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Biomarker molecules, such as amino acids, are key to discovering whether life exists elsewhere in the Solar System. Raman spectroscopy, a technique capable of detecting biomarkers, will be on board future planetary missions including the... more
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      Planetary ScienceAstrobiologyStatistical AnalysisBiomarkers
The paper presents observations of gravity wave-induced temperature disturbances in the Martian atmosphere obtained with the mid-infrared (MIR) spectrometer, a channel of the Atmospheric Chemistry Suite instrument on board the Trace Gas... more
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      Infrared spectroscopyMars atmosphereAtmospheric Gravity WavesExoMars
Definition of habitability depends on the organisms under consideration. One way to determine habitability of some environment is to compare its certain parameters to environments where extremophilic micro-organisms thrive on Earth. We... more
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