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      Mathematical PhysicsPhysicsNuclear PhysicsQuantum Physics
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsTensor product semigroupsCalabi-Yau
The magnetofluid unification is constructed using lagrangian approach by imposing a non-Abelian gauge symmetry to the matter inside the fluid. The model provides a general description for relativistic fluid interacting with either Abelian... more
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      Gauge FieldYang-Mills TheoryGauge Symmetry
AbstractThe work extends the A. Connes’ noncommutative geometry to spaces withgeneric local anisotropy. We apply the E. Cartan’s anholonomic frame approachto geometry models and physical theories and develop the nonlinear... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum CosmologyHigh Energy PhysicsDifferential Geometry
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum GravityDifferential GeometryLinear Algebra
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      EngineeringQuantum Field TheoryDeformation QuantizationPhysical sciences
We construct unified models of weak and electromagnetic interactions using just three gauge fields which correspond to the intermediate vector boson and the photon. These models may be renormalizable, and do not predict processes... more
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      PhysicsWeak interactionPhysical sciencesGauge Field
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      PhysicsQuantum GravityBlack HolesQuantum Field Theory
In these lectures, I discuss the role of symmetries in particle physics. I begin by discussing global symmetries and show that they can be realized differently in nature, depending on whether or not the vacuum state is left invariant by... more
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      Particle PhysicsQuantum ChromodynamicsHigh Energy PhysicsStandard Model
In this notes the background independent formulation of the gauge theories on D-branes in flat space-time is considered, some examples of the solutions of their equations of motion are presented, the solutions of Dirac equation in these... more
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      Gauge theoryDirac equationSpace TimeGauge Field
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      Black HoleGauge Field
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      MathematicsField TheoryMechanicsQuantum Theory
We showed before that self-dual electromagnetism in noncommutative (NC) spacetime is equivalent to self-dual Einstein gravity. This result implies a striking picture about gravity: Gravity can emerge from electromagnetism in NC spacetime.... more
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      Higher Order ThinkingGauge Field
We review the general theory of duality rotations which, in four dimensions, exchange electric with magnetic fields. Necessary and sufficient conditions in order for a theory to have duality symmetry are established. A nontrivial example... more
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      Particle PhysicsMagnetic fieldGauge Field
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      Quantum GravityMathematical SciencesGauge theoryPhysical sciences
In this notes the background independent formulation of the gauge theories on D-branes in flat space-time is considered, some examples of the solutions of their equations of motion are presented, the solutions of Dirac equation in these... more
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      Gauge theoryDirac equationSpace TimeGauge Field
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      Field TheoryQuantum PhysicsClosed Timelike CurvesUnified Field Theory
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsGauge theoryGauge Field
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesGauge FieldGravity(classical and Quantum)
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      Quantum PhysicsBlack HoleCosmological ConstantChern Simons Theory
We provide a detailed map between wrapped D3-branes in Anti-de Sitter (AdS) backgrounds and dibaryon operators in the corresponding conformal field theory (CFT). The effective five dimensional action governing the dynamics of AdS space... more
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      Field TheoryHigh Energy PhysicsMathematical SciencesAdS/CFT Correspondence
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsParticle PhysicsGauge Field
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum CosmologyHigh Energy PhysicsDifferential Geometry
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      Quantum PhysicsPath Integral DynamicsGauge FieldTopological Charge
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      Physical sciencesMagnetic SusceptibilitySpectrumGauge Field
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      Quantum PhysicsGravity EquationGauge theoryGauge Field
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      Quantum ElectrodynamicsLattice gauge theoryMathematical SciencesExact Renormalization Group
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      Quantum PhysicsPower LawOscillationsBlack Hole
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      Field TheoryQuantum PhysicsQuantum Field TheorySupersymmetry
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      Dark MatterHigh Energy PhysicsLow Energy BuildngsGauge Field
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      High Energy PhysicsClosed Timelike CurvesMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
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      Foundations of PhysicsDark EnergyPhilosophy and Religious StudiesMathematical Sciences
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsQuantum MechanicsInvariant Theory
We describe two interesting effects in wormhole physics. First, we find that a genuinely charged matter source may appear neutral to an external observer - a phenomenon opposite to the famous Misner-Wheeler "charge without... more
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      Quantum CosmologyHigh Energy PhysicsSpace TimeBlack Hole
Due to the fact that only matter fields have phase, frequently is believed that the gauge principle can induce gauge fields only in quantum systems. But this is not necessary. This paper, of pedagogical scope, presents a classical system... more
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      High Energy PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesPhase transition
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsQuantum GravityNumerical Simulation
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      Field TheoryFluid DynamicsLong RangeGauge Field
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      Field TheoryQuantum PhysicsEarly UniverseDomain wall
Sequences of actions do not commute.. For example, the tick of a clock and the measurement of a position do not commute with one another, since the position will have moved to the next position after the tick. We adopt non-commutative... more
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      Quantum MechanicsGauge FieldBoolean Satisfiability
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsDark MatterLarge Hadron Collider
Topological insulators are a broad class of unconventional materials that are insulating in the interior but conduct along the edges. This edge transport is topologically protected and dissipationless. Until recently, all existing... more
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      Quantum PhysicsPhysical sciencesQuantum ComputerCold Atoms Physics
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      Interdisciplinary researchBrane WorldGauge FieldInternational Collaboration
We review the construction of free gauge theories for gauge fields in arbitrary representations of the Lorentz group in $D$ dimensions. We describe the multi-form calculus which gives the natural geometric framework for these theories. We... more
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      Field TheoryHigh Energy PhysicsGauge theoryGauge Field
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      Mathematical PhysicsField TheoryQuantum PhysicsQuantum Gravity
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      Critical phenomenaMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesSuperconductors
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      Dark MatterHigh Energy PhysicsLow Energy BuildngsGauge Field
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsPure MathematicsConformal Field Theory
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      Field TheoryQuantum Field TheoryMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences