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This paper presents the evolution of an important component of the communist regime: its exit (emigration) policy and related institutions, from Stalin's death to its implosion in 1989. Using the case of Poland it shows how the evolution... more
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      HistoryTotalitarianismCommunismSocial History
Addressing the question of what was essentially socialist about the socialist city, this paper looks for its specificity beyond the sheer urbanist artifact – the urban layout and the architectural form – into the political economy that... more
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      Urban HistoryHousing PolicyBureaucracyPostwar reconstruction
Predkladaná publikácia sa zameriava na udalosti spojené so študentskými protestmi na slovenských vysokých školách, najmä v Bratislave, na jar 1956. Využíva prístupy historických a politických vied. Protesty sú analyzované v kontexte... more
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      DemocratizationCentral European historyCzech & Slovak StudiesCentral European Studies
This short essay analyzes if the Communist Regimes in Central and Eastern Europe were a domestic product or if they were imposted by external powers.
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      Soviet HistoryCommunismSocial movements and revolutionHistory of Communism; Soviet; Post-Soviet; Russia; Eastern Europe
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      Heritage StudiesMemory StudiesCultural MemoryConflict Archaeology
Un lungo tunnel senza luce? Le relazioni culturali tra Italia e Albania nel secondo dopoguerra Nell'epoca precedente la prima guerra mondiale, ma soprattutto durante gli anni del fascismo sino all'occupazione militare dell'a-prile del... more
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      International RelationsAlbanian StudiesBalkan StudiesCold War and Culture
The campaign analyzed in this study began as an anti-Israeli policy but quickly turned into an anti-Jewish campaign, and this evident anti-Jewish character remained its distinctive feature. It developed in two acts. In the summer of... more
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)CommunismIsrael and ZionismJews in Poland
General-colonelul de Securitate Iulian Vlad beneficiază de o imagine idealizată în studiile unor istorici apropiaţi de serviciile secrete sau în memoriile foştilor subalterni. Spre exemplu, Cristian Troncotă, actualmente redactor-şef al... more
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      Romanian StudiesRomanian LanguageCommunist Secret PoliceCommunist Regimes
Bosnia and Herzegovina was one of the nine republics of Yugoslavia and was always among the poorest republics in the former state. However, the school system, as it was the case in the totalitarian regimes, was under direct control of the... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationHistory of EducationCommunist Regimes
Mongolsko si v roce 2009 připomnělo dvacet let od zahájení přechodu k demokracii. I přesto zůstává mongolská tranzice v politologických kruzích na okraji zájmů, a to navzdory tomu, že její výstup vedl k úspěšnému ustavení demokracie (Fish... more
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      DemocratizationEast AsiaMongolian StudiesEast Asian Studies
This article deals with the first long perspective general economic plan that was set up in Romania by the communist leadership during the “popular republic” era. While discussing the character of this type of planning in contrast to... more
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      SocialismEconomic PlanningCommunist RegimesEconomic and cultural history of state socialism
The article aims at following the main legislative and constitutional provisions regarding the functioning of humanistic scientific research mainly during High Stalinism, that is, between 1948 and 1953. It also takes into consideration... more
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      Communist RomaniaCommunist RegimesScientific ResearchRomanian Academy
Esej o dysydentach w czasach reżimu komunistycznego i ich dziedzictwie dla współczesności. Szczególnie w kontekście stosunku grup dysydenckich do najbardziej fundamentalnych czy metafizycznych pytań ludzkiej egzystencji oraz ich wpływu na... more
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      CommunismSoviet Union (History)Post-CommunismCentral European Dissidence
This article deals with the democratic transition in Mongolia. In the first part the author analyses the character of the Mongolian communist regime, following the theory of nondemocratic regimes developed by Juan J. Linz and Alfred... more
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      DemocratizationEast AsiaMongolian StudiesEast Asian Studies
Since the very beginning of the reform policy, China has implemented a process of Constitutionalisation in order to maintain the regime. This process evolved from “rule of law” to “rule by law”. Constitutionalisation in China has been... more
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      ChinaConstitutionalismNorth Korea (politics and society)Communist Regimes
სამაგისტრო ნაშრომი მიმოიხილავს აშშ-ს მე-40 პრეზიდენტის, რონალდ რეიგანის პოლიტიკას ცენტრალური ამერიკისა და კარიბის ზღვის აუზის პროსაბჭოური და მარქსისტული რეჟიმებისა თუ დაჯგუფებების წინააღმდეგ, რომელიც ცივი ომის დასკვნითი ეტაპის ერთ-ერთ... more
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      International RelationsCold WarLatin American Foreign PolicyHistory of Communism
This paper presents patterns of emergence, diffusion and evolution of social practices that were changing the socio-political order of the communist states bottom-up. It uses the case of (re)emergence and expansion of international... more
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      Social NetworksCentral European historyCommunismInternational Migration
IThe study is intended to be a portrait of the sociologist Ion Aluas (1927–1994), and it is focused on the novelty of some of the research that he conducted during the communist period. This research is only available in manuscript and is... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyCommunity EcologyRural DevelopmentDevelopment
As revoltas por democracia socialista no "bloco soviético" e as transformações do stalinismo (1953-56) RESUMO: Após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, a URSS expandiu para o Leste Europeu seu modelo econômico e social de uma sociedade de... more
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      Soviet RegimeSoviet HistoryCommunism (Revolutions)Communism
A brief account of the bloody revolution of 1989 in Romania and its immediate aftermath.
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      European HistoryRomanian HistoryCommunismRomanian Studies
Studie se soustředí na legalismus jakožto klíčovou politickou strategii využívanou disidenty v Československu a Polsku v jejich boji za změnu veřejného přístupu k právům, zejména občanským. V úvodu stručně popisuje „legalistické počátky“... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHuman RightsCentral European DissidenceCommunist Regimes
Call for articles for a special issue of Studia Politica (Issue 3 of 2017) Editor: PhD Lecturer, Caterina Preda (Department of Political Science, University of Bucharest) more
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      SociologyEastern European StudiesComparative PoliticsArt History
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      CensorshipMass CommunicationPolitical communicationPoland