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      DesignArtCritical PedagogyArt Education
Che Guevara’s image, is seen as a global icon crossing all kinds of social and cultural boundaries, as exemplified in street protests and evidenced by multiple visual messages such as posters, logos, t‐shirts and slogans. We are invited,... more
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      Visual SociologyVisual AnthropologyCritical PedagogyVisual Semiotics
"Visualizing Art History: Experimental Animation and Its Mentor, Jules Engel" by Janeann Dill, phd, mfa A dictionary begins when it no longer gives the meaning of words, but their tasks. --- Georges Bataille It is most often the... more
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      Creative WritingScreenwritingCritical TheoryHistory
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      Art HistoryArtCritical PedagogyArts Education