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El abordaje del razonamiento abstracto en la educación básica y media en Colombia es omitido en los lineamientos formativos; en este contexto, desde el grupo de investigación GIACE se consideró pertinente adelantar un estudio que... more
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      Learning and TeachingAprendizajeInnovación EducativaVideogames, learning and education
Las convocatorias de proyectos de innovación docente (PID) en la Universidad de Valladolid (Uva) comenzaron su andadura en el curso 2010/2011, con el propósito de mejorar la práctica docente, apoyando iniciativas innovadoras dirigidas a... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationContemporary ArtArts Education
Diapositivas de la ponencia que presenta algunos resultados en torno al uso de la gamificación para fomentar el aprendizaje de la programación de computadores.
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      GamificationInnovación EducativaGamificaciónEducative Innovation
The study reported in this paper compared the effects of two approaches of blended learning on students’ learning outcomes in courses on intellectual property rights and patents. One group of students followed three weeks of online... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipManagementMarketing
. Educational innovation is experiencing in Catalonia (Spain) what has begun to be called a "third pedagogical spring" that is leading to a significant increase in schools that make changes at different levels. METHOD. In... more
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      Sociology of EducationEducative Innovation
In the last ten years, the demand of the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) jobs have markedlyincreased three times more than non-STEM jobs. Additionally, people who have STEM education have also much lessunemployment... more
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      ManagementPsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial Psychology
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      Educating the EducatorsEducative Innovation