically associated with cities. Given the... more
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      Privatisation Of Public SpacePublicness of Public SpaceUrban Public Open SpacePublic spaces
Radical geographers have been preoccupied with Marxism for four decades, largely ignoring an earlier anarchist tradition that thrived a century before radical geography was claimed as Marxist in the 1970s. When anarchism is considered, it... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic History
While temporary urbanism has experienced a resurgence of interest in Western Europe and North America, the phenomenon of urban flux has long been an everyday phenomenon and even a norm in many East Asian cities. In the dense and populous... more
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      PlacemakingInsurgent PlanningUrban InformalityInsurgent Public Space
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      Self-OrganizationUrban StudiesPublic SpaceInsurgent Public Space
Since the 1970s, in Cairo, the mainstream planning tried to cope with growth and overcrowding by strengthening spatial control. The governmental centralization of power and resources resulted in a substantial deficit of govemance. The... more
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      Irregular/Informal Settlements StudiesContemporary Vernacular ArchitectureInformal SettlementsInsurgent Public Space
Collaborative planning is an often-debated approach in conjunction with attaining more sustainable cities. Many models were theorized to help implement a more collaborative planning process, such as when municipalities employ... more
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      Political ScienceUrban PlanningInsurgent Public SpaceUrban Densification
Esta investigación se centra en especular sobre la naturaleza de lo público y reformular las condiciones fundacionales del espacio público. Así, se proponen los espacios autogestionados sin mediación institucional como alternativas a un... more
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      Public SpherePublic SpaceSquattingEspacio Publico
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      Public SpaceInsurgent Public SpaceArchitecture and Public Spaces
從十四、十五號公園到華光社區,從樂生爭議到大埔事件,從溪洲部落到華光社區,在全球化的時代,我們追逐國際美好城市的榮銜,公園綠地、便捷交通、拔地而起的嶄新高樓,窄化為我們視野裡唯一的目標。為了這些競爭力,政府進行美其名為都市規劃,實際作為卻是Cities for... more
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    • Insurgent Public Space
"從十四、十五號公園到華光社區,從樂生爭議到大埔事件,從溪洲部落到華光社區,在全球化的時代,我們追逐國際美好城市的榮銜,公園綠地、便捷交通、拔地而起的嶄新高樓,窄化為我們視野裡唯一的目標。為了這些競爭力,政府進行美其名為都市規劃,實際作為卻是Cities for Sale的手段:讓大資本進駐、清除邊緣族群的身影、抹除歷史紋理,彷彿眼不見為淨。... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationUrban PlanningUrban StudiesTaiwan Studies
In order to dialog with the theme of this V!RUS journal issue “Weaving the City”, this article intends to discourse – in a free and fun manner – about the city as surplus value and consequently as a class struggle from the experience of... more
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      DesignGentrificationSocial ActivismUrban Furniture
Starting from the analysis of two case studies of temporary (re)appropriation and reconversion of urban unused areas for public purposes, such as the appropriations / (re) appropriation of the former Tempelhof airport area in Berlin and... more
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      Urban and community planningSocial WelfareInsurgent Public SpaceUrban Commons
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      Self-OrganizationUrban PlanningContested Spaces (Sociology)Creative City
International organizations promote the equitable provision of open public spaces (OPS) as a strategy for healthy cities planning. In the context of high-density Asian cities, the densely built environment, constraints generated by... more
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      Pedestrian Walkability (Architecture and public spaces)Michel de CerteauHong KongPolicy Analysis
「暮らしの芸術都市」は、現代における日常生活の営みから芸術を捉え直し、多様な表現にあふれる都市を創造する試みです。その取り組みのひとつとして、まちづくりやアート、コミュニティをテーマにした交流会「TOWN DRINKS」を毎月開催しています。今回はゲストに千葉大学園芸学部教授の木下勇さんと、ワシントン大学准教授・ランドスケープ学科長でジェフ・ホウさんのお二人をお招きします。それぞれ、まちのアイデンティティや持続可能性、公共空間の利活用などについてお話しいただく予定です。
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      Community DesignDIY cultureInsurgent Public SpaceInsurgent urbanism, urban morphology, informal settlements
Starting from the analysis of two case studies of temporary (re)appropriation and reconversion of urban unused areas for public purposes, such as the appropriations / (re) appropriation of the former Tempelhof airport area in Berlin and... more
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      Political ScienceUrban and community planningSocial WelfareInsurgent Public Space
Since June of 2019 and with no end in sight, the protest movement in Hong Kong has stretched our imagination about the possibilities of social and political movements. It has challenged what is conceivable and practical in terms of... more
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      ProtestDemocracyHong KongPublic Space
This article aims to understand the geographical specificity of the repoliticized public space in the Cabanyal-Canyamelar-a neighbourhood in Valencia (Spain). The goal of this endeavour is to discuss how the struggles over public space... more
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      Privatisation Of Public SpaceUrban StudiesPublic SpaceSpain
Through a brief account of the evolution of city design discourses in the United States, this chapter examines the influence of the everyday and the bottom-up in American city design. It argues that bottom-up, everyday urbanism presents a... more
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      UrbanismUrban DesignDo It Yourself (DIY)Insurgent Public Space
Do-It-yourself (DIY) urbanism is a worldwide movement where individuals make changes to their streets or neighborhoods using creative interventions. DIY urbanism can range from a large-scale event like PARKing Day to organizing a few... more
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      Do It Yourself (DIY)Insurgent Public SpaceTactical UrbanismCreative Placemaking
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      GeographyUrbanismInsurgent Public SpaceRoutledge Unsanctioned, unscripted, and seemingly “undesirable” activities have long appropriated urban spaces in routine and sometimes unexpected ways, bringing new meanings and unforeseen functions to... more
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      Resistance (Social)UrbanismUrban DesignInsurgent Planning
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      Urban PlanningUrban DesignInsurgent PlanningInsurgent Public Space