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Il volume propone un quadro sintetico ma aggiornato delle forme del potere nel mondo greco tra iv e i secolo a.C., fra la tirannide e la nuova concezione di regalità introdotta da Alessandro Magno. La chiave di lettura è la reazione... more
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      Greek TragedyHellenistic LiteratureHellenistic HistoryAncient Greek History
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      Hellenistic HistoryHellenistic GreeceHellenistic CourtHellenistic Politics
Lo studio propone un'analisi dello «stato regale» asmoneo in rapporto con le diverse componenti ideologiche e le applicazioni storiche del sistema delle monarchie ellenistiche. La vicenda della dinastia giudaica viene ricondotta al... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryCourts and Elites (History)Seleucid EmpireHellenistic Judaism
This is a meticulous survey of the reception of some lyric subgenres in Hellenistic poetry and it is meant to be the first of a series of contributions on the subject. Leaving aside lyric in a religious context, the paper is divided into... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek HistoryHellenistic Literature
Tesi di Laurea Specialistica (un-published), 2012
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      Hellenistic HistoryHistory of Ancient MacedoniaThessalyHellenistic Kingship
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      Local HistoryCultural PoliticsAncient Greek HistoriographyHellenistic Court
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      Hellenistic HistoryHellenistic KingdomsHellenistic CitiesHellenistic Court
Prosopographical study on Themison, "adelphidous" of Antiochos III, author of a dedicace to Zeus Kasios on behalf of the royal family. Hypothesis on his family ties with the dynasts of Telmessos.
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      ProsopographyPolybiusHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorHellenistic Monarchy
From 330 B.C. Alexander transformed his court by adopting a number of court personnel and practices from the Achaemenids. This included the adoption by the king of a mixed Persian and Macedonian royal costume, proskynēsis, Persian... more
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      Alexander the GreatOrientalismpower politics at the court of AlexanderHellenistic Court