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      Translation StudiesJapanese Language And CultureTranslation from Japanese to EnglishTranslation
The article is a short random reflection on haiku  writing experiences of the poet as an Indian. It also reveals the poet's journey as a haikuist over the last three decades.
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      PoetryHaikuIndian Writing in EnglishHaiku and tanka
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      Creative WritingAmerican LiteratureSociologyCultural Studies
C'est un événement unique. Ce sont des vibrations nées entre les dessins et les mots inscrits sur du papier. Elle sont créées à travers l'encre et le papier comme supports uniques, accrochés aux murs de la galerie de la Mairie du 1-er... more
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      HaikuHaiku and tankaLogogramsHaiku and Haiga
Pequeño ensayo sobre el poeta Peter Nim y sobre su producción de haikus. El mismo incluye la traducción de algunos de ellos.
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      PoetryContemporary PoetryHaikuHaiku and tanka
"Santiago Villafania is a searcher with a seemingly insatiable curiosity and endurance. His quest has brought him to explore world poetry from points East and West. He is no stranger to sophisticated verse forms such the Sapphic strophe... more
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      PoetryFree VerseHaiku and tankaPangasinan Poetry
Masaoka Shiki's relationship with the painter and calligrapher Nakamura Fusetsu and how they influenced his ideas on realism in the haiku, tanka, and essay. Excerpt from Masaoka Shiki: His Life and Works, my biograpy of Shiki.
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      Japanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureDiary StudiesHaiku and tanka
Ein praktisches Verständnis von Silben im Deutschen zu entwickeln ist für Lerner japanischer Muttersprache kein leichtes Unterfangen. Die bekannten japanischen Gedichtformate Haiku und Tanka bieten jedoch interessante Möglichkeiten. Für... more
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      RhythmHaikuSpeech RhythmSyllable
This provides a list of almost all of my publications, including books.
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      Creative WritingEnglish for Specific PurposesAcademic WritingCommunication Skills
Haiku in Polish. Genology in the Transcultural Perspective The book counts among comparative cultural studies. It presents a panorama of artistic phenomena of the broadly understood modernism: in Poland and, to an extent, in Western... more
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      Japanese StudiesGenre studiesGenre TheorySensuality
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      Greek LiteratureGreek LanguagePoetryModernist poetry
Páginas 11 a 25 de Luna en la hierba, libro de poemas antiguos japoneses elegidos, traducidos y comentadas con cierta minucia. La edición es bilingüe (Hiperión, Madrid, 2007, 120 pp.) y aún está en venta en España. Nunca llegó mucho a... more
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      Translation of PoetryHaiku and tankaPoesíaPoesía mexicana
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CulturePoetry
English version of introduction to Spanish edition of 赤糸で縫いとじられた物語 (El hilo rojo que une el abandono) by Terayama Shuji.
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureMagicLabyrinths
Livro MAIS OUTRA, da multi-artista Lica Cecato, com tradução do português ao japonês por Megumi Arai, Stefania Baldi e Yuichiro Satoh; produção e realização Amalia Tarallo; Editora Giostri. A versão em japonês foi lançada no Japão, na... more
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      Japanese Language And CultureHaikuHaiku and tanka日本語教育
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      PoetryIndian English LiteratureNortheast IndiaIndian Literature
It contains almost all my poems published from 1974 to 2009 including haiku and tanka. These include : My Silence (1985), Memories Unmemoried (1988), Music Must Sound (1990), Flight of Phoenix (1990), Two Poets (1994), Above the Earth's... more
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      Creative WritingEnglish for Specific PurposesAcademic WritingCommunication Skills
Già dall'anno di nascita del poeta Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 - il 1867- si può intuire quale fu la sua posizione all'interno del panorama letterario giapponese. Nato in un momento di passaggio - dall'epoca Tokugawa 徳川 (1603-1867) a quella... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese Language And CultureJapanese HistoryModern Japanese Literature
This interview focuses on aspects of Lenard D. Moore's creative practice that have been overlooked. He is strongly associated with Eastern traditions, and especially forms and themes connected to Japan, such as haiku and tanka. But... more
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      American LiteratureAfrican American LiteratureContemporary PoetryHaiku and tanka
松尾芭蕉という名は、日本において知らない者はおそらくいないであろう。古今に並ぶものなく優れた俳人として、日本人の誰もが「古池や蛙飛び込む水の音」や「荒海や佐渡に横たふ天の川」などといったこの俳聖の名句の一句や二句は頭に入っていると思われる。東明雅『芭蕉の恋句』... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureJapanese
The book (ISBN 9786069450925) is a bilingual collection of my haiku, tanka and other poems, published by Anticus Press, Constanta, Romania, on December 11, 2017. The translators are Alexandra Flora Munteanu and Taner Murat. It is also... more
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      Translation of PoetryContemporary PoetryHaiku and tankaIndian English Poetry
This inquiry builds on the work of such thinkers as David Abram and Maurice Merleau- Ponty; like their work, it addresses the fact that people in the Western developed world, through their acculturations, sacrifice intimacy with the... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese Language And CultureTranspersonal PsychologyComparative Mysticism
1. A Preliminary Reflection on Pastiche (As Well As Parody); 2. On Japanese honkadori as Catalysis; 3. Some Conclusions: On Originality
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese Language And CulturePoetryPoetics
Latin article about the practice of writing haiku and tanka poems in Latin, with a Latin tanka by the poet Giovanni Maria Tosi.
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      Japanese StudiesClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin Literature
Resumen: El presente trabajo se ocupa de estudiar la materialidad del haiku japonés de principios del siglo XX. Luego de un panorama general de los estudios del haiku en Occidente, se ocupa de la presentación de una categoría... more
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      Material PoeticsHaikuHaiku and tankaMateriality
Tradiční japonská poezie tanka a haiku za sebou již měla několik staletí existence, když na sklonku 19. století, v období enormních společenských změn, náhle musela čelit konkurenci v podobě západních literárních forem proudících do... more
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      Modern Japanese LiteratureHaiku and tanka
This Mamba issue is an enthralling collection of beautiful haiku poems from Zambia, Morocco, Syria, Algeria, Tunisia, Bulgaria, and Japan, the birthplace of haiku. We are ecstatic about this issue and the calibre of the haiku contained... more
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      African LiteratureHaiku and tankaAfrican PoetryAfrica Haiku
ਹਾਇਕੂ “ਪਲ” ਦੇ ਪਾਰ : ਹਾਇਕੂ ਸੰਬੰਧੀ ਆਧੁਨਿਕ ਮਨੌਤਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਬਾਸ਼ੋ ਤੇ ਬੁਸੋਂ—ਹਾਰੂਓ ਸ਼ਿਰਾਨੇ
ਅਨੁਵਾਦ : ਦਲਵੀਰ ਗਿੱਲ
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      HaikuHaiku and tankaHaiku PoetryHaiku and Haibun
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      PhilologyClassicsLatin LiteratureLatin and Greek
Overview of Japanese poetry in Heisei Era (1989-2019), especially in terms of ethnography of the poetry world and its sociopolitical functions.
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      Japanese LiteraturePoetryTranslation of PoetryModern Japanese Literature
The review essay by Patricia Prime deals with poet Ram Krishna Singh's GOD TOO AWAITS LIGHT published in September 2017. It highlights how the poet tackles the intriguing questions about our humanity with warmth, insight and critical... more
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      Contemporary PoetryHaiku and tankaIndian English PoetryRksingh
Il poeta giapponese Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902) deve la sua fama non soltanto ai numerosi e pregevoli haiku e tanka che compose, ma anche all'aver saputo insufflare nuova forza in questi due generi poetici che stavano attraversando una... more
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      HaikuHaiku and tankaHaiku PoetryJapanese short form poetry
Descrição: título: MAIS OUTRA isbn: 9788581086316 idioma: Português encadernação: Brochura formato: 14 x 21 páginas: 128 ano de edição: 2014 edição: 1ª autor: Lica Cecato A energia do oriente faz bem à Lica, sendo que é multi-lateral e... more
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      DesignKabukiHaiku and tankaPoesía
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      HaikuHaiku and tanka
Mamba 8 is another appetite-whetting haiku poetry compilation from Africa. We include “Editor’s Choice” poem for the first time. The prestigious spot this time goes to Chada Aabak Alkalimat (Morocco) for her haiku “a pearl” and commented... more
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      African LiteratureHaikuAfricana StudiesHaiku and tanka
Upon arrival to Brazil in 1908, Japanese immigrants began creating a communal Japanese Brazilian narrative that acts as an alternative to Japanese and Brazilian histories and literatures. Pre-World War II immigrants, bound not only by... more
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      Japanese StudiesComparative LiteratureBrazilian StudiesHaiku and tanka
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      Haiku and tankaIndian English PoetryRksingh
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureJapanese Literature and Culture
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      English LiteratureTeaching English as a Second LanguageJapanese LiteraturePoetry
Haiku e tanka scritti dai simbolisti russi Andrej Belyj, Konstantin Bal'mont, Valerij Brjusov. Traduzione, prefazione e nota alla traduzione. 88 pagine. Edizioni San Marco dei Giustiniani, maggio 2017.
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      HaikuHaiku and tankaAndrej BelyjRussian Symbolism
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      PoemsHaiku and tankaIndian English PoetryRksingh
Με αφορμή την πρόσφατη δημοσίευση του ποιητικού τόμου της Αναστασίας Πεπέ (1956- ) Συλλογή 22 ΤΑΝΚΑ (2020) θα κάνουμε μια σύντομη αναφορά στο συγκεκριμένο ποιητικό είδος από την Ιαπωνία και στην παρουσία του στην ελληνική γλώσσα.
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      Modern Greek literatureHaiku and tankaModern Greek PoetryTanka
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryLatin American Studies
This 10th anniversary issue cements The Mamba's reputation as Africa's most prestigious international haiku voice. The issue includes new haiku voices from Jordan, Macedonia, Slovenia, and other places. The founders of Africa Haiku... more
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      PoetryTranslation of PoetryHaikuEnglish language and literature
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      PoetryPoeticsTwentieth-Century and Contemporary PoetryIndian English Literature