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      ClassicsGreek TragedySophoclesEuripides
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesGreek PrayerEuripides Alcestis
The history and development of the ogre, from the Roman god Orcus to modern folktales and fairytales.
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      Roman ReligionAnthropology of the Ancient WorldFairytalesHades
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyAncient Female Figures
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      SenecaGreek MythAncient Greek MythologyMitologia
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesAncient Greek DramaGreek Drama (Tragedy and Comedy)
Argumento de Dicearco de Alceste: Apolo solicitou às Partes que Admeto, quando fosse morrer, oferecesse quem se dispusesse de bom grado a morrer por ele para viver depois por igual tempo. Assim se entregou Alceste, a mulher de Admeto,... more
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesAlcestisEuripides Alcestis
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      Greek TragedyIntertextualityEuripidesHomeric poetry
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      Classical Reception StudiesEuripidesReception of AntiquityReception of Greek tragedy
The present work has a main aim to study the choral songs and the spectacle from three plays of Euripides, having as surmise the studies in the semiology of the theatrical performances as well the studies in classical philology. The three... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyPerformance StudiesDramaturgy
As regards the methodological matters pertaining to the stage of the Theatre of Dionysus in the age of Euripides, it is argued that dramatic texts should be studied on the basis of a synchronic approach, in conjunction with the whole... more
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      Greek TragedyAristophanesGreek TheatreEuripides
This paper traces the presence of Euripides’ Alcestis as subtext in four Greek novels: Chariton, Xenophon of Ephesus, Achilles Tatius and Heliodorus. I attempt to show how influential Euripides’ tragedy has been for the expression of... more
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      Greek LiteratureAncient Greek NovelAlcestiIconography of Alcestis
Lors des Grandes Dionysies de 438, Euripide choisit de faire jouer une tragédie, l'Alceste, comme quatrième pièce de sa tétralogie, en lieu et place d'un drame satyrique. Cependant, dans l’expérimentation qu’Euripide mène ici, la tragédie... more
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesSatyr PlaySatyr Drama
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      Theatre StudiesEtruscan Funerary ArtEtruscan potteryAncient Greek Theatre and Its Reception
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      Greek TragedyWomenEuripidesEuripides Medea
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      Translation theoryGiacomo LeopardiAlcestiAlberto Savinio
Tanulmány Euripidész Alkésztisz c. drámájáról
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      EuripidesMarriageAncient Greek DramaAlcestis
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      Cultural StudiesIdentity (Culture)NationalismNational Identity
A história de Alceste inspirou Eurípides a compor um drama de controversa classificação (tragédia ou drama satírico?). A peça tem como protagonista uma rainha de uma dedicação tal ao marido que renuncia à vida, substituindo-o no castigo... more
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      Greek LiteratureChristoph Willibald GluckJean-Baptiste LullyGreek culture
Recensioni:  M. Bisi, "Testo. Studi di teoria e storia della letteratura e della critica" a. XXVII, n. 52, luglio-dicembre 2006, n. 1006, pp. 98-101; E. Moroni, Prometheus 32, 2006, 284-286; M. Matteuzzi, Maia 58, 2006, 571-573
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      ClassicsGreek TragedyShakespeareAudience and Reception Studies
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      Greek TragedyRhetoricAncient Greek RhetoricEuripides
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      PhilosophyHomerGreek TragedyWomen's Studies
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      Greek TragedyAeschylusSophoclesEuripides
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyMaterial Culture StudiesEuripides
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      Greek TragedyAncient EmotionsEuripidesAncient Greek Tragedy
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      Greek PapyrologyEuripidesGreek Literary PapyrologyEuripides Alcestis
The possibility of hospitality is based on an unequal relationship between the host and the guest. The former is the master of a house, either of his or her own house or of what s/he considers to be “his/her own country,” while the latter... more
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      EthicsJacques DerridaHospitalitySophocles
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      Greek PapyrologyEuripidesOxyrhynchusEuripides Alcestis
В статье предлагается интерпретация трех пассажей из пролога «Алкесты» Еврипида, связанных с двумя центральными темами трагедии – антитезой возмездия и милости и контрастом между убеждением и физической силой. В первой заметке... more
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    • Euripides Alcestis
presente estudo tem como objetivo examinar a figura de Alceste na peça homônima de Eurípides, Alceste, como personagem a partir do que ela própria expressa em sua breve participação em cena, ainda com vida. Alceste insere-se no universo... more
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      TragédiaEuripides Alcestis
Etude de la présence d'Euripide dans l'œuvre de Marguerite Yourcenar dans sa pièce Le Mystère d'Alceste.
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      EuripidesReception of AntiquityMarguerite YourcenarEuripides Alcestis
A tragédia Alceste de Eurípides e o mito hesiódico de Prometeu têm dois elementos em comum: a personagem de Héracles e o tema da mortalidade como condição humana. Explorar esses dois elementos e sua relação nesta tragédia pode nos mostrar... more
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      EuripidesHesiodHeraclesPrometheus Myth
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      Greek LiteratureHomerGreek TragedyTheatre Studies
Resumen Eurípides se distingue entre los autores de tragedia por la habilidad con que transforma los estereotipos mitológicos en seres con una identidad personal concreta. Son distintas las estrategias a las que recurre con este fin. Una... more
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      Ancient Greek LawEuripides Alcestis
Στην παρούσα εργασία θα προσεγγιστεί ερμηνευτικά η Ἄλκηστις μέσω ανάλυσης των σχέσεων ξενίας που περιγράφονται σε αυτήν, ειδικότερα εκείνων τις οποίες αναπτύσσει ο Άδμητος τόσο με τον Απόλλωνα, όσο και με τον Ηρακλή, και θα αποδειχθεί η... more
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      HomerGreek TragedyEuripidesPhilia
RESUMO: O presente estudo tem como objetivo examinar a figura de Alceste na peça homônima de Eurípides, Alceste, como personagem a partir do que ela própria expressa em sua breve participação em cena, ainda com vida. Alceste insere-se no... more
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      Greek TragedyDeathEuripidesChildren
C. W. Gluck's decision to add the character Hercules to his French operatic adaption of Euripides' drama Alcestis has often been interpreted as an attempt to return to a more faithful rendering of the Greek original. Numerous scholars and... more
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      Greek TragedyReception StudiesOperaClassical Reception Studies
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      Gender StudiesGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyEuripides
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      Greek TragedyAncient Greek ReligionEuripidesGreek Prayer
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      Greek TragedySophoclesEuripidesOrestes
Conferencia pronunciada en Barcelona (Institut d'Humanitats), 7 noviembre 2018.
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyWomen's StudiesHermeneutics
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      EuripidesEuripides Alcestis
2013(December 5-6), University of Exeter, AMPRAW 2013 The aim of this paper is to discuss Efua Sutherland’s Edufa as a postcolonial dramatic adaptation of Euripides’ Alcestis in the first independent and autonomous African nation, Ghana... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesClassical Reception StudiesTheatreEuripides Alcestis
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      Dramatic LiteratureUtopian StudiesArt, Place And UtopiaThessaly
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesAncient Greek and Roman TheatreEuripides (Classics)