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1. Charta locuta causa finita?-2. The exclusions set forth in the Charter.-3. Some doctrinal attempts to bypass them.-4. The (quasi-)judicial activism of the European Committee of Social Rights.-4.1. Unlawful residence, basic needs, and... more
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      European LawEuropean Social CharterImmigration Law and Aliens Rights
L'articolo analizza la recente lettura delle corti di merito della normativa in materia di licenziamenti collettivi alla luce della Carta Sociale Europea, ed evidenzia la discriminazione rimediale tra lavoratori assunti prima e dopo il 7... more
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      European Labour LawEuropean Social CharterThe European Social Charter RevisedItalian Labour Law
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      Social RightsAusterity MeasuresEuropean Social Charter
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      Social RightsEconomic CrisisAusterity MeasuresEuropean Social Charter
The main focus of this thesis is on the work of the European Court on Human Rights (the Court, ECtHR), namely on judgments by which the Court reads into the European Convention on Human Rights (the Convention, ECHR) rights with... more
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      Human Rights LawInternational Human Rights LawLegitimacyEuropean Convention of Human Rights
Ο Ευρωπαϊκός Κοινωνικός Χάρτης αποτελεί μια ευρωπαϊκή συνθήκη κατοχύρωσης και προστασίας εργασιακών και ευρύτερα κοινωνικών δικαιωμάτων που παρέμενε επί μακρόν άγνωστη στο ευρύ κοινό. Ωστόσο, η οικονομική κρίση των τελευταίων ετών στάθηκε... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman Rights LawSocial RightsHuman Rights
Domestic and international mechanisms for monitoring states’ compliance with economic, social and cultural rights, children’s rights and the rights of persons with disabilities Poland has not yet ratified a number of international... more
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      Disability StudiesHuman RightsPovertyDisability Rights
This article discusses the implications for the right to a life in dignity of the "activation turn" (Kenworthy) in the welfare state, characterised by the requirement that social security claimants be available for and undertake... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsWelfare StateEuropean Convention of Human Rights
The subject of analysis in this chapter is the mechanism of the European Social Charter (Revised). This mechanism is presented in the context of the other human rights treaties. The Charter was drafted as a crucial social rights treaty in... more
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      Social RightsHuman RightsEconomic, Social and Cultural RightsCouncil of Europe
The urgency of the topic is due to the fact that today, within the framework of the Ukrainian state, significant intensification of interaction at the international level and stabilization of Ukrainian legislation in relation to European... more
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      Social PolicyHuman RightsLabor lawSocial Security
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      Disability StudiesSocio Economic RightsRight to EducationEquality and Non Discrimination
In the article the author elaborates on the issue of homelessness from the human rights perspective. To reconstruct this perspective, the author analyses standards which came from the second generation of international human rights... more
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawHuman RightsPoverty
This book explores the complicated relationship between the EU legal framework for posting of workers and collective labour law. It examines this topic from the perspective of EU law and of international labour law. In doing so, it builds... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsEuropean UnionEuropean Union LawEU Law
The UK government makes three key human rights-related commitments in the Good Friday Agreement, the basis for the restoration of devolution and transition from conflict to peace in Northern Ireland: incorporate the European Convention on... more
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      Human RightsWelfare StateDevolution, politics and social poilicySocial Justice
The reduction of protections in the event of an unlawful dismissal, made by the so-called Jobs Act issued in 2014-2015 by the Italian Parliament and Government, with a particular focus to workers hired after March 7, 2015, was the subject... more
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      Social PolicySocial RightsLabour LawItalian Law
The current crisis era in Europe has revealed symptoms of lack of respect for international socio-economic rights and challenges vis-à-vis their effectiveness at the national level. One such symptom relates to the (lack of) responsiveness... more
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawSocial RightsHuman Rights
The recent debt crisis in Europe has resulted in a significant number of structural reforms implemented in EU Member States across various fields, including the labour market, either in the context of the bailout mechanisms or the EU... more
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      Constitutional LawEuropean LawHuman Rights LawSocial Rights
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      European LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights LawLegal Mobilization
Osservazioni sulla disciplina della libertà sindacale degli appartenenti alle Forze Armate, con particolare riferimento alla sent. cost. 120/2018 e alla giurisprudenza europea
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      European Social CharterConstitutional CourtsECHR jurisprudenceTrade union rights
On the 5th of July 2017, the European Committee of Social Rights published another decision adopted under the collective complaints procedure, condemning Greece for violating plenty of the European Social Charter provisions concerning... more
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      European LawHuman Rights LawSocial RightsHuman Rights
The UK government made three key human rights-related commitments in the Good Friday Agreement, the basis for the restoration of devolution and transition from conflict to peace in Northern Ireland: to incorporate the European Convention... more
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      Human RightsWelfare StateEuropean Convention of Human RightsSocial Security
The manual for Ukrainian judges covers the issues with regard to the European Social Charter and the Case-Law of the European Committee of Social Rights. The Ukrainian implications of the issue are also presented in the manual
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      Social RightsEuropean Social CharterThe European Social Charter Revised
SUMMARY: 1. Preliminary remarks: austerity v. human rights. – 2. The principle of the higher human rights standard. – 3. A typical example of the adverse effects of austerity measures: Greece. – 3.1. General Remarks. – 3.2. The real... more
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      DiscriminationEuropean Union LawImplementation Of Eu DirectivesAge
Για πρώτη φορά στην ελληνική νομική εργογραφία η προσέγγιση του δικαιώματος συλλογικής διαπραγμάτευσης και της διαιτησίας γίνεται υπό την ερμηνευτική οπτική του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινωνικού Χάρτη, δηλαδή της εκτενούς ανάλυσης της σχετικής... more
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      European Labour LawEuropean Social CharterΕργατικό ΔίκαιοΕυρωπαϊκό Δίκαιο
This study that is applied in Turkey, Eskisehir within private sector employees on the health sector aims to sort out the situation of female labor and its qualifications in Turkey and requirements by analyzing the European Social... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsGender StudiesWomen's StudiesGender
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      Comparative LawEmployment LawEmployment RelationsEuropean Union
ΔΙΑΓΡΑΜΜΑ Ι. Εισαγωγή ΙΙ. Η κατά το αρ. 24 ΑναθΕΚΧ προστασία από την απόλυση Α. Οι «βάσιμοι λόγοι» απολύσεως κατά το αρ. 24 του ΑναθΕΚΧ Β. Οι «μη βάσιμοι» λόγοι απολύσεως σύμφωνα με το αρ. 24 ΑναθΕΚΧ ΙΙΙ. Η προστασία από την απόλυση μέσα... more
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      Employment LawLabour LawLabor lawEuropean Social Charter
Boris Krivokapic EUROPEAN SOCIAL CHARTER, Belgrade 2002, 120 Pp. Summary The book has nine chapters: I.Introduction, II.European Social Charter (1961), III.Additional Protocol (1988), IV.Protocol Ammending European Social Charter (1991),... more
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      International LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights LawCouncil of Europe
Direct effect – primacy of the more protective standard: social rights litigation before Greek courts Sophia Koukoulis-Spiliotopoulos ABSTRACT Social rights are fully-fledged fundamental rights. They produce the same effects, according... more
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      Social RightsEuropean Union LawEuropean Social CharterEuropean Convention on Human Rights
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      International LawInternational Labour LawHuman DignityEuropean Social Charter
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      Human RightsEuropean Social CharterFundamental Guarantees
Swiss Institute of Comparative Law Letter No 40, 1ère édition 2016 – Mai
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      Social RightsAusterity MeasuresEuropean Social CharterThe European Social Charter Revised
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      Social RightsCyprusAusterity MeasuresEuropean Social Charter
The European Social Charter has recently received increased attention due to the evolution of its monitoring mechanism and the need to address a multitude of contemporary challenges to socioeconomic rights. Although the treaty's preamble... more
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      Constitutional LawEuropean LawHuman Rights LawInternational Law
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      Constitutional LawJudicial reviewRemedies (Law)Fundamental Rights
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      European Convention of Human RightsLegal interpretationChildren's RightsEuropean Court of Human Rights
L'article présente une histoire de l'émergence des droits sociaux fondamentaux sur la scène internationale, depuis ses balbutiements à la fin du 19e siècle, en passant par leur consécration dans le Traité de Versailles en 1919 et leur... more
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      International RelationsPublic AdministrationInternational LawHuman Rights
The article examines the role of civil society organizations in the creation and implementation of the European Social Charter standards. The text analyses the legal basis for non-governmental organizations’ participation in the... more
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      Social RightsHuman RightsNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)European Social Charter
Vol. 9 Núm. 1 La protección de los derechos sociales constituye, hoy en día, un fin primordial, y en Europa, la Carta Social Europea Revisada juega un papel relevante como guardiana del modelo del Estado social, como verdadera... more
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      Social RightsDerechos socialesEuropean Social CharterEnvironmental Information
Observations sous l'arrêt du Conseil d'Etat n° 182.454 du 28 avril 2008. Réflexions autour de l'effet direct de la Charte sociale européenne (révisée), envisageant successivement l'invocabilité de celle-ci au contentieux objectif et la... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementHuman Rights LawPublic International Law
Without disregarding other measures under international law, related to article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and European Union law, this study focuses on the protection model of the European... more
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      European Social CharterUniversal Basic IncomeRenta Básica UniversalGuaranteed Minimum Income
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      Constitutional LawEuropean Social CharterImmigration Law and Aliens Rights
Comentary to articles on suspension, restriction and others to the 1996 Revised European Social Charter
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      European LawInternational LawEuropean Social CharterSuspension of rights
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      Human Rights LawInternational Human Rights LawEuropean Social Charterправа человека
The present hypothetical case explores the possibility of implementing extraterritorial obligations through the European Social Charter in the context of the eurozone crisis. As a condition to receive financial assistance, Greece has been... more
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      European LawHuman RightsEuropean Social CharterExtraterritorial application of human rights
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      Human Rights LawInternational Human Rights LawEuropean Social Charterправа человека
Monografia udziela odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak normy prawne, a w szczególności prawa człowieka kształtują status jednostki skrajnie ubogiej oraz w jaki sposób może ono przyczynić się do przeciwdziałania skrajnemu ubóstwu. W książce poddano... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman Rights LawHuman RightsPoverty
In Judgment No. 194/2018, the Italian Constitutional Court has applied Art. 24, European Social Charter, as interposed parameter, in order to declare Art. 3.1, D.Lgs. 23/2015 unconstitutional, for the part that establishes a fixed and... more
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      International LawEuropean Social CharterJOBS ActEuropean Committee of Social Rights
The CFREU in the case law of the CJEU in Labour Law matters: The Laval case and its consequences at the light of the European Social Charter. The case law of the European Committee of Social Rights.
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      Labour LawEuropean Court of JusticeEuropean Social CharterEuropean Committee of Social Rights
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      SubsidiarityInternational Human Rights LawAdjudication Of Socio Economic RightsSocio Economic Rights