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The efficiency of different digital and conventional soil mapping approaches to produce categorical maps of soil types is determined by cost, sample size, accuracy and the selected taxonomic level. The efficiency of digital and... more
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      GeomorphologySoil ScienceMachine LearningEnvrionmental Science
Traditional manual methods for determining properties geomorphometrics in topographic maps, consist of measurements tend to be complex and more time consuming, so that elements classified landform require highly trained personnel.... more
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    • Digital soil mapping and environmental modelling
Rainfall erosivity considers the effects of rainfall amount and intensity on soil detachment. Rainfall erosivity is most commonly expressed as the R-factor in the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and its revised version, RUSLE. Several... more
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      Spatial AnalysisSoil ErosionDigital soil mapping and environmental modellingSoil Erosion Modelling
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      Digital soil mapping and environmental modellingDigital Soil Mapping in Relation to Spatial Variability of Soil TypesSoil Survey
This article presents the steps taken to ensure the consistency and usability of the geographic information system of soil resources of Romania SIGSTAR-200 within INSPIRE, the Infrastructure for Spatial Information of the European... more
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      SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure)Spatial AnalysisSpatial DatabasesGeo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPS
The status and spatial variability of soil properties across agrarian communities in Yakurr Local Government Area, Southeast Nigeria were assessed and soil management strategies suggested for limiting soil properties. Nine communities... more
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      Soil ScienceEnvironmental Soil ScienceSoil Survey and Land EvaluationSoil Fertility
Actualmente se desarrollan técnicas de cartografía digital de suelos innovadoras y eficientes, basadas en el modelo suelo-paisaje y en métodos estadísticos y geoestadísticos. El objetivo del estudio fue explorar la distribución espacial... more
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    • Digital soil mapping and environmental modelling
This study was conducted to characterize the soils of alluvial parent material in derived savannah ecology in Edo State, Southern Nigeria. Three mapping units were identified and a profile pit was dug in each mapping unit. The soils were... more
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      Soil ScienceDigital soil mapping and environmental modelling
It is critical to produce more crop per drop in an environment where water availability is decreasing and competition for water is increasing. In order to build such agricultural production systems, well parameterized crop growth models... more
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      GeostatisticsApplications of Machine LearningDigital soil mappingDigital soil mapping and environmental modelling
Soil organic carbon plays a vital role in the arid and semiarid regions. This study aimed to predict and map soil organic carbon content at soil depth intervals of 0-0.3 m, 0.3-0.6 m, 0.6-0.9 m, and 0.9-1.2 m in alluvium soils along Blue... more
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    • Digital soil mapping and environmental modelling
O uso cada vez mais intensivo do solo e sua ocupação desordenada resultam em sua degradação. Existe uma grande carência de informações mais detalhadas de solos e seus levantamentos. Por apresentarem informações básicas sobre esse recurso... more
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      Digital soil mappingDigital soil mapping and environmental modellingDigital Soil Mapping in Relation to Spatial Variability of Soil Types
Digital soil mapping (DSM) approaches provide soil information by utilising the relationship between soil properties and environmental variables. Calibration of DSM models requires measurements that may often have substantial measurement... more
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    • Digital soil mapping and environmental modelling
O aumento populacional e das práticas agrícolas, cada vez mais intensivas, faz crescer a necessidade de levantamentos de solos mais detalhados no Brasil e no mundo, visando o melhor planejamento e monitoramento da exploração dos recursos... more
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      Soil SciencePedology (Soil)Thematic CartographyGeopedology and Digital Soil Mapping
The Geographic Information System of Soil Resources of Romania „SIGSTAR-200” has been developed based on the information contained in the fifty tiles constituting “The Soil Map of Romania at the scale 1:200,000”, published from 1963 to... more
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      Soil ScienceRemote SensingSoilSustainable agriculture
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      Remote SensingCrop water productivitySoil Survey and Land EvaluationDigital soil mapping and environmental modelling
The reported work is part of a study that aims at exploiting validated data sets to predict soil properties of the top layer on large areas and to generate maps of international relevance at medium scales, in a more cost-effective way.... more
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      Soil ScienceEnvironmental StudiesGeoinformaticsRemote Sensing (Earth Sciences)
Digital soil mapping (DSM) approaches provide soil information by utilising the relationship between soil properties and environmental variables. Calibration of DSM models requires measurements that may often have substantial measurement... more
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      Soil SciencePlant BiologySoil sciencesDigital soil mapping and environmental modelling
Soil is the largest carbon (C) reservoir in terrestrial ecosystems with twice the amount of atmospheric C and three times the amount in terrestrial vegetation. Carbon related ecosystem services include retention of water and nutrients,... more
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      Soil ScienceSoil DynamicsSoil carbon sequestrationSoil and Water Engineering
It is critical to produce more crop per drop in an environment where water availability is decreasing and competition for water is increasing. In order to build such agricultural production systems, well parameterized crop growth models... more
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      GeostatisticsApplications of Machine LearningLandDigital soil mapping
Background Legacy data are unique occasions for estimating soil organic carbon (SOC) concentration changes and spatial variability, but their use showed limitations due to the sampling schemes adopted and improvements may be needed in the... more
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      Land uses soil fertilityMedicineMultidisciplinarySoil fertility management
The Global Soil Map (GSM) is an initiative of the International Union of Soil Sciences intending to use novel technologies to predict soil properties. The final goal is to produce, by collaboration, a harmonized global soil map with a... more
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      Environmental StudiesGeoinformaticsEnvironmental Remote SensingEnvironmental Soil Science
The reported work is part of a study that aims at exploiting validated data sets to predict soil properties of the top layer on large areas and to generate maps of international relevance at medium scales, in a more cost-effective way.... more
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      Environmental StudiesGeoinformaticsEnvironmental Remote SensingEnvironmental GIS
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      Mathematical ModellingSoil MappingMultidisciplinarySoil organic matter
The Global Soil Map (GSM) is an initiative of the International Union of Soil Sciences intending to use novel technologies to predict soil properties. The final goal is to produce, by collaboration, a harmonized global soil map with a... more
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      Soil ScienceEnvironmental StudiesGeoinformaticsRemote Sensing (Earth Sciences)