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Cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technology became a revolutionary and insightful phenomenon that provide benefits of decentralized payment system, quasi- or complete anonymity, and lower transaction fees for cryptocurrency users.... more
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      Civil LawContract LawTrustCivil Litigation
Monografia „Răspunderea civilă contractuală” a fost elaborată cu scopul de a realiza o analiză detaliată a răspunderii civile contractuale, sub toate aspectele: raportul dintre această instituție juridică și celelalte remedii ale... more
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    • Contractual Liability
The main subject of the article consists in extracting the indemnification provisions as sui generis clauses of extended liability regime agreed between the parties to a contract and in examining the possibility of securing the obligation... more
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      Civil LawPrivate lawCompany LawPrawo Spółek