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The Wadi Bidah Mineral District of Saudi Arabia contains more than 16 small outcropping stratabound volcanogenic Cu–Zn–(Pb) ± Au-bearing massive sulphide deposits and associated zones of hydrothermal alteration. Here, we use major and... more
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      Hydrothermal AlterationIgneous geochemistryVolcanogenic Massive Sulfide
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      Igneous petrologyLarge Igneous ProvincesIgneous Petrology of Granitic SystemsIgneous geochemistry
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      TectonicsMultidisciplinaryLarge Igneous ProvincesMarine geology and geophysics
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
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      Igneous petrologyLarge Igneous ProvincesIgneous geochemistrySupercontinents
Tin-tungsten-associated granites occur widely in the Dawei region of the Southeast Asian tin belt. In this contribution, we present a detailed study of zircon U–Pb geochronology and whole-rock and zircon elemental geochemistry for the... more
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      MyanmarHydrothermal Ore DepositsMagmatic PetrologyGranites
Oceanic island basalts and related magmatic rocks from Hawaii are derived from a compositionally heterogeneous mantle plume. Here we describe how this heterogeneity results from the transport of filaments of a specific composition in the... more
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      GeophysicsPetrologyIgneous petrologyIsotope Geochemistry
The Chahgaz Zn–Pb–Cu volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposit occurs within a metamorphosed bimodal volcano–sedimentary sequence in the south Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone (SSZ) of southern Iran. This deposit is hosted by rhyodacitic... more
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      Zircon U-Pb GeochronologyIgneous geochemistry
Elephanta Island near Mumbai is an important area for understanding the stratigraphic and structural framework of the Deccan flood basalt province in the tectonically disturbed Panvel flexure zone on the western Indian rifted margin.... more
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      Igneous petrologyMineral ChemistryIsotope GeochemistryGeosciences
Oceanic island basalts and related magmatic rocks from Hawaii are derived from a compositionally heterogeneous mantle plume. Here we describe how this heterogeneity results from the transport of filaments of a specific composition in the... more
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      GeophysicsIgneous petrologyIsotope GeochemistryMantle Petrology
The origin of bimodal (mafic–felsic) rock suites is a fundamental question in volcanology. Here we use major and trace elements, high-resolution Sr, Nd and Pb isotope analyses, experimental petrology and thermodynamic modelling to... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyGeochemistryVolcanology
The Woodlark Basin consists primarily of crust formed at the Woodlark spreading center over the last five million years. The basin and spreading center are currently being subducted beneath the New Georgia Group, part of the Solomons... more
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      GeologyMarine GeologyVolcanic GeologySubduction Zone Processes
The Palaeozoic Hodgkinson Province in northeastern Queensland, Australia, is host to Late Ordovician to Devonian rock assemblages that contain tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalts. These basalts occur as massive fault-bounded units... more
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    • Igneous geochemistry
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Elephanta Island near Mumbai is an important area for understanding the stratigraphic and structural framework of the Deccan flood basalt province in the tectonically disturbed Panvel flexure zone on the western Indian rifted margin.... more
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      Igneous petrologyMineral ChemistryIsotope GeochemistryIgneous geochemistry
Olistolith production and magmatism are processes commonly associated with extensional tectonic settings, such as rift basins. We present a cautionary exemplar from one such Precambrian basin, in which we reinterpret metabasite bodies,... more
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      SedimentologyLarge Igneous ProvincesPrecambrian GeologyIgneous geochemistry
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Olistolith production and magmatism are processes commonly associated with extensional tectonic settings, such as rift basins. We present a cautionary exemplar from one such Precambrian basin, in which we reinterpret metabasite bodies,... more
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      GeologySedimentologyLarge Igneous ProvincesPrecambrian Geology
Elephanta Island near Mumbai is an important area for understanding the stratigraphic and structural framework of the Deccan flood basalt province in the tectonically disturbed Panvel flexure zone on the western Indian rifted margin.... more
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      Igneous petrologyMineral ChemistryIsotope GeochemistryGeosciences
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Abstract Tin-tungsten-associated granites occur widely in the Dawei region of the Southeast Asian tin belt. In this contribution, we present a detailed study of zircon U–Pb geochronology and whole-rock and zircon elemental geochemistry... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryMyanmarHydrothermal Ore Deposits
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      GeologySedimentologyLarge Igneous ProvincesPrecambrian Geology
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      GeologyGeochemistryEconomic GeologyIgneous petrology
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      GeologyGeochemistryEconomic GeologyIgneous petrology
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      Melt InclusionsFluid InclusionIgneous geochemistry