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"The secular cooling of the mantle and of the continental lithosphere trigger an increase in the area of emerged land. The corollary increase in weathering and erosion processes has major consequences for the evolution of Earth's external... more
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      Earth SciencesGeophysicsSedimentologyStructural Geology
Le refroidissement seculaire du manteau terrestre et de la lithosphere continentale se traduit par l'augmentation de la surface de terres emergees. L'augmentation corollaire des processus d'alteration et d'erosion des silicates a des... more
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      Earth SciencesGeophysicsSedimentologyStructural Geology
This paper discusses the advance of the speleothem luminescence research. Potential, resolution and limitations of high resolution luminescence speleothem proxy records of Paleotemperature, Solar Insolation, Solar... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental GeographyPhysical GeographyPalaeogeography
The British-Irish Palaeogene Igneous Province (BIPIP) is part of the larger North Atlantic Igneous Province and includes the lava fields of Antrim, Mull, and Skye. The Tardree Rhyolite Complex (TRC) in Northern Ireland forms an important... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryVolcanic GeologyMass Spectrometry
When illuminated by ultraviolet light, many calcite speleothems (stalagmites, stalactites, flowstones) display luminescence caused by the presence of organic (humic) substances oc- cluded in the calcite. The amplitude of... more
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      GeographyPhysical GeographyEarth SciencesEnvironmental Science
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      GeologyGeochemistryPetrologyMetamorphic Petrology
The composite intrusions of Drumadoon and An Cumhann crop out on the SE coast of the Isle of Arran, Scotland and form part of the larger British and Irish Palaeogene Igneous Province, a subset of the North Atlantic Igneous Province. The... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyGeochemistryVolcanology
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      ArchaeologySoil ScienceGeological Processes, GeochemistryPlant cell biology
Multiple competing hypotheses have been proposed to explain the source of loess dust in the Carpathian Basin yet none has been demonstrated. Here bulk and grain-size differentiated Nd and Sr isotopic and bulk and clay mineralogical... more
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      GeochemistrySedimentologyQuaternary GeologyZircon U-Pb Geochronology
Mineral and aqueous geochemical data are combined with a conceptual groundwater flow model, to establish the origin and fate of iron, aluminium and manganese in the groundwater system of a small backbarrier island. The flow model domain... more
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      GeomorphologyHydrogeologyCoastal ProcessesGroundwater modeling
The scope of activities of University Center for Space Research and Technologies (UCSRT) includes fundamental and applied research in the field of theoretical and experimental physics, space physics, geophysics, atmospheric physics,... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryGeographyHistorical Geography
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      GeochemistryEnvironmental Geochemistry (Environmental Studies)Water qualityFluoride
University Centre for Space Research and Technologies, Sofia University performs scientific and applied research, and education in Space Research and Technologies, which have applications in Monitoring of Pollutions and... more
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      Engineering PhysicsHistoryAncient HistoryGeography
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    • Geological Processes, Geochemistry