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Este capítulo está dedicado a las fuentes ópticas de Leonardo da Vinci, que pueden haber contribuido a su conocimiento y a su pericia práctica de la perspectiva. Para estudiar las fuentes de Leonardo, aplicaré el "método de los... more
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      History of Perspective in PaintingHistory of ScienceTexts and transmissionLeonardo da Vinci
Year 2015 marks the thousandth anniversary of the publication of the first volume of the seven-volume treatise on optics, Kitab al-Manazir (Book of Optics) in 1015, by Ibn al-Haytham, which drastically transformed our understanding of the... more
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      OpticsHistory of ScienceIbn al-Haytham
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      OpticsManuscript StudiesCamera ObscuraIbn al-Haytham
The modern physiological optics introduces the notions related to the conditions of fusion of binocular images by the concept of correspondence, due to Christiaan Huygens (1704), and by an experiment attributed to Christoph Scheiner... more
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      Physiological OpticsHistory of ScienceBinocular visionHistory of Ophthalmology and Visual Science
This article aims to obtain a pattern of scientific research to study about Islam. Specifically, the model is based on the functions of Alhazen’s scientific research. It is further examined from the perspective of fard ayn knowledge. The... more
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      Islamic ScienceIbn al-HaythamIslamic Management, Islamic Research Methodology, Islamic Development
From the madrasa-graduate establishing the scientific method to the inventor of algebra; from the geographer of the most accurate map in the pre-modern world to the theologian-poet whose travels exceeded Marco Polo, Magellan or Columbus;... more
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      Ibn KhaldunIbn SinaAbu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali (d. 1111)Ibn Arabi
In genere si identifica nella sola prospettiva lineare il contributo della scienza alla pittura rinascimentale. In questo saggio mostro come la teoria ottica scientifica possa aver contribuito alla formazione dell'estetica realista del... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of IdeasRenaissance StudiesHistory of Science
This article has two main purposes. First, to identify the sources of the formation of Ibn al-Haytham’s scientific thinking; and second, to analyze his scientific thinking worldview. The scientific thinking worldview refers to a holistic... more
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      Islamic Thought & PhilosophyIslamic ScienceIbn al-HaythamScientific Thinking
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of ScienceAristotleHistory of Science
Abstrak Dalam mempelajari ilmu pengetahuan tentunya banyak sekali ilmuan-ilmuan muslim yang sangat berperan dalam berkontribusi di dalamnya. Sudah banyak diketahui bahwa pada masa keemasan Islam banyak bermunculan ilmuan-ilmuan yang... more
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    • Ibn al-Haytham
Ibn al-Haytham (ou Alhazen), que viveu dez séculos atrás, é um dos homenageados do "Ano Internacional da Luz", por causa de suas pesquisas sobre óptica. Cerca de 1000 anos atrás, ele propôs uma nova interpretação da visão, que teve enorme... more
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      Historia de la ciencia medieval y renacentista, Filosofía griega, ArgumentaciónIbn al-HaythamHistória da FísicaHistoria Da Fisica
The scientific method has become a universal research methodology. However, this method is still based upon Western epistemology and worldview. In fact, Western scholars are of the opinion that if any field of knowledge intends to achieve... more
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      Islamic Thought & PhilosophyIslamic SciencesIbn al-HaythamScientific Thinking
Since the nineteenth century, much research has been published in various languages about Ibn al-Haytham and his works in optics and mathematics. Since then, we have found in the writings of scholars that he has had extensive knowledge... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyArabic PhilosophyHistory of Islamic AstronomyHistory of Islamic Civilization
Tutto quello che sappiamo della vita di Ibn al-Haytham viene dai racconti dei quattro bio-bibliografi Ṣāʿid al-Andalusī, al-Bayhaqī, Ibn al-Qifṭī e Ibn Abī Uṣaybiʿa (Sabra 1989, II: xix-xxiv; Rashed 1993: 1–19)… Ibn al-Haytham non morì... more
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      History of Perspective in PaintingHistory of ScienceTexts and transmissionLeonardo da Vinci
This paper aims to identify the underlying elements in Ibn al-Haytham philosophy of science and to analyze it from the Islamic theory of knowledge views. The discourses about the theory of knowledge often debate in contemporary philosophy... more
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      Islamic Thought & PhilosophyIslamic ScienceIbn al-HaythamScientific Thinking
Title: The Origins of Renaissance Perspective Theory Author: WANG Zheran Published: Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2019 Description: 291 pages Language: Chinese Series: Tsinghua Studies on History and Philosophy of Science... more
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      OpticsHistory of MathematicsHistory of ArtPiero della Francesca
Leonardo da Vinci has long been celebrated for his consummate genius. He was the painter who gave us the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, and the inventor who anticipated the advent of airplanes, hot air balloons, and other technological... more
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      OpticsRenaissance StudiesHistory of Perspective in PaintingRenaissance Art
Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) was known through his contributions in the field of optics and his magnum opus, Kitāb al-Manāẓir. Beside of the optical theories introduced by him, his study also set out a systematic research methodology known as... more
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      Islamic ScienceIbn al-HaythamIslamic Management, Islamic Research Methodology, Islamic Development
Zhao Youqin, a Taoist in Yuan Dynasty, presented an optical thesis named “Xiaoxia Guangjing” (images by an aperture) in his astronomical book Gexiang Xinshu. So far, abundant academic discussions had been made on the thesis. However,... more
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      OpticsAristotleIbn al-HaythamTransmission of Knowledge
The discussions on epistemology are closely related to the source and methodology of obtaining knowledge. Today's modern scientific methodology which is driven by logical positivism philosophy lay too much importance on data that can be... more
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      Value TheoryIslamic EpistemologyIbn al-HaythamScientific Research
261 pp. Springer (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics) – This book provides the critical edition of Ibn al-Haytham’s On the Shape of the Eclipse with English translation and commentary, which records the first scientific... more
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      OpticsPhilosophy of ScienceArchitectureMedieval History
Ibn al-Haytham is a well-known Muslim scientist in the field of physics, specifically in optics and astronomy. However, this paper aims to analyze his thought in teaching and learning even though he is not involved in education. The... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationIbn al-Haytham
Scientific methodology was first introduced in the social science discipline through Émile Durkheim's work entitled Rules of Sociological Method. Nevertheless, scientific methodology is presumed to be inadequate when wholly applied in... more
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      PhilosophyEducationResearch MethodologyIslamic Contemporary Studies
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      Ibn al-HaythamSquaring the CircleHistory of Islamic MathematicsAlhazen
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      OpticsHistory of MathematicsHistory of Islamic scienceIbn al-Haytham
Was the Renaissance a miraculous and unique case of spontaneous combustion or was it set aflame by torch carriers arriving from elsewhere? This course will examine the traffic of ideas that flowed into Europe over the course of the... more
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      Dante StudiesMedieval IslamGalileo GalileiAl Farabi
Scientific methodology was first introduced in the social science discipline through Émile Durkheim’s work entitled Rules of Sociological Method. Nevertheless, scientific methodology is presumed to be inadequate when wholly applied in... more
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      PhilosophyEducationResearch MethodologyIslamic Contemporary Studies
Questa nota documenta il funzionamento della tavoletta sperimentale costruita da Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) per studiare la visione binoculare, ed i risultati delle cinque esperimenti ideati da lui per evidenziare le condizioni di fusione... more
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      OpticsVision ScienceMedieval StudiesHistory of Perspective in Painting
The concept of aerial perspective has been used for the first time by Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519). This article studies its dependence on Ptolemy’s Optica and overall on the optical tradition inaugurated by Ibn al-Haytham’s Kitāb... more
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      History of Perspective in PaintingHistory of ScienceVisual perceptionHistory of Art
ابن هیثم بدون شک یکی از مهمترین دانشمندان سده های نخست تمدن اسلامی است. نگاشته های او در شاخه های مختلف ریاضیات و طبیعیات و به ویژه نورشناسی مهمترین گواه جایگاه علمی برجسته او به شمار می رود. این نگاشته ها در سال های گذشته مورد توجه... more
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      History of MathematicsHistory of ScienceHistory of PhysicsHistory of Islamic Civilization
A comparison of the manuscripts has shown that De li aspecti, the Italian version of Alhacen's De aspectibus, Vat. lat. 4595 (I), was copied from London, British Library, Royal 12.G.vii (L). The discovery of long omissions in L, not... more
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      Latin manuscriptsIbn al-HaythamHistory of optics
The archaeology of Persia may be a significant element of the jigsaw of understanding the antecedents of film and moving image – in particular animation. In this paper the roots of the cinematic moving image have been analyzed in tandem... more
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      19th Century (History)Optical toys, pre-cinematic imagesMedia ArcheologyCinema history
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      Medieval ScienceIbn al-HaythamHistory of opticsHistory of Arabic Science
Scientific methodology was first introduced in the social science discipline through Émile Durkheim's work entitled Rules of Sociological Method. Nevertheless, scientific methodology is presumed to be inadequate when wholly applied in... more
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      PhilosophyEducationResearch MethodologyIslamic Contemporary Studies
261 pp. Springer (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics) – This book provides the critical edition of Ibn al-Haytham’s On the Shape of the Eclipse with English translation and commentary, which records the first scientific... more
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      OpticsPhilosophy of ScienceArchitectureMedieval History
Abū 'Alī al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥasan ibn al-Haytham (aproximadamente 965-1040), conhecido no ocidente como Alhacen ou Alhazen, é um pensador islâmico homenageado no " Ano Internacional da Luz ". Cerca de mil anos atrás (não exatamente em 1015)... more
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      Ibn al-HaythamHistória da FísicaHistória da óptica
The title story of October,2015 issue of Urdu Science Monthly covers Ibn al Haytham,the Father of Optics as a part of our 12-month series of articles on Light,celebrating 2015 as International Light Year in memory of Ibn al Haytham.There... more
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      Urdu LiteraturePopular ScienceScience PopularizationLight
Scientific methodology was first introduced in the social science discipline through Émile Durkheim’s work entitled Rules of Sociological Method. Nevertheless, scientific methodology is presumed to be inadequate when wholly applied in... more
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      Islamic Thought & PhilosophyIslamic ScienceIbn al-HaythamScientific Thinking
The Museums of Science and Technology in Islam in Frankfurt and Istanbul exhibit many mathematical and optical instruments. One of them is an instrument to solve Alhazens problem to find reflection points in curved mirrors. The instrument... more
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      Leonardo da VinciIbn al-HaythamMathematical InstrumentsReflection Points
Abstrak Dalam mempelajari ilmu pengetahuan tentunya banyak sekali ilmuan-ilmuan muslim yang sangat berperan dalam berkontribusi di dalamnya. Sudah banyak diketahui bahwa pada masa keemasan Islam banyak bermunculan ilmuan-ilmuan yang... more
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    • Ibn al-Haytham
ABSTRACT: The Liber de crepusculis by Gerard of Cremona is the Latin version of a lost text written by the Andalusi judge Ibn Mu'ādh al-Jayyānī. Authorship of the original Arabic text was attributed to Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) until the... more
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      History of IdeasTranslation StudiesArabic Language and LinguisticsApplied Linguistics
Geoffrey Chaucer’s interest in optics has been considered by scholars in light of his depiction of love and its relationship to knowledge and metaphysics. Chaucer employs the literary motif of love at first sight both metaphorically and... more
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      ChaucerHistory of ScienceMedieval ScienceIbn al-Haytham
This paper generally intends to obtain a scientific research concept based on Islamic understanding in order to carry out research on Islam. Specifically, the concept examined Ibn alHaytham’s roles in doing scientific research. This paper... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceIbn al-Haytham
Ptolemy's model of ecliptical planetary latitude is one of the issues that has always been important for astronomers. The planets do not always move on the ecliptic in their motions, in most moments they are slightly superior or inferior.... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of AstronomyHistory of Islamic AstronomyPtolemy
The discussions on epistemology are closely related to the source and methodology of obtaining knowledge. Today’s modern scientific methodology which is driven by logical positivism philosophy lay too much importance on data that can be... more
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      PhilosophyValue TheoryIslamic EpistemologyIbn al-Haytham
This paper aims to identify the underlying elements in Ibn al-Haytham philosophy of science and to analyze it from the Islamic theory of knowledge views. The discourses about the theory of knowledge often debate in contemporary philosophy... more
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      Islamic Thought & PhilosophyIslamic ScienceIbn al-HaythamScientific Thinking
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      Islamic ScienceIbn al-Haytham