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      JudaismModern Jewish ThoughtCommandment in Jewish ThoughtTradition and Change in Judaism
What is the relationship between friendship and human flourishing? This is a central topic in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and one to which Maimonides also returned throughout his career. Despite the relative neglect of this topic in... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsComparative ReligionJewish Law
A meditation on some of the inner symbolic meanings of the Jewish commandment of circumcision ("brit milah"), in light of a growing number of Jews choosing to refrain from observing it. Circumcision is analyzed using three axes of... more
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)Male CircumcisionSecularizationJudaism
Elhanan Shilo (born in 1972) is a scholar of modern Jewish philosophy and Kabbalah as well as an original thinker in his own right. He studied at Yeshivat Or Etzion and afterwards studied Jewish Thought, philosophy, and Bible Studies at... more
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      Jewish PhilosophyReligion and ReasonModern JudaismModern Jewish Thought