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Die 1372 m lange und 90 m tiefe Schauhöhle Laichinger Tiefenhöhle ist ein 3-dimensionales Labyrinth. In der Höhle überwiegen phreatische Formen bei weitem, auch die vertikal ausgebildeten Teile sind phreatisch geprägt. Im Artikel wird die... more
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      SpeleogenesisPhreaticCupolaHypogene Speleogenesis
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      KarstologyHypogene Speleogenesis
This book illustrates the diversity of hypogene speleogenetic processes and void-conduit patterns depending on variations of the geological environments by presenting regional and cave-specific case studies. The cases include both... more
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      Karst GeomorphologyHydrogeology, Karst hydrogeologyHypogene Speleogenesishypogene karst
This book provides an overview of the principal environments, main processes and manifestations of hypogenic speleogenesis, and refines the relevant conceptual framework. It consolidates the notion of hypogenic karst as one of the... more
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      Karst hydrogeologyKarst GeomorphologyHypogene Speleogenesis
Caves formed by rising sulfuric waters have been described from all over the world in a wide variety of climate settings, from arid regions to mid-latitude and alpine areas. H2S is generally formed at depth by reduction of sulfates in the... more
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      SpeleogenesisCave and Karst StudiesCavesHypogene Speleogenesis
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      KarstologyHypogene Speleogenesis
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      KarstologyHypogene Speleogenesis
Petralona Cave is one of the most important caves in Greece, due to the abundant paleontological findings of Middle Pleistocene age. Is Petralona Cave a typical karst cave? For almost half a century it was considered to be so.. In the... more
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      SpeleologySpeleogenesisHypogene Speleogenesis
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      FranceCave and Karst StudiesKarstologyHypogene Speleogenesis
Caves formed by rising sulfuric waters have been described from all over the world in a wide variety of climate settings, from arid regions to mid-latitude and alpine areas. H 2 S is generally formed at depth by reduction of sulfates in... more
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      SpeleologySpeleogenesisCave and Karst StudiesKarstology
Piedmont (N-Italy) is one of Italy's regions where Messinian gypsum outcrops most extensively. Some gypsum caves have been explored in the past, but no detailed speleogenetic studies have been carried out. The discovery of unexpected... more
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      Gypsum cavesHypogene Speleogenesis
Il complesso delle grotte del Cavallone, nella spettacolare Valle di Taranta, fra Lama dei Peligni e Taranta Peligna, in Majella, ha affascinato i curiosi e interessato gli studiosi per diverso tempo, sin dalla prima esplorazione della... more
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      GeologySurvey MethodologySpeleologySurvey
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      FranceSpeleologySpeleogenesisCave and Karst Studies
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      FranceCave and Karst StudiesKarstologyHypogene Speleogenesis
Karst in Sicily develops in both Messinian gypsum and Mesozoic or Tertiary limestone rocks. Caves are also found in the basalts of Mount Etna. Except for some rare cases, until recently most caves developed in limestone were considered to... more
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      SpeleogenesisHypogene Speleogenesissulfuric acid karst
In Sardinia, no active hypogenic caves have yet been discovered or described. Although there are a few thermal springs, mostly correlated to Quaternary volcanic activity, none of these thermal waters have interacted with carbonate rocks.... more
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      SpeleogenesisHypogene Speleogenesissulfuric acid karst
A growing number of studies suggest that cave formation by deep-seated groundwater (hypogene) is a more common process of subsurface water–rock interaction than previously thought. Fossil hypogene caves are identified by a characteristic... more
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    • Hypogene Speleogenesis
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      Karst GeomorphologySpeleogenesisMacedoniaCave and Karst Studies
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      FranceCave and Karst StudiesKarstologyHypogene Speleogenesis
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      SpeleologyCave and Karst StudiesHypogene Speleogenesis
Исследованы области распространения гипсовых отложений в Новоафонской пещере, структурно-морфологические особенности гипса и приведены результаты определения изотопного состава серы (δ 34 S). формирование массивных гипсовых отложений... more
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      SpeleothemsSpeleogenesisHypogene SpeleogenesisGypsum Speleothems
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    • Hypogene Speleogenesis
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      FranceSpeleothemsHypogene Speleogenesis
Овој труд има за цел да и го претстави на македонската карстологија концептот на хипогена спелеогенеза, а воедно и да даде некои прелиминарни податоци за појавата на хипоген карст во Република Македонија. Во првиот дел на трудот е... more
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      SpeleogenesisCave and Karst StudiesHypogene Speleogenesis
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      SpeleothemsSpeleologyKarst and speleologyCave and Karst Studies
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      SpeleologyCave and Karst StudiesHypogene Speleogenesis
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      Baleares /Balearic IslandsSpeleologyHypogene Speleogenesis
Karst in Sicily develops in both Messinian gypsum and Mesozoic or Tertiary limestone rocks. Caves are also found in the basalts of Mount Etna. Except for some rare cases, until recently most caves developed in limestone were considered to... more
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      SicilyHypogene Speleogenesis
Kraushöhle (Gams, Styria, Austria) is the only currently known sulfuric acid cave in the Eastern Alps. Cupolas, ceiling partings and portals, ceiling channels, replacement pockets, horizontal corrosion/ convection notches, sulfuric acid... more
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      SpeleogenesisCave and Karst StudiesHypogene CaveHypogene Speleogenesis
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      FranceCave and Karst StudiesKarstologyHypogene Speleogenesis
In the present study the morphology of Almopia Speleopark caves is described in order to discuss preliminarily their speleogenesis in relation to the hydrogeological zones. At least two phreatic phases seem to exist with respect to the... more
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      SpeleologySpeleogenesisHypogene Speleogenesis
Cave Sheki-Hiech in the Shatoi district of the Chechen Republic was studied for the first time. Full-scale observations, as well as hydrological, geomorphological, mineralogical and geochemical investigations, allow the Sheki-Hiech cave... more
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      SpeleothemsHypogene Speleogenesis
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      Karst GeomorphologySpeleologyMacedoniaCave and Karst Studies
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      Karst GeomorphologyFranceCave and Karst StudiesKarstology
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      FranceCave and Karst StudiesKarstologyHypogene Speleogenesis
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      FranceSpeleothemsHypogene Speleogenesis
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      Baleares /Balearic IslandsSpeleologyHypogene Speleogenesis
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      FranceCave and Karst StudiesKarstologyHypogene Speleogenesis
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      ItalySpeleogenesisCave and Karst StudiesKarstology
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      Karst GeomorphologyItalyCave and Karst StudiesKarstology
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      Karst GeomorphologyFranceSpeleogenesisCave and Karst Studies
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      Archaeology of Caves and Caverns (Archaeospeleology)SpeleogenesisCave and Karst StudiesHistory of Mineralogy
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      FranceSpeleogenesisKarstologyHypogene Speleogenesis
Caves in the Devils Hole Ridge near Ash Meadows (Nevada) are thought to have been formed by extensional tectonics. Here, we summarize observations of the morphologies of caves formed by condensation corrosion above a moderately thermal... more
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    • Hypogene Speleogenesis
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      Southeast Asian StudiesPaleometallurgyHypogene Speleogenesis
XXIII Всероссийская научная молодёжная конференция «Уральская минералогическая школа 2-4 ноября 2017 г. Екатеринбург: Альфа-Принт, 2017. С. 215-222.
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      Cave and Karst StudiesHypogene SpeleogenesisCave Sediments
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      FranceSpeleogenesisWater TableKarstology
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      Karst GeomorphologySpeleologyMacedoniaCave and Karst Studies
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      SpeleologySicilyHypogene Speleogenesis