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EXCEPTIONALLY PRESERVED ECHINODERMS FROM THE PLIO-PLEISTOCENE OF WESTERN EMILIA (NORTHERN ITALY). This paper presents an overview of the Plio-Pleistocene localities of Western Emilia yielding complete and/or articulate echinoderms. The... more
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      Fossil EchinoidsInvertebrate PalaeontologyEchinoids
The records of the genus Amphiope Agassiz, 1840 (Astriclypeidae) from Sardinia are revised on the basis of 110 specimens, collected from 15 localities of Oligo-Miocene age. Since the morphological characters stated in the literature to... more
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      EchinodermsInvertebrate PaleontologyFossil Echinoids
- [First record of the genus Hypsoclypus (ECHINOIDEA, ECHINOLAMPADIDAE) from the Pliocene of Italy]. The sample under study consists of 11 complete specimens collected from Piacenzian sediments (Lazzarotto et al., 2002) cropping out at... more
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      Invertebrate PaleontologyFossil Echinoids
FIRST RECORD OF THE GENUS GAGARIA (ECHINOIDEA) FROM THE EOCENE OF ITALY. Gagaria Duncan, 1889 is a rare echinoid genus known from latest Palaeocene to Oligocene of the Indo-Pakistan Region and western Africa. It is present, though very... more
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      Fossil EchinoidsInvertebrate PalaeontologyEchinoids
[The genus Spatangus (Echinoidea) in the Langhian of the Reggio Emilia Province (Northern Italy)]: 27 species of the genus Spatangus Gray, 1825 have been recorded through times in the Langhian of Emilia-Romagna, 15 of them were erected as... more
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      EchinodermsFossil Echinoids
[THE ECHINOIDS OF THE PANTANO FORMATION (EARLY-MIDDLE MIOCENE) OF EMILIA (NORTHERN ITALY)]. Echinoids are among the most common macrofossils in the Pantano Formation (Late Burdigalian-Langhian) of the Northern Apennines (Italy), due to... more
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    • Fossil Echinoids
[THE GENUS PSAMMECHINUS (ECHINOIDEA) IN THE PLIO-PLEISTOCENE OF EMILIA]. The study of a sample consisting of 63 well preserved specimens indicates the presence of only one species belonging to the genus Psammechinus Agassiz & Desor, 1846... more
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    • Fossil Echinoids
THE CIDAROIDS (ECHINOIDEA) FROM THE EARLY-MIDDLE MIOCENE OF EMILIA-ROMAGNA AND THE REPUBLIC OF SAN MARINO. The cidaroids from the late Burdigalian-early Langhian Pantano Fm. of Emilia-Romagna and the San Marino Fm. (late Burdigalian) of... more
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      Invertebrate PaleontologyFossil EchinoidsEchinoids
Resumen Se describe una especie nueva del género Leptosalenia Smith & Wright, 1990 con material procedente del Albiense de la sierra de Aralar (Nafarroa), de la cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica: L. botanzi sp. nov. Se revisan las diferencias entre... more
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      AlbianFossil Echinoids
RESUM El gènere Coelopleurus és present en gran part dels afloraments eocènics de Catalunya, tant en el Lutecià com en el Bartonià (LAMBERT 1927, REGUANT et al 1970). Es realitza un estudi de la seva història taxonòmica i s'analitzen les... more
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      Invertebrate PaleontologyEoceneEocene FossilsFossil Echinoids
Morphological characters previously unknown in Heterobrissus montesi Manzoni et Mazzetti, 1878, the type-species of the genus Heterobrissus Manzoni et Mazzetti, 1878, such as the oral plate structure and the position of the periproct, are... more
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      BiologyBiodiversityFossil Echinoids
[FIRST RECORD OF THE GENUS SCHIZOBRISSUS (ECHINOIDEA) FROM THE ITALIAN EOCENE]. Two specimens recently collected from the Late Eocene of Alonte, a quarry located in the Berici Hills near Vicenza, are here attributed to Schizobrissus... more
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    • Fossil Echinoids
A review of Monostychia, a stratigraphically important clypeasteroid echinoid genus in southern Australian Oligocene/Miocene strata, reveals uncertainty in relation to morphological features used in taxonomy. The result is that the exact... more
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      PaleontologyPalaeontologyCenozoicFossil Echinoids
[The genus Mazettia (Maretiidae) a characteristic echinoid of the Miocene of Emilia-Romagna (Northern Italy)]. Newly referred topo-typic material from the Langhian Pantano Formation (Roveri, 1966) of the Northern Apennines enables to... more
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      Invertebrate PaleontologyFossil Echinoids
New examples of Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) parasitic exocysts on acrosaleniid echinoid tests are recorded from northern France. These exocysts can be attributed to the life activity of copepod crustaceans and are considered to have... more
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A revision of Late Cretaceous species of the common regular echinoid genus Phymosoma Haime in d'Archiac & Haime, 1853 has revealed that Cidarites granulosus Goldfuss, 1829 has generally been misinterpreted in the literature. The type... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)TaxonomyPalaeontologyCretaceous
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      Marine BiologyPaleontologyEchinodermsPalaeoecology
The spatangoid genus Megapneustes Gauthier, 1899 is recorded, for the first time, from the Khuiala Formation (early Eocene) exposed at Gharollia Hill, near Pariwar village, Jaisalmer district, Rajasthan, India. The specimens are placed... more
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      EchinodermsFossil EchinoidsEchinoderm Taxonomy
The regular echinoid Placentinechinus davolii gen. et sp. nov. is described from eight Early Pleistocene (Gelasian–Calabrian) sites in north and south Italy. It is the most recent record known for the family Temnopleuridae in the European... more
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      PalaeoclimatologyMediterranean StudiesPleistoceneFossil Echinoids
Gauthieria mosae is recorded for the first time from upper Campanian (Belemnitella minor/Nostoceras polyplocum Zone) strata at the Teutonia Nord quarry in the Hannover area (northwest Germany), with two specimens available. This species... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)PalaeontologyLate CretaceousFossil Echinoids
Palaeontological evidences of autochthonous deep-water echinoids are so rare that the well-preserved assemblage herein described from the Plio-Pleistocene of Capo Milazzo (NE Sicily) provide an important opportunity to investigate the... more
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      Invertebrate PaleontologyFossil Echinoids
The Late Triassic Rhaetian stage is perhaps best known in southwest Britain for the bone beds of the Westbury Formation, but there are other fossil-rich horizons within this and the underlying Blue Anchor Formation. Samples from a... more
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      EchinodermsVertebrate PaleontologyCephalopodsPalaeontology
ABSTRACT - A new species of the genus Faorina Gray, 1851 (Echinoidea, Pericosmidae) from the early Miocene of Sardinia, F. maullui sp. nov., is described. This is the first fossil evidence of Faorina and the first record from the... more
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      EchinodermsInvertebrate PaleontologyFossil Echinoids
Morphological characters previously unknown in Heterobrissus montesi Manzoni et Mazzetti, 1878, the type-species of the genus Heterobrissus Manzoni et Mazzetti, 1878, such as the oral plate structure and the position of the periproct, are... more
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    • Fossil Echinoids
Els forats a les conquilles produïts per depredadors perforadors és l’evidència millor preservada en el registre fòssil, i la més fàcil de quantificar, de les interrelacions caçador-presa de què disposem. Tot i això, el registre fòssil és... more
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      EchinodermataCenomanianFossil EchinoidsOichnus
In this paper we present the first record of well preserved specimens of Gitolampas subrotundus (Cotteau, 1856) from the Late Paleocene of Iran (Jorasán Razaví county, northeast Iran). the detailed biostratigraphic and calcareous... more
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      PaleontologyPaleoceneFossil Echinoids
[A new finding of Faorina (ECHINOIDEA, PERICOSMIDAE) from the Miocene of Piedmont (North Italy)]. Well preserved specimens of Faorina pedemontana (De Alessandri, 1897) from the type locality enable to improve the description and the... more
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      Invertebrate PaleontologyFossil Echinoids
A specimen of regular echinoid from the Priabonian (upper Eocene) of Sossano (Berici Hills, Vicenza Province, Northern Italy), ascribed to Coelopleurus coronalis (Klein in Leske, 1778), is here described. The specimen under study shows a... more
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    • Fossil Echinoids
COMPLETE CIDARIDS (ECHINOIDEA) WITH FAN-SHAPED SPINES FROM THE MIOCENE OF PESCALE (MODENA, NORTH ITALY)]. A concentration of small cidarids with characteristic fan-shaped spines, has been recently found in the Langhian of the Secchia... more
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    • Fossil Echinoids
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Palaeontological evidences of autochthonous deep-water echinoids are so rare that the well-preserved assemblage herein described from the Plio-Pleistocene of Capo Milazzo (NE Sicily) provide an important opportunity to investigate the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyMediterranean StudiesEcology
RESUM Apatopygus garciasanzi sp. nov. (Echinoidea) de l’Aptià de la conca del Maestrat. Es descriu una espècie nova, Apatopygus garciasanzi sp. nov., de l’Aptià inferior de la conca del Maestrat. Aquest neognatostòmat té el caràcter,... more
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      AptianFossil EchinoidsMaestrat Basin
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      AptianFossil EchinoidsDiscoides decoratusPantà de Maria Cristina
A holectypoid echinoid recorded as indeterminate genus and species by Srivastava and Singh (2001) from the sediments of middle Eocene exposed near Bermota, Kachchh (Gujarat), India is redescribed and identified as Amblypygus pentagonalis... more
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      EchinodermataFossil EchinoidsEchinoderm Taxonomy
The hemicidarid Hemicidaris jaisalmerensis Sahni and Bhatnagar (in Sahni 1955) recorded and described by Sahni and Bhatnagar (1958) from the Jurassic sediments of the Jaisalmer Formation, Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, India was later reassigned... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)BiostratigraphyFossil Echinoids
Può un fossile entrare nell’immaginario di una comunità divenendo un oggetto che rimanda a tempi lontanissimi ma che, allo stesso tempo, sfugge ad una oggettiva determinazione? E’ quanto succede in Calabria con un singolare fossile del... more
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      Invertebrate PaleontologyCalabriaMioceneFossil Echinoids
Tridium kieri Tandon & Srivastava, 1980, a clypeasteroid micro-echinoid from the Middle Eocene of Kachchh, India, has an apical system with just 3 gonopores. This condition is otherwise almost unknown among clypeasteroids, yet the... more
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      EchinodermsFossil EchinoidsEchinoderm Taxonomy
The Late Triassic Rhaetian stage is perhaps best known in southwest Britain for the bone beds of the Westbury Formation, but there are other fossil-rich horizons within this and the underlying Blue Anchor Formation. Samples from a... more
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      GeologyEchinodermsVertebrate PaleontologyCephalopods
The genus Schizechinus Pomel, 1869 (Echinoidea) in the Pleistocene of Emilia (Northern Italy). Well preserved material from the Gelasian and Calabrian of Emilia enables to complete the description of Schizechinus serialis (Pomel, 1887),... more
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    • Fossil Echinoids
The Late Cretaceous echinoid genus Micraster (irregular echinoids, Spatangoida) is one of the most famous examples of a continuous evolutionary lineage in invertebrate palaeontol-ogy. The influence of the environment on the phenotype,... more
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      Fluctuating asymmetryPhenotypic PlasticityCretaceous lifePalaeobiology
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      AptianFossil EchinoidsDiscoides decoratusPantà de Maria Cristina
The chaotic flysch breccias from the vicinity of Gračišće near Pazin in Central Istria (Croatia) contain sea urchin fossils of Eocene age. The site is interesting because of the diversity of fossil finds including a relatively small... more
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      EchinodermsEoceneCroatiaSea Urchins
The first Sicilian record of the sand dollar Amphiope is reported on the basis of the occurrence of the species A. bioculata (des Moulins, 1837), recovered from a previously unreported sandy deposit cropping out near Case Genna (western... more
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      EchinodermsInvertebrate PaleontologyFossil Echinoids
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      Marine BiologyPaleontologyEchinodermsPalaeoecology
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyMediterranean StudiesEcology
The taxonomy of Amphiope L. Agassiz, 1840 (Echinoidea, Astriclypeidae), an echinoid distributed in the Oligo-Miocene of Central and Southern Europe, is largely unresolved since the description of most species attributed to this genus was... more
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    • Fossil Echinoids
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      BiodiversityFossil EchinoidsInvertebrate PalaeontologyEchinoids
The Late Cretaceous echinoid genus Micraster (irregular echinoids, Spatangoida) is one of the most famous examples of a continuous evolutionary lineage in invertebrate palaeontol-ogy. The influence of the environment on the phenotype,... more
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      PaleobiologyPhotogrammetryGeometric MorphometricsFluctuating asymmetry
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      Marine BiologyPaleontologyEchinodermsPalaeoecology
The taxonomy of Amphiope L. Agassiz, 1840 (Echinoidea, Astriclypeidae), an echinoid distributed in the Oligo-Miocene of Central and Southern Europe, is largely unresolved since the description of most species attributed to this genus was... more
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      BiodiversityFossil Echinoids