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Conceptual metaphors and conceptual metonymies, as two most important cognitive operations, can shape part of an utterance, or even a whole utterance. It may be the case that a single metaphor or metonymy is involved that is lexicalized... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorConceptual metonymymetaphtonymypost-metonymy
The paper deals with the way source-in-target metonymy and target-in-source metonymy are used in text on international affairs. In such texts, the notion in the source domain is typically a toponym, but there are cases in which the source... more
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      Media StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsOnomasticsConceptual metonymy
U radu se razmatra odnos između kognitivne lingvistike i kritičke analize diskursa, kao i mogućnosti kombinacije ova dva teorijska okvira u empirijskim istraživanjima. Rad počinje pregledom osnovnih teorijskih postulata dveju disciplina,... more
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      Critical Discourse AnalysisCognitive LinguisticsConceptual metonymyPolitical Discourse
The present paper examines the nature, formation patterns, types, and correlations of poreionymic backronyms, i.e. phrases serving as alternative interpretations of acronyms and nonacronyms designating transport brands, namely cars, both... more
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      SemanticsSociolinguisticsOnomasticsConceptual Metaphor
Previous literature on the classification of metonymy has mainly concentrated on the relationship between source and target (e.g. Radden & Kövecses 1999, Peirsman & Geeraerts 2006a). More recent, pragmatically oriented classifications are... more
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      PragmaticsCognitive SemanticsCognitive LinguisticsConceptual metonymy
Research on idioms from the point of view of cognitive linguistics, in particular through conceptual metaphor and conceptual metonymy in cognitive semantics, has been steadily growing. While there have been quite a few investigations into... more
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      Cognitive ScienceConceptual Metaphor TheoryCognitive LinguisticsConceptual metonymy
Cet essai introduit à une sémiotique en contact avec les sciences cognitives, notamment la linguistique, la sémantique et la poétique cognitives. Il propose une nouvelle interprétation du concept de signe, du fonctionnement de la... more
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      SemioticsTheory of Metaphor and RhetoricsCognitive LinguisticsConceptual metonymy
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      Cognitive SemanticsCorpus LinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsConceptual metonymy
This study proposes that metonymy is fundamental to visual meaning making and develops a social semiotic framework to elucidate how conceptual metonymies are realized in both static and moving images. While we all accept that visual... more
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      Visual CommunicationConceptual metonymy
This volume looks at spatialization of abstract concepts in verbo-pictorial aphorisms at work in the cartoons of a single artist. While extensive work has been done in studying spatialization of abstract concepts in grammar and lexicon... more
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      Situated CognitionConceptual MetaphorMultimodalityConceptual metonymy
Today's discussions concerning metonymy abound in distinctions that may be far from obvious for those who would like to get acquainted with the major achievements and directions of research in this fi eld. That is why the article aims to... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsConceptual metonymyCognitive Grammar
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      Self and IdentityConceptual MetaphorPhenomenology of the bodyConceptual metonymy
Abstract Except for metaphor and metonymy, the study of most traditional figures of speech has largely been neglected in Cognitive Linguistics. This article attempts to fill this gap by exploring a broad range of figures of speech in... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePragmaticsConceptual Metaphor
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      PragmaticsConceptual Metaphor TheoryCognitive LinguisticsConstruction Grammar
By Kevin Ezra Moore -- Imagine that today is Monday and, for some reason, you are looking ahead to Friday. You might say something like Friday is a long way off. Although you may not notice it, when you say such a sentence, the way you... more
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      Cognitive SemanticsConceptual MetaphorConceptual Metaphor TheoryMetaphor
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      AdvertisingConceptual MetaphorConceptual metonymyGreenwashing
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      English languageConceptual MetaphorSerbianCognitive Linguistics
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      Business EnglishEnglish for Specific PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageConceptual Metaphor
This paper focuses on the conception of metaphor in linguistics (the primary theoretical niche of the Handbook of Pragmatics), and, to a lesser extent, philosophical theories of metaphor (philosophy being the first field in which metaphor... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorEnglishSwahiliHausa
This study examines the conceptualizations of the negative emotion sadness in Turkish body part idioms. More specifically, it addresses two main problems: (i) distribution of the body part terms used in idioms to express sadness, and (ii)... more
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      EmotionEmbodied CognitionEmbodimentConceptual Metaphor
The chapter deals with the metonymic basis of the change of the count-mass property encountered in concrete nouns. The issue is analysed from two perspectives: the Conceptual Metonymy Theory (CMyT) (Dirven and Ruiz de Mendoza 2010:39) and... more
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      Conceptual metonymyCognitive GrammarCountability
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      Languages and LinguisticsConceptual MetaphorMorphologyCognitive Linguistics
Predmet ovog rada je konceptualizacija vremena pomoću ontoloških metafora u srpskom i španskom jeziku. Kognitivnolingvističke analize konceptualizacije vremena najčešće se usredsređuju na izvorne domene prostora i kretanja. Naš cilj je da... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorConceptual Metaphor TheoryMetaphorSpanish Linguistics
U ovom se poglavlju osvrćemo na metonimiju u kognitivnolingvističkom pristupu. Nakon napomena o tradicionalnom poimanju metonimije, ukazujemo na ključne teme i pitanja u vezi s metonimijom kojima su se bavila kognitivnolingvistička... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsCognitive LinguisticsConceptual metonymy
In recent years scholars involved in advanced L2 training have postulated that fine-grained cross-linguistic L1-L2 analysis is necessary to teach L2 rules proficiently (cf. Dirven 2001; De Knop and De Rycker 2008). This kind of analysis... more
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      Conceptual Metaphor TheoryCognitive LinguisticsConceptual metonymyEnglish language teaching
Metonymy and metaphor are fundamental and ubiquitous meaning-generating tropes that operate on a conceptual, not just a verbal, level. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate to scholars outside of the Conceptual Metaphor Theory and... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationChinese StudiesConceptual MetaphorSymbolism
Current research shows that the gap between scientific knowledge and everyday knowledge may impede students' learning of science. The present study aims at investigating the terms denoting the concepts of SPEED and VELOCITY in Arabic and... more
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      Science EducationConceptual MetaphorCorpus LinguisticsCognitive Linguistics
The problem of distinguishing metaphor from metonymy has been puzzling the cognitive linguistic literature for years. In spite of the numerous differences between the two phenomena their similarities and interconnectedness are constantly... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorTerminologyConceptual Metaphor TheoryMetaphor
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      Conceptual metonymyConceptual metaphorsPolitical DiscourseTaboo language
This article revisits the notion of indirect speech acts (ISA) in the light of a weak formulation of the classical Literal Force Hypothesis. It is argued that ISAs are actually instances of unspecified illocutions, which allows for the... more
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      PragmaticsCognitive LinguisticsSemantics/Pragmatics interfaceConstruction Grammar
Metaphor and Metonymy were studied in terms of literality, figurativity, reversibility, and similarity. Stimuli statements were presented to participants and participants were given possible interpretations [interpretents] to choose from.... more
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      Conceptual Metaphor TheoryLacanian theoryCognitive LinguisticsConceptual metonymy
The paper examines metonymic linguistic expressions of romantic love in Modern Greek language. The expressions come from a questionnaire about romantic love, a methodological tool which is not used in cognitive linguistics. The... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsConceptual metonymyEmotionsRomantic love
Published in: Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, Bd. 17 (2014), 1-26. Cassirer proclaimed the human as ʻanimal symbolicum’. Language, art and religion are manifestations of an poetic and symbol-creating... more
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Philosophy Of LanguageHomerComposition and Rhetoric
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      Conceptual metonymyComplementation
Predmet ovog rada je metaforička i metonimijska konceptualizacija ljubavi u tekstovima turbofolk pesama. Ovi tekstovi su, uprkos popularnosti, retko bili u fokusu istraživanja u lingvistici, za razliku od nekih drugih društvenih i... more
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      Popular MusicPopular CultureSerbianConceptual Metaphor Theory
This study represents a contrastive analysis of Michael Ende's poem "Der Lindwurm und der Schmetterling oder Der seltsame Tausch" and its Serbian translation by Spomenka Krajčević titled "Zmaj i Leptir ili Neobična zamena" based on the... more
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      Cognitive ScienceTranslation StudiesCognitive SemanticsPoetry
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      Conceptual metonymyRelative ClausesPossessive constructionNominalization
Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Tuzli izvorni naučni rad U radu se analizira uloga konceptualne metafore i konceptualne integracije u poetskom diskursu pjesme ˝Gradačac˝ bosanskohercegovačkog autora Milorada Pejića. Analiza se... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorConceptual Metaphor TheoryMetaphorCognitive Linguistics
Previous literature on the classification of metonymy has mainly concentrated on the relationship between source and target (e.g. Radden & Kövecses 1999, Peirsman & Geeraerts 2006a). More recent, pragmatically oriented classifications are... more
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      PragmaticsCognitive SemanticsSemantics/PragmaticsCognitive Linguistics
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      Cognitive SemanticsCognitive LinguisticsGrammaticalizationConceptual metonymy
Lo scopo della mia tesi magistrale in Approcci Cognitivi al Lessico è stato quello di analizzare la semantica di alcune delle neoformazioni derivazionali e composizionali su base ''covid'' dell'italiano (covid-free; pre-covid; post-covid;... more
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      MorphologyCognitive LinguisticsItalian (Languages And Linguistics)Conceptual metonymy
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      Conceptual metonymyContrastive Linguistics
After a brief explanation of the principles of suffixal word formation understood in terms of (conceptual) metonymic processes, the paper aims to present the results of the analysis of 150 words collected randomly from European Spanish... more
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      Spanish LinguisticsConceptual metonymyWord formation
In cognitive linguistics, spatialization of abstract concepts has been extensively studied in grammar and lexicon, forming one of the crucial assumptions on the spatial foundations of language (Johnson 1987; Langacker 1987; Lakoff 1987;... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorCognitive LinguisticsMultimodalityConceptual metonymy
A cross-linguistic comparison of the patterns of use of metonymic expressions of the CAPITAL FOR GOVERNMENT type uncovers significant cross-linguistic and cross-cultural differences in the sense of the underuse of some possibilities,... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsConceptual metonymyCultural Models
It is traditionally assumed that metonymy plays hardly any role outside the lexicon, and is thus largely irrelevant to grammar. The present paper attempts to show the contrary: that metonymy has a series of long-ranging ramifications in... more
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      Conceptual metonymyGrammarTense, Aspect and Modality
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      Conceptual metonymyCognitive linguistics (especially metaphor and metonymy, conceptualization of emotions and relationship between language, mind, and culture)
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      Cognitive SemanticsCorpus LinguisticsConceptual metonymy
With the advent of the "multimodal turn" in metaphor research (Forceville 1996, Cienki 1998), it has become evident that the PATH schema (Johnson 1987), either alone or as a part of an image schema complex (Cienki 1997), is commonly... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorMultimodalityConceptual metonymyText-Image Relations