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25 examples for Faith that is false
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      New Testament TheologyNew testament exegesisNew Testament StudiesEternal Security
This teaching material presents Jesus Christ as the source of eternal salvation through some subheadings like false hopes of salvation, the uniqueness of Jesus Christ as the only Source of salvation, Jesus Christ’s works of salvation, His... more
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      Bible TeachingJesus ChristSalvationEternal Security
The truth is, it doesn't matter who you know or how many people you know. Ultimately, knowing God is the only relationship that matters for eternity. But what does it mean to know God? Questions related to this topic that we... more
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      Knowing GodEternal Securityobedience to God
The use and misuse of Christian liberty has been an issue in the church since the time of the apostles. Several early churches were struggling in this area, and Paul, in his epistles, discusses this critical topic in some detail. The goal... more
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      Pauline LiteratureRomansApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPauline Theology
In this debate, Dr. Lloyd Olson take the position that man is totally passive and, once saved, cannot possibly be lost.  Robert Waters takes the position that the believer must "continue in the faith" or risk becoming "a castaway".
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      Eternal SecurityOnce Saved Are You Always Saved??can a christian fall from grace?salvation is not passive
To properly understand the apostle John's Epistles (in keeping, indeed, with many expressions of our Lord Jesus Himself as recorded in John's Gospel), it is essential that we grasp their particularly "abstract" nature. The First Epistle... more
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      TheologyOld Testament TheologyBiblical StudiesBiblical Theology
A very tight exegesis for the common Bible Student
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      Epistle to the RomansRomans 8Romans 5-8The Book of Revelation
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      TheologyCalvinismBiblical StudiesChristology
A theological examination of the two primary arguments in regard to continuance in a state of faith in regard to salvation found in Christ.  This essay defends the view of "conditional security."
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      TheologySystematic TheologyCalvinismChristology
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      ChristianityTestimonyReformation HistoryBaptist Theology
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      SoteriologyEternal Security
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      ForgivenessForgiveness and ReconciliationBook of RomansEternal Security