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El artículo propone la herramienta de autor eduWeb para la publicación de formas organizativas de la Educación de Posgrado en formato Web docente por profesores sin conocimientos en programación computacional. Fue... more
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      Postgraduate EducationEducación De PosgradoEDUWEBWEB DOCENTE
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Resumen Diversas son las estrategias que podemos utilizar para evaluar las TIC, siendo una de ellas el "juicio de experto". Si tenemos en cuenta que el concepto de experto es bastante polisémico, para su correcta aplicación... more
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    • EDUWEB
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    • EDUWEB
It has been ob served a ra pid pro gress on the Web to day, es pe cially con si de ring its evo lu tion and de ve lop ment of what is currently con ceptualized as the Web 2.0, which in cludes tools as blogs, so cial net works and mi cro... more
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The aim of the article is to argue theoretically and empirically study the relationship between social expectations and psychological well-being of university students. Methodological starting points of empirical research are outlined.... more
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      ConnectivityPostgraduate EducationEducación De PosgradoEducational Web 3D
The specifics of the conditions for the formation of the ethno-value consciousness of future teachers based on a comprehensive approach to mastering their ethnic knowledge and skills in the process of competence and activity approaches is... more
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    • EDUWEB