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Presentazione: When building QALYs (Quality-adjusted Life Years), the crucial element is the valuation of health state utilities. The three main valuation techniques, the rating scale, the standard gamble and the time trade-off, should... more
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    • Economia pubblica
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    • Economia pubblica
A seguito dell'emergenza covid-19 i sistemi sanitari-sia quello nazionale che quelli europei e globali-sono divenuti gli attori chiave a cui è affidato l'arduo compito di limitare al massimo il valore del danno atteso in termini di vite... more
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      EconomicsPublic EconomicsHealth EconomicsItalian Economic History
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      EconomicsEnergy EconomicsWind EnergyEnergy
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      Public FinanceTime SeriesPublic expenditureEmpirical evidence
Economista, 1888-1978, allievo di Luigi Einaudi, membro della Scuola di Economia di Torino, studioso di finanza pubblica, con un netto orientamento descrittivo-quantitativo, di rilievo la sua storia della finanza dello Stato... more
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      Bilancio PubblicoFinanza PubblicaEconomia pubblicascuola di economia di Torino
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      Finanza PubblicaEconomia pubblica
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      Technical efficiencyNonprofit sectorEconomia pubblicaWorking Hours
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The Italian Budget Law for the year 2008 introduces a business tax reform, which is inspired to an analogous reform established in Germany in the same year, with the aim of making the corporate taxation system more attractive for capital... more
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È possibile indagare il passato senza inquinarlo con categorie proprie della contemporaneità? Da molto tempo gli storici che studiano l’economia dell’Atene classica si dividono tra coloro che la considerano primitiva e chi invece le... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoryAncient economyAncient economic historyAncient Athens
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Presentazione: An Independent Regulatory Authority is a publicly identified official bureau having the regulatory responsibility of a market and being independent from i) the agents operating in that market, ii) other interested parties... more
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In order to implement the European Directive 94/62/EC, in 1997 Italy has adopted the so-called Ronchi Decree that establishes several rules for the recycling and recovering of waste packaging. The main feature of the Italian system is... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental protectionEconomia pubblica
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Gli effetti della riforma fiscale sui bilanci delle imprese manifatturiere (di Giovanna Gavana, Antonio Majocchi e Anna Marenzi) - ABSTRACT: The fiscal reform on business income, recently approved by the Italian authorities, has deeply... more
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      Capital StructureFiscal reformIncome TaxEconomia pubblica
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ABSTRACT The institutionalization of evaluation within Italian public organizations has gained momentum thanks to the impulse of EU structural funds. Issues of evaluation institu-tional design are currently debated in scholarly political... more
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      Program EvaluationPublic ManagementEconomia pubblica
In this paper, estimates of net fiscal flows for Italian macro-regions from 2000 to 2014 are presented. Inspection of data allows to observe a declining trend in the interregional redistribution. The dynamics of net fiscal flows are... more
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      EconomicsEconomia pubblica
This article analyzes the effects of the reform introduced by the Consolidated Law of Public-owned companies (D.Lgs. 175/2016 or TUSP) in the world of Pub-lic Utilities and Local Government-owned Companies in general. The text takes its... more
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      BusinessEconomia pubblica
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ABSTRACT This paper examines the possibility of providing a rigorous theoretical foundation to the “piggy-bank” function of the welfare state, by considering a recent contribution in the modern decision theory under uncertainty, namely,... more
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      Welfare StateDecision TheoryAsymmetric InformationBayesian model
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      EconomiaEconomia pubblica
ABSTRACT In this paper the results of lines of research, developed by a group of scholars at the ORML (Regional Observatory of the Labor Market), are presented through the analysis of the medium term evolution of the Tuscan regional labor... more
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    • Economia pubblica
... di Alberto Baccini, Leonardo Bargigli, Martina Cioni e Michelangelo Vasta ... Il ricorso alla classificazione ISTAT rappresenta una proxy più soddisfa-cente rispetto a quelle comunemente utilizzate in letteratura, che spesso si... more
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      Vocational TrainingEconomia pubblica
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