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Western Sahara is the most populous and largest non-self-governing territories since 1963. The Western Sahara conflict remains one of the oldest conflicts in the world which is yet to be resolved. The conflict started between the Kingdom... more
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      International LawSelf-Determination TheoryAfrican UnionWestern Sahara
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      Antropología culturalAntropología SocialSistema Interamericano de Protección de Derechos HumanosFrente POLISARIO
The reality of the widening category of irregular warfare and the raising quantity of radical units all around the world arrived in an unprecedented pace in the 21st century’s security environment. The decisions on designating and... more
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      African StudiesTerrorismAfricaAQIM
The study addresses how the struggle of a people take shape of the National Liberation Movement to empowering in front of the international community, legitimizing their anticolonial discourse and taking Republic corpus. The POLISARIO... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawUnited NationsWestern Sahara
By the 19th century, Spain had lost its great power status and a significant portion of its former colonies. It was still able to keep its colonies in North and West Africa at this time, and the Spanish did everything they could to keep... more
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      African StudiesWar StudiesAfrican HistoryPolitical Science
Explica aspectos poco conocidos de la entrega, por España, del Sáhara Occidental a Marruecos y Mauritania, la 'Marcha Verde' marroquí, los Acuerdos Tripartitos de Madrid, el papel de EE UU, las responsabilidades de España como Potencia... more
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      AfricaColonialismoMemoria HistóricaWestern Sahara
RESUMEN: El llamado “Diferendo del Sáhara” es un contencioso internacional que ha mutado con el tiempo. Se inició como parte de un proceso de descolonización, pronto se transformó en un conflicto ideológico y geopolítico típico de la... more
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      Frente POLISARIOMarruecosGuerra del Sáhara Occidental
Iran’s goal in its activity in the Western Sahara is to subvert Morocco, a moderate Sunni state, as part of the Iranian regime’s policy of spreading the Shi’ite revolution.
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesTerrorismPolitical Violence and Terrorism
Entrevista a  Brahim Ghali, Presidente de la República Árabe Saharaui Democrática.
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      MoroccoAfrican UnionRelaciones InternacionalesMINURSO
Alegaciones presentadas el 30/11/2020 ampliando mi anterior Denuncia contra España por el Acuerdo de Pesca UE-Marruecos.
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      EspañaFrente POLISARIODerecho de la Unión EuropeaSahara Occidental
La tensión diplomática con Marruecos ha vuelto a revelar el incómodo problema del Sáhara Occidental. Desde 1970, un pueblo lucha sin éxito por la autodeterminación y el reconocimiento internacional ante los titubeos de la ONU, la anexión... more
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      Western SaharaFrente POLISARIOSahara Occidental
A pesar de la escasez de trabajos académicos comparativos, existe una estrecha relación entre Cuba y el Sáhara Occidental. Dicho vínculo fue labrándose durante la Guerra Fría, desde la ayuda, el respeto y una postura compartida frente a... more
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In the beginning of February 2003, as a young captain of the Hungarian Armed Forces, I arrived for a one-year peacekeeping service in the United Nations Operation in Western Sahara (MINURSO). At that time, I had already had more than a... more
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      TerrorismNorth Africa StudiesWar StudiesPolitical Violence and Terrorism