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O presente estudo procurou investigar as representações sobre o agir docente em um texto oficial, que apresenta algumas orientações legais, norteando o processo de escolha do livro didático pelo professor. Para tal, nos ancoramos nos... more
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      ISDTrabalho Docente
A combined methodology for information systems analysis and design is presented. The basis of the methodology is a hybrid of two existing methodologies, ISAC and NIAM. The business analysis and information analysis of ISAC are combined... more
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      Systems AnalysisConceptual Modeling and Semantic ModelsISDInformation System Development Method
תוכן העניינים
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      Information SystemsFunctional AnalysisIS Project ManagementEnterprise Information Systems
A methodology that combines and integrates the major stages of information systems development is presented. The methodology is based on hierarchical data-flow diagrams (DFD), which are used to perform a functional analysis of the system.... more
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      Systems AnalysisSoftware EnginneringSoftware Requirement EngineeringSoftware System Analysis and Design Methodologies
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      InteractionismLanguage AcquisitionISDBasque
O texto discute diversos sentidos do termos "discurso", definido por autores como Bronckart, Foucault, Hall, Fairclough, Maingueneau, Van Dijk, e como o ISD concebe a noção de discurso.
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      ISDDiscursoRelações de poderInteracionismo Sociodiscursivo
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This material is brought to you by the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) at AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). It has been accepted for inclusion in AMCIS 2005 Proceedings by an authorized administrator of AIS Electronic... more
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      Computer ScienceCollaborationKnowledge sharingKnowledge Transfer