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Covid-19 has prompted widespread school closures and physical distancing measures and made online platforms and communities essential to maintaining a sense of normalcy (UNICEF et al. 2020). Children are turning to digital solutions more... more
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      Social SciencesChildren's RightsReform of Child Protection and Family Support ServicesChild Protection Issues and Child Rights Issues
Family Law Update including consideration of CW v. Procurator Fiscal, Glasgow [2016] SAC (Crim) 11 also reported as W v Harvie [2016] SAC (Crim) 11 dealing with parental assault upon or corporal punishment of children.
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodFamily studiesChildren and FamiliesFamily Law
Цель настоящей работы заключается в произведении семантического, правового и педагогическо-психологического анализа совокупности и синергийной эффективности объектов нормативно-правового обеспечения образовательного процесса в Российской... more
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      Educational TechnologySociology of Children and ChildhoodHuman Rights LawHumanistic psychology
Brian Dempsey* continues the regular digest, last appearing 2019 SCOLAG 229 Including comment on ABC (AP) (Appellant) v. Principal Reporter and another (Respondents) (Scotland) Case ID: UKSC 2019/0063 on children's rights to sibling... more
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      Family LawScottish StudiesScottish CultureScots Law
“Varones Violentos/Estado Negligente”, es un trabajo colectivo realizado por las investigadoras de EQUIFEM, Claudia Hasanbegovic, Rocío Belén Oliva y Carolina Cymerman, publicado en ”Mujeres de Latinoamérica. El presente en Veintidós... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial PolicyDomestic ViolenceHuman Rights Law
Programa para la prevención de la delincuencia de menores extranjeros en situación de calle en Ceuta (PREMECE) - Área de Protección Infantil del Municipio de Ceuta y la Universidad de Málaga, España. Con un equipo de psicólogas y... more
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      Street ChildrenUnaccompanied Refugee MinorsChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
The assumption of the principles for good regulation in our legal system involves a shift in focus of the procedure for the preparation of standards. An important part of this change is the introduction of the impact evaluation prior to... more
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      Constitutional LawChildren and FamiliesFamily LawDerecho Administrativo
This paper was written while reading the subject 'Child Law' at the University of Malta, in partial fulfilment of my Doctor of Laws Degree. This paper analysis the current care order proceedings in Malta and whether the current practices... more
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      Child LawChildren's RightsChild protection and family lawConvention on the Rights of the Child
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      Human RightsParentingThe Morality of ProcreationChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
Child Abuse and Child Labor is a social menace that affects children and young people age 5- 17 years old worldwide. Child abuse and neglect are serious global problems and can be in the form of physical, sexual , emotional or just... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodPublic HealthChildren's RightsCommunity Health Problems, Violance against woman and children, human rights and etc...
L’ospedale è un luogo in cui la dignità e la vulnerabilità umana emergono in modo evidente, in particolare se la persona ricoverata è minore d’età, in quanto le fragilità si sommano, intrecciando quella del minore e dei suoi familiari e... more
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      Children's RightsChildrens RightsChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systemsTherapeutic activities for children in hospitals, Child Life , pediatric oncology
On paper, Romania’s Child Protection System offers a child temporary intervention until they are reintegrated into their biological family, or placed in an adoptive family. In reality, this “temporary intervention” usually lasts until... more
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      Child protectionChildren and FamiliesAdoptionFoster Care
The wellbeing and nurture of children is a paramount concern for every country, culture, and community. Internationally, notable numbers of children undergo maltreatment, leading to significant lifelong implications (WHO 2016). In... more
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      Psychological AssessmentQuantitative PsychologyTeaching and LearningSocial Policy
Immediately after the enactment by the Philippine legislature of The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, fourteen public interest lawsuits challenged the constitutionality of the new law, raising issues of... more
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      Digital MediaChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
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      Family LawMuslim Family LawPrivate International Family LawMarriage and Divorce
The idea that 'every child's best interests should be protected' is recognized internationally, regionally and nationally as a fundamental right of every child. However, national standards in terms of 'the child's best interest' vary on... more
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      Children's RightsChild protection and family lawChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
This paper advances a radical and controversial analysis of the legal status of children. I argue that the denial of equal rights and equal protection to children under the law is inconsistent with liberal and progressive beliefs about... more
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      LawConstitutional LawPolitical PhilosophySociology of Children and Childhood
In any case, whenever and wherever, the best interests of a child should always be looked at with regard to the international instruments and even in the national law. The first is balancing the "best interests" with claims of parental... more
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    • Children's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
This is a set of overheads for a presentation at the Canadian Provincial Court Judges Education Association in Charlottetown, PEI, September 27, 2017
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      SociologyChild protectionChild and adolescent mental healthMass Communication
his report presents a Multi-Country Analysis of Legislation, Policies, Interventions and Cultural Practices on Child Marriage in Africa. The study assessed the state of child marriage in Africa from practice to policy and interventions... more
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      Gender and DevelopmentChild marriage preventionChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
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      Children and FamiliesSexualityGender and SexualityGender
The Marriage and Divorce Bill (the Bill) has brought out a number of controversies especially in relation to matters to do with succession. It is in fact viewed by some members as one step towards the end of domestic violence in Uganda... more
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      LawCivil LawGender StudiesSocial Sciences
My Master's Dissertation title is "Responsabilidades Parentais: Poder de Correção na Educação dos Filhos Menores de Idade" (Parental Responsibilities: Power of Correction in Children's Education). My investigation focused on the question... more
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      Family LawChildren's RightsDireitos das CriançasChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
The paper critically reviews the procedural itinerary of the application of measures to protect the rights of children. At the beginning a characterization of the procedure is formulated and a concept of protection measures is proposed.... more
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      Child protectionChildren's RightsChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
This article explores proceedings by the Youth Tribunal of Reggio Calabria, Southern Italy, aimed at the protection of children in families where one or both parents are investigated for mafia offences. The findings show that preventing... more
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      Criminal JusticeCriminal careersChildren's RightsComparative Criminal Law & Procedure
The practice of child protection plays a key role in protecting every child, whether privileged or less privileged. Also, it plays a major role in the work of professionals such as human rights organizations, social workers, civic... more
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      Child protectionInternational Human Rights EducationChild Protection Social WorkReform of Child Protection and Family Support Services
Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to consider possible implications of recent policy initiatives in schools and local government for child safeguarding practice in education settings in the state sector in England.... more
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    • Children's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
The increasing rate of child sexual abuse in Malaysia has become a serious concern for national policy makers. Besides the existing laws available, Malaysia had passed a special bill on sexual offences against children on 5th April 2017... more
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      Children's RightsChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
Being on time provided a crucial role in maintaining order within the school system. Much of the time and work will be saved if this practice will be imposed to the system of every responsible administrators, teachers, and... more
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      Child Abuse And Neglect (Law)Children's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
ÖZET Korunmaya ihtiyacı olan çocuk kavramı evrensel bir kavramdır. Toplumların tüm özelliklerinden bağımsız bir şekilde, her toplumda tartışılan ve önlemler alınan bir olgudur. Devletler, tarihleri boyunca korunmaya ihtiyaç duyan... more
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      Social WorkChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systemsInstitutionalized careAlternative child care
This is the introductory chapter to Elizabeth Brake and Lucinda Ferguson (eds), Philosophical Foundations of Children's and Family Law (OUP 2018). What defines family law? Is it an area of law with clean boundaries and unified... more
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      Family LawLegal TheoryChild LawMoral Philosophy
Penubuhan Mahkamah bagi kanak-kanak (MBKK) dalam sistem keadilan jenayah kanak-kanak adalah bertujuan untuk memberikan perlindungan undang-undang terhadap kanak-kanak. Mahkamah ini dianggotai oleh seorang Majistret dan dibantu oleh dua... more
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      Juvenile JusticeChildrens RightsChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
The human rights of child are not assured by the arrangements of the parents, civilizations, societies, or even the regimes. Allah Himself assures the child's rights. Islam is not only a system of worship, but also, an entire legal system... more
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      Human RightsChildrens RightsChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
This executive brief is a synthesis of key findings and recommendations from a multi country analytical study by UN Women on child marriage in Africa covering ten countries selected due to their comparatively higher prevalence of child... more
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      Gender and DevelopmentChild marriage preventionChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
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      Human RightsChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systemsCosmetic Law
Anak merupakan generasi penerus bangsa dan penerus perjuangan dan pembangunan yang Indonesia yang harus selalu senantiasa dilindungi tak hanya oleh negara, namun juga oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat. Untuk memahami tentang perlindungan... more
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      Children's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systemsPerlindungan AnakHak Anak
David O' Hanlon Author: word count 3200 EX footnotes references and appendixes-full word count in total 3645
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      Children and FamiliesChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureChild LawChildren's Rights
Disruptive judgments are exercises of judicial power intended to impact on practice. This paper discusses the concept of the disruptive case, the practice of making disruptive judgments and the processes though which judgments are made... more
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    • Children's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
Uploaded here is an *early version* of the paper published in the International Journal of Children's Rights (2018, Vol 26(1): 159-182) Galvanised by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, many jurisdictions have introduced or... more
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      Children's RightsChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
PERDA Kabupaten Grobogan Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 Tentang PERLINDUNGAN ANAK merupakan regulasi yang mengatur tentang berbagai hal tentang perlindungan anak di Kabupaten Grobogan Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.
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      Child LawChildren's RightsChild protection and family lawChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
Pretende-se neste artigo analisar a atual proibição de adoção de filho de cônjuge ou de unido de facto do mesmo sexo à luz dos princípios constitucionais. Para tal, procurar-se-á analisar os fundamentos do instituto da adoção, a sua... more
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      Family LawConvention on the Rights of the ChildChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systemsHomosexuals Civil Rights
This presentation was done at the Legal Representation for Children and Youth Conference in Calgary May 7, 2015. The paper argues that there needs to be a standard of determining when a parent involved with child protection should be able... more
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      Child WelfareChild Protection Social WorkChild protection and family lawProvision of Child Welfare Services
The promotion and protection of the rights of the child are one of the objectives of the EU on which the Treaty of Lisbon has put further emphasis. This report is part of a study ‘to collect data on children’s involvement in judicial... more
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      Comparative Legal Studies; Access to Justice; ADR; Comparative Family Law; Children's Rights; LGBTI rightsChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systemsChildren and the LawLaw and Policy for Children and Youth Justice
It has been suggested that sport is increasingly becoming a ‘no-touch zone’ as some coaches, driven by a desire for self-protection, restrict their use of physical contact with (child) athletes in the belief that this reduces their risk... more
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      Moral PanicChildren's RightsSportTouch
G. NOTO LA DIEGA, La trascrizione del certificato di nascita del figlio di coniugi “same sex”. Filiazione omogenitoriale, ordine pubblico internazionale e interesse del minore nella recente giurisprudenza torinese, in "Diritto Civile... more
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      Comparative LawCivil LawGender StudiesSex and Gender
Covid-19 has prompted widespread school closures and physical distancing measures and made online platforms and communities essential to maintaining a sense of normalcy (UNICEF et al. 2020). Children are turning to digital solutions more... more
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      Child protectionChildren's RightsChild Protection Social WorkConvention on the Rights of the Child
Artigo originalmente publicado no livro Direito do Consumidor Contemporâneo (org. ) Júlio Moraes Oliveira. Editora D´Plácido. Belo Horizonte.2019. p. 109-132
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      Children's MediaChildren's RightsConsumer LawChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
The family law is the expression of values and principles on which is based the entire social fabric. However , the definition of "family"-because of the socioeconomic and cultural changes of recent years-varies from State to State, and... more
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      LawComparative LawInternational LawHuman Rights
The Monitoring Committees on Child Rights1 and the National Child Protection Authority (NCPA)2 have been established in early 90s to monitor the implementation of the Children's Charter. This was interconnected with the grass root... more
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      Child protectionChild Protection Social WorkChild protection and family lawCommunity-Based Participatory Research