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Auditing is the unbiased examination of books of accounts of an entity to detect and prevent errors and fraud Where as corporate transparency is the relevant, timely and accurate information which is readily accessible. There is a linkage... more
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      AuditingTransparencyFinancial TransparencyEarnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial Reporting
The paper aims to extend the research on the financial reporting quality (FRQ) of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by exploring its determinants through an empirical analysis of financial data from a large sample of Italian SMEs.... more
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      Small BusinessFinancial AccountingEarnings ManagementFinancial Accounting and Reporting
This paper empirically examines the post-merger performance of a sample of 1,320 European mergers and acquisitions deals. Specifically, we investigate the impact of pre-merger earnings management of acquirers on both the short-term and... more
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      European StudiesAccountingFinancial AccountingEarnings Management
In the 2008 Afrobarometer survey1 for Tanzania, citizens were asked how well local councils allowed their participation in local-level decision-making. The result was a 50/50 split between those who thought that councils did not allow... more
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      FinanceDevelopment StudiesCommunity DevelopmentAccountability
This study examines the impact of risk management committee on real earnings management through sales manipulation of listed companies in Nigeria. The analysis is based on a sample of 80 listed non-financial firms for the period of five... more
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      Earnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial ReportingCorporate Governance and Financial reporting
Recently, high profile scandals and financial crises in the United States, Europe and East Asia, have brought corporate governance issues to the forefront in developing countries, emerging markets and transitional economies. These... more
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      Corporate GovernanceEarnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial Reporting
Theoretical research suggests that large auditors have more incentive to issue accurate reports compared to small auditors (DeAngelo. 1981; Dye, 1993). Controlling for the client characteristics of large and small auditors, this paper... more
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    • Earnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial Reporting
There are always conflicts of interest between managers (agents) and owners (leaders), but not necessarily the degree of disagreement. This is due to a conflict of interest or a division of responsibility. The purpose of this research is... more
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      Empirical FinanceEarnings ManagementOwnership StructureOwnership Structure and Disclosure
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      AuditingEarnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial Reporting
In this paper, we present the results of the first effort to consolidate information on infrastructure projects in the Amazon region financed by BNDES – National Bank for Economic and Social Development. A political-financial institution... more
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This paper proposes a conceptual framework to investigate the role of family ownership for mitigating earnings management (accrual & real). Family ownership is among the corporate governance primary mechanisms that have been a focus of... more
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      AccountingCorporate GovernanceEarnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial ReportingOWNERSHIP CONCENTRATION
As part of the continuous effort to stem the tide of bank distress in the Nigerian Banking industry, this paper examines the relationship between real GDP and Non-performing loans in Nigeria during the period 1995-2009. Based on the... more
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    • Earnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial Reporting
The study attempted to explore the role of discretionary accrual to conceal the actual earnings as a part of misapplication of flexible area in financial estimate in Indian BSE listed companies. As accruals have always provided a common... more
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      Earnings ManagementEarnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial Reporting
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    • Earnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial Reporting
This article, by applying five Islamic concepts (Fitrah, Akhlaq, Niyyah, Ijtihad and Maslahah), seeks for a solution of the problem of earnings management conducted by the managers. By analyzing several definitions of earnings management... more
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      Earnings ManagementIslamic StudiesIslamIslamic Finance
Tax evasion has always been practiced among tax payers in Bangladesh. But the actual reason for this practice has always remained a mystery. This research has taken the initiative to find a possible reason for such behavior among... more
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      Corporate GovernanceGovernanceEarnings ManagementBangladesh
Abstract It is argued that large shareholders have enormous influence over their companies as their ability to monitor the executives can mitigate the agency problems. This paper examines how large shareholders are related to company... more
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      Corporate GovernanceExecutive CompensationEarnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial ReportingVoluntary disclosure
Recent studies claim that improvements in regulations and corporate governance law in different countries are restricting accrual-based earnings management and encouraging managers to shift to real earnings management (REM). However, it... more
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      FinanceAccountingAudit CommitteesEarnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial Reporting
This paper investigates accrual earnings management (AEM) and real earnings management (REM) in family businesses (FB) in Saudi Arabia. Current literature indicates that minority rights are confiscated by the controlling shareholders in a... more
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      Earnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial ReportingFamily ownership
The aim of this study is to provide a complete description of the related literature associated to the relationship between ownership structures, namely; family, managerial and foreign ownership; and Real and Accrual Earning Management.... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityAccountingCorporate GovernanceEarnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial Reporting
Akademi veya üniversite, toplumun temel dinamiklerini oluşturan ve şekillendiren en önemli yapıdır. Akademi, toplumun eğitiminden ahlakına, iktisadi gelişmişliğinden aile yapısına kadar bütün unsurlarını etkilemektedir. Bunun yanı sıra,... more
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      Participatory Action ResearchAction ResearchAction Research (Indigenous Health)Accountability
Abstract The importance of earnings response coefficient (ERC) topic in our business world today arises mainly from the need to enhance the firm’s stakeholders’ confidence in the accounting information announcements, especially the equity... more
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      FinanceAccountingFinancial AccountingManagement Accounting
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi praktik perataan laba pada industri manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dan pada perusahaan yang terdaftar di indeks LQ45. Faktor – faktor... more
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      Earnings ManagementEarnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial Reporting
Prior research has found that having better investor relations (IR) practices contributes towards improved share prices, liquidity of shares and analyst following. The main aim of this study was to determine the extent to which JSE-listed... more
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      Investor RelationsAnalysts’ earnings forecastsEarnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial ReportingRetail Investors
A summary of the background and history of Apple Incorporated, its financial report, success, and business culture
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      Financial EconomicsFinancial AccountingEarnings ManagementFinancial Risk Management
En el presente trabajo se analiza la incidencia de algunos aspectos de la función de auditoría sobre la calidad de la información contable suministrada por la empresa. Partiendo de una muestra de 137 empresas que cotizaron en las Bolsas... more
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      Corporate GovernanceAuditingSpainEarnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial Reporting
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      Earnings Management, Auditing, Transparency and Accountability in Financial ReportingGAAP ACCOUNTING MODEL