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We present a method for estimating the mean vector from a multivariate skew dis-tribution that includes some unobserved data below the detection limits. The method uses a Box-Cox transformation, of which the parameters are found by... more
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      Maximum LikelihoodCensored dataSimulation StudyCovariance Matrix
Measurement error occurs when one or more regression model covariates are measured with error, and is a common problem in occupational health and other fields. If the effects of measurement error are not corrected, estimates of the... more
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      StatisticsLinear ModelErrors in VariablesMeasurement Error
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      EngineeringHuman BehaviourSpectral analysisDesign Methodology
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      AlgorithmsStatisticsData AnalysisBiometrics
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      Research DesignTime SeriesClinical EpidemiologyExperimental Research
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      EconomicsApplied Economics LettersMonetary PolicyImpulse response
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      Time SeriesHealth PolicyExperimental DesignTime Series Data
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      GeophysicsSynthetic Aperture RadarGeomatic EngineeringDelta Method
The main objective of this work is to calculate and compare different measures of multivariate skewness for the skew-normal family of distributions. For this purpose, we consider the Mardia (1970) [10], Malkovich and Afifi (1973) [9],... more
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      StatisticsMultivariate AnalysisMultivariate Normal DistributionNormal Distribution
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      ZoologyStatisticsMonte Carlo SimulationMonte Carlo
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      Time SeriesHealth PolicyExperimental DesignTime Series Data
In this paper, we consider the estimation of the stress–strength parameter R=P(Y<X) when X and Y are independent and both are modified Weibull distributions with the common two shape parameters but different scale parameters. The Markov... more
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      ZoologyStatisticsMonte Carlo SimulationMonte Carlo
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      Sensitivity AnalysisMultidisciplinaryWildlifeEigenvalues
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      Free RadicalsHumansStatistical InferenceMathematical Sciences
An index of repeatability is constructed to evaluate the relative magnitude of measurement error. This index is constructed as a ratio of two variance components. Estimation of the index is derived under the one-way random effects model.... more
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      Delta MethodMonte Carlo Integration
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      DISTRIBUTIONPoisson regressionCross ValidationDistribution
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      EconometricsStatisticsData AnalysisPrediction
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      Maximum LikelihoodCensored dataSimulation StudyCovariance Matrix
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      StatisticsBootstrappingDelta MethodRegression Coefficient
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      EngineeringComputer Aided DesignModelingData Compression
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      Applied MathematicsEconometricsStatisticsParameter estimation
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringEngineering ApplicationsTraffic control
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      Multivariate StatisticsReliabilityCronbach's AlphaAsymptotic Confidence Intervals
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      EngineeringApplied MathematicsComputer ScienceMathematical Sciences
This study centred on the analysis of ten pottery sherds from the collections of the Islamic Museum in Berlin (this analysis was made possible courtesy of Gisela Helmecke and Dr Volkmar Enderlein). Two of the analysed fragments were... more
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      Chemical AnalysisDelta Method
The goal of this paper is to propose a nonlinear dynamic model based on experimental data and NBR-6123-87 to accomplish a nonlinear dynamic analysis of slender structures subjected to wind loading. At first we compute the static answer... more
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      EngineeringNonlinear dynamicsMathematical SciencesWind loads
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      CrustaceaWater PollutionBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
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      Choice ExperimentWillingness to PayDesign CriteriaSimulation Study
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      ZoologyParameter estimationSurvival RateDelta Method
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      BayesianMonte CarloTurning PointBootstrap
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      GeneticsStatisticsBiostatisticsQuality of life
We study the problem of building confidence sets for ratios of parameters, from an identifi- cation robust perspective. In particular, we address the simultaneous confidence set estimation of a finite number of ratios. Results apply to a... more
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      Sample SizeDiscrete ChoiceDelta MethodConfidence Limit
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      MathematicsEconomicsMicroeconomicsWelfare Economics
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      Markov Chain Monte CarloDelta MethodConfidence IntervalBayes estimator
In this paper we use a boundary integral method with single layer potentials to solve a class of Helmholtz transmission problems in the plane. We propose and analyze a novel and very simple quadrature method to solve numerically the... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputational MathematicsNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsIntegral Equation
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      HydrologyMethodologyMultidisciplinaryParameter estimation
We develop statistical models and maximum likelihood methods for estimating bowhead whale population size from photo-identification data. We test them on simulated data, and on actual data from 1985 and 1986 photographic studies. We begin... more
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      ZoologyPopulation SizeCapture recaptureStatistical Model
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      Data AnalysisHumansChildComputer Simulation
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      EconometricsMonte CarloMaximum LikelihoodSample Size
An experimental station, based on the model of West Africa and adapted to the behaviour of the target species, was built in southern Vietnam. The study design was adapted from the WHO phase 2 guidelines. The study arms included a... more
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      West AfricaMedical MicrobiologyBiologyMalaria
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      Multivariate StatisticsReliabilityAsymptotic Confidence IntervalsDelta Method
Many epidemiologic studies report the odds ratio as a measure of association for cross-sectional studies with common outcomes. In such cases, the prevalence ratios may not be inferred from the estimated odds ratios. This paper overviews... more
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      Data AnalysisHumansChildComputer Simulation
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      West AfricaMedical MicrobiologyMalariaPopulation Dynamics
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringEngineering ApplicationsTraffic control
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      Climate ChangeHydrologyMeteorologyTime Series
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      EconometricsStatisticsData AnalysisPrediction
This paper is concerned with the numerical solution of boundary integral equations on smooth curves of the plane with some numerical methods having in common the use of sets of equally spaced periodic Dirac delta distributions as trial... more
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      Applied MathematicsBoundary Element MethodsComputational MathematicsNumerical Method
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      EconometricsStatisticsBootstrapDelta Method