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Sobre esos ordenes de enunciación que elaboran la representación del riesgo como sensacionalismo y el sensacionalismo como un orden de la imagen actual
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      Critical Discourse AnalysisImagenEnunciazione
The paper aims to analyze the culiolian background of Minisemantica (henceforth, MS). It is one of the most important theoretical work of Tullio De Mauro. As we will show, MS adopted two distinct but related concepts of the metalinguistic... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguages and LinguisticsTheoretical LinguisticsEnonciation
Esitare, incespicare sulle proprie parole, riprenderle e ricominciare. Dire una parola per un'altra, interrompersi e tacere, oppure correg-gersi, riavviare il discorso e bloccarsi all'intoppo successivo. Parlare è faticoso: è colmare... more
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      Jacques LacanEnaction (Psychology)EnactivismFerdinand de Saussure
Riassunto integrato con appunti di semiotica
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      StorytellingNarrativitySemioticaSemiotica del visivo
Il comico, l’umorismo, l’ironia sono dei concetti abbastanza simili tra loro ma che sembrano sfuggire a ogni tentativo di classificazione “scientifica”. Molti autori fanno confusione, e usano questi termini, spesso impropriamente, come... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsH.P. GriceLuigi Pirandello
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      Vittorio SereniRecueilEnunciazioneStrumenti Umani
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      BakhtinMikhail BakhtinBakhtin dialogismMikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin
The paper aims at explaining the metalinguistic meaning of a formal distinction introduced by the French philosopher of language Oswald Ducrot.
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Figure majeure de la linguistique, Antoine Culioli a ouvert un champ de recherche qui a renouvelé les sciences du langage du 20e siècle. Fermement convaincu de la nécessité d’un « programme scientifique qui allie l’empirique sous sa forme... more
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      SemioticsLanguages and LinguisticsPragmaticsCognitive Linguistics
The paper aims to consider if and how Peirce's concept of index can be useful to a semiotic study of spaces, particularly to the definition of a spatial enunciation idea. After introducing the concept of index in his writings, we will... more
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      SemioticsPeircean SemioticsIndexicalityEnunciation
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      Discourse AnalysisPragmaticsSemanticsDiscourse
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      PragmaticsAnálisis del DiscursoSubjectivityAnálise do Discurso
In the framework of what has been labeled as “on-demand” or “algorithmic culture”, Netflix represents an exemplary case study and its interface increasingly affects how we access, choose and watch audiovisual products. This article aims... more
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      SemioticsMedia and Cultural StudiesVisual SemioticsUser interfaces
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That of filmic enunciation is an open and never entirely closed problem. Film as a specific does not lend itself to the tendency of the classic semiotic theory of enunciation based on a glottocentric matrix. Furthermore, the film, as a... more
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      SemioticsLanguages and LinguisticsFilm StudiesVisual Semiotics
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      PsychoanalysisLacanian psychoanalysisEnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative Operation
This article examines two uses of the word enunciation in some recent contributions of the italian semiotics: a) “enunciation” as activation of open semantic potentials (VIOLI 2003) ; b) “enunciation” as modulation of local encyclopedic... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophy Of LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsLinguistics
O artigo trata de um tipo particular de nominalização e procura mostrar os efeitos semântico-enunciativos desse processo. Para tanto, aborda duas expressões: preservação da natureza e preservação da face.
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      EnunciationNominalizationEnunciaçãoTeoria de la enunciación
An increasingly widespread trend in the contemporary tourist offer is the recourse to virtual and augmented reality for the fruition of the artistic and historical-architectural heritage. The research perspective of this study focuses on... more
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      SemioticsCultural HeritageVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Enunciation
D i r e t ti v o S F L-Pr e s i d e n te : Pa o l o L e o n a r d i , S e g r e ta r i o : C l a u d i o Pa o l u c c i , C o m ita to es e c u ti v o : A n na l i sa C o l i va , Ma r c o Ma z zo n e, Fra n c es ca Pia z za S i t o : h t... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsPragmaticsVoice