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Dans Langages de l'art, Nelson Goodman propose de penser les phé-nomènes expressifs, qu'ils soient artistiques ou non, comme des cas d'exempli cation métaphorique 1. Catherine Elgin, dans un article récent 2 , applique à la danse ce... more
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      Dance StudiesNelson GoodmanLaban Movement AnalysisExemplification
The book deals with the tension between literary examples and exemplary works in philosophical and theoretical research. The philosophical, as well as the theoretical discourses, like to give examples to illustrate complex ideas, theses,... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMythologyPhilosophyHomer
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      Impression ManagementExemplificationSupplication
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      HealthArgumentative WritingEssaysEssay Writing
A metametaphysical perspective in no way signifies a final hegemony of metaphysics, conceived as a discipline at once formal and directive, which would replace the metaphysics of first intention. We undertake to show that we can not... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsAnalytic PhilosophyPlato
There are philosophers who think that it is possible to imagine the metaphysically impossible. On the one hand, there are philosophers that think that only knowledge limits what one can imagine. Prior to knowledge of certain facts the... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindMental RepresentationNelson Goodman
La « réflexivité » est au centre de toutes les disciplines des sciences humaines, bien que traitée à travers une myriade d’approches et même de dénominations. Cette étude en deux parties se propose la double tâche de montrer,... more
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      SemioticsSociologyPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemology
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      Political ParticipationNonverbal CommunicationExperimental DesignExemplification
Givón’s words “today’s morphology is yesterday’s syntax” have been widely used to describe grammaticalization, a process of linguistic change which implies an increase in the grammatical status of a word or construction. In this paper,... more
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I defend in this paper the thesis that there is a complex relation between minimalist musical works and the metaphysics of time, involving ontological, epistemological and axiological issues. This relation is explained by means of three... more
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      Musical CompositionMusic TheoryAestheticsContemporary Art
Dies ist nicht die Druckfassung. Bitte nicht zitieren!
Erscheint in: Andreas Cremonini/Markus Klammer (Hg), Bild-Beispiele. Zu einer pikturalen Logik des Exemplarischen. Basel 2017.
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      Philosophy Of LanguageNelson GoodmanExemplaExemplification
RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo es definir las diferentes funciones de la ejemplificación discursiva en griego antiguo a partir del estudio de los diferentes contextos ejemplificativos que aparecen en La República de Platón. Se... more
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      PlatoArgumentationAncient PhilosophyPlato and Platonism
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      MathematicsEducationMathematics EducationEvidence
Ingarden’s official ontology of states of affairs is by no means reductionist. According to him there are states of affairs, but they are ontologically dependent on other entities. There are certain classical arguments for the... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophical PsychologyPhenomenology
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      Human Resource ManagementHuman ResourcesImpression ManagementIngratiation
Dies ist nicht die Druckfassung. Bitte nicht zitieren! Erscheint in: Andreas Cremonini/Markus Klammer (Hg), Bild-Beispiele. Zu einer pikturalen Logik des Exemplarischen. Basel 2017.
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      Philosophy Of LanguageNelson GoodmanExemplaExemplification
This article examines how user comments influence assessment of public opinion climate and perceived support for one's opinion. The effects of user-comment sentiment (positive vs. negative) and of user-comment content (with or without... more
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      Public OpinionIsraelUser CommentsExemplification
A B S T R A C T Examples that learners generate, and questions they ask while generating examples, are both sources for inferring about learners' thinking. We investigated how inferences derived from each of these sources relate, and how... more
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      Mathematics EducationExemplification
While technology news has become a major news genre, the coverage of high-tech products has raised concerns regarding the commercialization of journalism. Drawing on salience transfer and exemplification theory, this study explores how... more
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      JournalismContent AnalysisMedia EthicsNews Media Ethics
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      SociologyPsychologyMedia StudiesPublic Relations
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      PragmaticsSanskrit language and literatureGrammaticalizationConstruction Grammar
The current study tested the effects of exemplars on college students’ optimistic bias of breast cancer risk perception and their behavioral intentions to engage in preventive behavior. Using a sample of Korean female college students,... more
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      Health CommunicationRisk PerceptionExemplificationOptimistic Risk Bias
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      Crisis communication and managementPolitical ScienceCrisis CommunicationStrategic Communication
This article analyses the use of the example markers FOR EXAMPLE and FOR INSTANCE in exemplifying, selective and argumentative constructions. Of these three uses, exemplification—twofold sequences with a first general unit or hyperonym... more
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      Historical LinguisticsDiscourse MarkersCorpus LinguisticsExemplification
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      Health CommunicationMental HealthMedia effectsPriming
The concept of stigma is used to analyse religion and social identity in Japan. After the Pacific War, religion in Japan and the social identity it provided can be said to have been stigmatised. Today, religion is still highly visible and... more
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      Discourse AnalysisJapanese StudiesSocial IdentityJapanese Language And Culture
As a process of developing productive skills, writing essay of exemplification is one of the ways to improve your writing skills. The more you write and read, the more of your auto-input to develop your writing skill. This is one of... more
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      Argumentative WritingEssay WritingExpository writing assessmentsExemplification
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      Health CommunicationMental HealthMedia effectsPriming
The topic of this article is the processes of modification of lexical meaning under the influence of the use of words in the precedent texts (as texts of culture). The author treats the concept of precedent texts after J. N. Karaulov, the... more
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      LexicologyEvaluationLexical SemanticsReinterpretation
My aim in this paper is to discuss the logical form of exemplification. In order to achieve this goal I analyze three views on the logical form of exemplification, namely logical realism, metalinguistic expressivism, and logical... more
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      MetaphysicsWilfrid SellarsInstantiationExemplification
While technology news has become a major news genre, the coverage of high-tech products has raised concerns regarding the commercialization of journalism. Drawing on salience transfer and exemplification theory, this study explores how... more
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      Content AnalysisMedia EthicsAppleiPad
Der Begriff des Paradigmas (griech. paradeigma; lat. exemplar) ist sehr weit. Dem seit der Antike bestehenden Verständnis nach können als Paradigmen partikulare, konkrete Instanzen aber auch allgemeine, modellhafte, abstrakte und... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyAestheticsArt
Bir örgütte çalışanlar ile yöneticiler örgütün ve çalışanların amaçlarını gerçekleştirmek üzere işbirliği ve etkileşim içerisinde bulunurlar. Lider ve üye arasındaki etkileşim, üyenin gruba dâhil olup çeşitli süreçlerden geçmesiyle ortaya... more
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      Leader-Member Exchange (LMX)Ethical EgoismExemplification
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      Political communicationPolitical Psychology, Political Behavior, Public Opinion, Survey Research and ExperimentsExemplification
Cette étude est consacrée au marqueur d'exemplification comme et aux valeurs sémantico-pragmatiques et argumentatives que véhiculent et imposent son emploi et son insertion dans le discours. Comme, nous le savons bien, est polyfonctionnel... more
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      ExemplificationMarqueurs du discours
Many artists, art critics, and poets suggest that an aesthetic appreciation of artworks may modify our perception of the world, including quotidian things and scenes. I call this Art-to-World, AtW. Focusing on visual artworks, in this... more
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      AestheticsReferenceNelson GoodmanPhilosophy of Cognitive Science
Examples can be defined as pragmatic insertions in the body of a text which serve a communicative (and sometimes also an ornamental) function. They are useful for making general abstractions easier to follow, or for defending a given... more
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      PragmaticsArgumentationRegister VariationExemplification
It is not unnatural for theories of art to be explained by the imagination. In this essay a theory of art explains the imagination. This allows one to make sense of an interpretation of Saul Kripke called textbook Kripkeanism. Textbook... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindMetaphysics of Consciousness
The use of examples is a resource that all mathematics teachers bring into play to teach mathematical content. Although the teaching methods might be very different, the exemplification they include may have some features in common and,... more
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      Mathematics EducationExemplification
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      Impression ManagementExemplificationSupplication
The aim of this study is to analyse the structural features of examples which textbook located and lecturers’ choosed in teaching of engineering calculus. The study had interpretivist paradigm in qualitative research approach and the data... more
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      CalculusTeachers PracticesExemplification
Este artigo visa proporcionar ao professor uma perspectiva diferente sobre um recurso que quotidianamente se utiliza no ensino e na aprendizagem de conceitos: os exemplos. Ao material bibliográfico que existe sobre o ensino e aprendizagem... more
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      Mathematics EducationTransparencyExemplification
Many artists, art critics, and poets suggest that an aesthetic appreciation of artworks may modify our perception of the world, including quotidian things and scenes. I call this Art-to-World, AtW. Focusing on visual artworks, in this... more
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      AestheticsReferenceNelson GoodmanPhilosophy of Cognitive Science
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      Impression ManagementExemplificationSupplication
The purpose of this paper is to understand the relationship between emotional-expressions and tactics of impression-management in the Indian context. There is a need for this paper as there is an absence of Indian contextual paper and... more
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      EmotionImpression ManagementSelf-promotionExemplification
The presumed underlying mechanism of exemplification effects is that people generalize single-case media depictions and overestimate their position of social relevance, while at the same time neglecting more valid base-rate information. A... more
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      ExperimentExemplificationThird-person PerceptionClimate of Opinion
Introduzione e analisi del testo
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      EpistemologyNelson GoodmanMetaphorExemplification