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Despite the increased use as tool for conservation of native fish, the creation of non-fishing reserves is more recent in Neotropical impoundments and its effectiveness rather variable. Although not intentionally created for conservation... more
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      Fishery ManagementCichlidaeEcological Interactions
Nun man meint einen alten Bekannten vor sich zu haben ist aber jedes Mal auf ein Neues überrascht wie vielseitig dieser wunderschöne Cichlide in Form und vor allem in Farbe ist. Vieja bifasciata
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      Fish BiologyCichlidaeCentral America CichlidsBuntbarsche Mittelamerika
Cichlids of the genus Oreochromis (‘‘Tilapias’’) are intensively used in aquaculture around the world. In many cases, when ‘‘Tilapia’’ were introduced for economic reasons to catchments that were home to other, often endemic, Oreochromis... more
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      Invasive SpeciesEndemismEndangered SpeciesEcomorphology
Melanochromis labrosus is the only one of the 800 or so endemic cichlid species in Lake Malawi whose placement with mbuna or non-mbuna has been disputed on morphological grounds. Here, we redescribe M. labrosus using all obtainable... more
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      Parental careCichlidaeродительская забота
Se presenta un inventario actualizado de la familia Cichlidae para Bolivia, con base en la revisión taxonómica de la Colección Ictiológica UMSS - Museo Alcide d’Orbigny (Cochabamba-Bolivia) y registros bibliográficos. Se registraron 74... more
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Für Aquarien mit Fischen aus Südamerika gehören sie dazu wie das Wasser für selbiges. Wie sieht es aber aus für Liebhaber mittelamerikanischer Cichliden? Welche kann man nehmen und welche passen gar nicht?
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      CichlidaeCentral America Cichlids
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)Cichlidae
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      CichlidaeCentral America CichlidsSouth American CichlidsCichlids of North and Central America
The cichlids of Africa present many challenges to the taxonomist. Diverse systematic problems at three levels in cichlid phylogeny form the subject matter of this dissertation. At the most general level, I summarize current morphological... more
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      Cladistics (Systematic Biology)TaggingComparative MorphologyDispersal
Floating masses of vegetation are commonly seen in the southern region of Lake Malawi. These floating islands disperse littoral fishes across deep portions of the lake. Six islands were sampled and all yielded fishes. The 129 individuals... more
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      BiogeographyDispersal EcologyCichlidae
Kronoheros Report. Die Gattung Kronoheros in der Wissenschaft und im Hobby.
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      CichlidsCichlidaeCentral America CichlidsSouth American Cichlids
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureLate AntiquityCicero
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)Cichlidae
ABSTRAK Ikan louhan tergolong jenis ikan hibrid (sehingga tidak dapat ditentukan nama ilmiahnya) dari famili Cichlidae yang terindikasi sebagai ikan asing invasif di Danau Matano. Keberadaan ikan tersebut di Danau Matano perlu dikaji dan... more
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      Invasive species ecologyPopulation DynamicsInvasive SpeciesFisheries Biology
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      Fish BiologyFish EcologyCichlidaeLake Victoria
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)BiologyPhylogenyCommunity Structure
Penelitian tentang struktur ukuran dan faktor kondisi beberapa jenis ikan famili Cichlidae telah dilaksanakan di Waduk Djuanda Jawa Barat dari bulan Januari-Desember 2011. Sampel ikan diperoleh dari hasil tangkapan jaring insang dengan... more
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      Fish BiologyFisheries BiologyInvasive Alien SpeciesCichlidae
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      CichlidaeCentral America CichlidsCichlids of North and Central AmericaCichlids Fishes
Morphological differentiation among closely related species provides opportunities to study mechanisms shaping natural phenotypic variation. Here, we address variation in the orientation of melanin-colored body stripes in three cichlid... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsPigmentationGenomics
Lakes Victoria, Kyoga, and Nabugabo ("the Lake Victoria region") are remarkable for hosting one of the largest assemblages of cichlid fishes among the African inland lakes. Here, we review the role and severity of anthropogenic and... more
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      Evolutionary EcologyEnvironmental ChangeCichlidaeNile Tilapia
Results of studies of cichlid fish Rocio octofasciata, a new species for Russia that naturalized in Lake Staraya Kuban (the city of Krasnodar) are presented. Estimates of the main meristic characteristics of the fish and a description of... more
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      IchthyologyInvasive species ecologyInvasive SpeciesFish Biology
The cichlids of Africa present many challenges to the taxonomist. Diverse systematic problems at three levels in cichlid phylogeny form the subject matter of this dissertation. At the most general level, I summarize current morphological... more
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      BiologyTaxonomy of Freshwater FishesCommunity StructureCichlidae
Background: Carotenoids contribute significantly to animal body coloration, including the spectacular color pattern diversity among fishes. Fish, as other animals, derive carotenoids from their diet. Following uptake, transport and... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPigmentationTranscriptomicsFish Biology
Modes and mechanisms of speciation are best studied in young species pairs. In older taxa, it is increasingly difficult to distinguish what happened during speciation from what happened after speciation. Lake Victoria cichlids in the... more
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      SpeciationSexual SelectionHybridizationNatural Selection
Hemitaeniochromis brachyrhynchus, an anatomically distinctive and apparently rare new cichlid, is described and illus-trated from specimens collected at two widely separated localities within Lake Malaŵi. It is easily distinguished from... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyTaxonomyBiology
The cichlid fish Green Chromide Etroplus suratensis (Bloch) is an economically valuable food fish and a preferred candidate for brackishwater aquaculture in India. Genetic variation of E. suratensis collected from 11 different geographic... more
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      BioinformaticsEvolutionary BiologyConservation BiologyMolecular Biology
Monthly data of length composition for Tylochromis jentinki (Steindachner, 1895), landed between February 2004 and January 2006 in Ebrié Lagoon (Ivory Coast) were used to estimate the growth, mortality and exploitation parameters of the... more
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Представлены результаты исследования влияния присутствия модельного хищника на заботу о потомстве у чернополосой цихлазомы Amatitlania nigrofasciata. Рассмотрены основные различия в родительских функциях самца и самки в семейной группе и... more
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      EthologyAnimal BehaviorFish BiologyPredator-Prey Interactions
The importance of species recognition to taxonomic diversity among Lake Malawi cichlids has been frequently discussed. Hybridization — the apparent breakdown of species recognition — has been observed sporadically among cichlids and has... more
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    • Cichlidae
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)BiologyCichlidae
A downward kink one or more scales in length at the posterior end of the upper lateral line, leaving only one scale row instead of two between it and the lower lateral line, has been considered a synapomorphy uniting as a monophyletic... more
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      Hypothesis testingCichlidaeLake MalawiLateral Line
The cichlid fish, Green Chromide [Etroplus suratensis (Bloch)] is an economically valuable food fish and a preferred candidate for brackishwater aquaculture in India. Genetic variation of E. suratensis collected from 11 different... more
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      BioinformaticsEvolutionary BiologyConservation BiologyMolecular Biology
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      BiodiversityMolecular EcologyMalawiBiological Sciences
A mouthbrooding cichlid which produced offspring of its own? Is that possible? Obviously it is possible because I and my colleagues just published a report on a hybrid Lake Victoria cichlid held in isolation which spawned with itself and... more
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      HermaphroditismDisorders of sex developmentSelfingCichlidae
Adaptive radiation research typically relies on the study of evolution in retrospective, leaving the predictive value of the concept hard to evaluate. Several radiations, including the cichlid fishes in the East African Great Lakes, have... more
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Banded jewel cichlid (Hemichromis elongatus, Guichenot 1861) is unintentional introduced fish in Cirata Reservoir. These fish populations have significant increased in the last five years. The objective of this research were to analyze... more
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      Fish BiologyFish ReproductionCichlidaeBogor Agricultural University
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Hemitaeniochromis brachyrhynchus, an anatomically distinctive and apparently rare new cichlid, is described and illustrated from specimens collected at two widely separated localities within Lake Malaŵi. It is easily distinguished from... more
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The diversity of fin morphology within and across fish taxa offers great, but still largely unexplored, opportunities to investigate the proximate mechanisms underlying fin shape variation. Relying on available genetic knowledge brought... more
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      Evolutionary BiologySkeletal BiologyMolecular BiologyRegeneration
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      Animal BehaviorDNA MICROARRAYSSocial BehaviourGene expression
Melanochromis labrosus is the only one of the 800 or so endemic cichlid species in Lake Malawi whose placement with mbuna or non-mbuna has been disputed on morphological grounds. Here, we redescribe M. labrosus using all obtainable... more
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Petenia splendida Günther, 1862 Der Gattung Petenia gehört nur eine Art an, Petenia splendida. Die Gattung ist also monotypisch. Es handelt sich um eine sehr groß werdende Art aus Mittelamerika.
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      CichlidaeCentral America Cichlids
Определен и описан новый для ихтиофауны России аллохтонный вид – восьмиполосая цихлазома Rocio octofasciata (Regan, 1903), населяющий оз. Старая Кубань, г. Краснодар. Проведено сравнение условий жизни данного вида в различных регионах: в... more
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      Invasive species ecologyInvasive SpeciesFish BiologyFreshwater Ecology
During the development of the vertebrate feeding apparatus, a variety of complicated cellular and molecular processes participate in the formation and integration of individual skeletal elements. The molecular mechanisms regulating the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyDevelopmental BiologyCraniofacial MorphologyBone Biology
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      BiogeographyCichlidaeRio UruguayNew Records
Female mating preferences can influence both intraspecific sexual selection and interspecific reproductive isolation, and have therefore been proposed to play a central role in speciation. Here, we investigate experimentally in the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyMate ChoiceSpeciationSexual Selection
Приведены результаты биоанализа нового для ихтиофауны России чужеродного вида – восьмиполосой цихлазомы (Rocio octofasciata). Указаны основные меристические признаки рыб и их окраска. Приведены первые данные по питанию цихлазом в озере... more
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      IchthyologyInvasive species ecologyFish BiologyFreshwater Ecology
Background The Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is the second most farmed fish species worldwide. It is also an important model for studies of fish physiology, particularly because of its broad tolerance to an array of environments.... more
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      BiologyMedicineBiological SciencesExpressed Sequence Tags
Feeding is a complex behaviour comprised of satiety control, foraging, ingestion and subsequent digestion. Cichlids from the East African Great Lakes are renowned for their diverse trophic specializations, largely predicated on highly... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEvolutionEvolutionary EcologyGene expression