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FORWARD: Gareth B. Matthews INTRODUCTION: Signifying Children CHAPTER 1: The Roots of Child Study: Philosophy, History, and Religion CHAPTER 2: Child and Fool in the Western Wisdom Tradition CHAPTER 3: Fools, Young Children, Animism,... more
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      Philosophy of childhoodChild Study
A historical persctive on child studies. An analysis of the Anna Frank Diary and its to historical perspective to child studies and child growth.
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      Child DevelopmentChildhood studiesChild Study
Television viewing has a great impact on various aspects of child’s life. This study was carried out at Sir Padampat Mother & Child Health Institute, Jaipur (Rajasthan). The aim was to study the effects of television viewing on a child’s... more
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      ViolenceChild healthPhysical ActivityChildhood Obesity
The television saw a significant rise in the last two decades in the Romanian society. Nowadays, the television is no longer simply a means of communication, but a family member, an indispensable presence. Is therefore necessary studying... more
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      ViolenceChild healthPhysical ActivityChildhood Obesity
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      Special EducationBipolar DisorderLearning DisabilitiesIEP
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between sex, social status and social behaviour in a sample of Australian preschool-aged children. Social behaviour has emerged as an important predictor of social status for... more
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    • Child Study
[Extract] Introduction: Global Civil Society Networks and Travelling Pedagogical Knowledge in the ‘Age of Empire’ This chapter explores travels and transformations of pedagogical knowledge in the age of empire. The fundamental changes... more
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      History of EducationEarly Childhood EducationImperial HistoryComparative & International Education
The individualistic play pedagogy of Western early childhood care and education practices posits the child as benefiting developmentally from play environments that support self-directed engagement with peers, with adult facilitation... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodEarly Childhood EducationChild DevelopmentChild Study
Preparing for Inclusion Journal article by Mary Beth Henning, Linda Crane Mitchell; Child Study Journal, Vol. 32, 2002. Read Preparing for Inclusion at Questia library.
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      PsychologyChild Study
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      Early Childhood EducationObservationSocial behaviorSocial Behavior
APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser configuration. - alerts user that their session is about to expire - display, print, save, export, and email selected records - get My ...
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      PsychologySocial CognitionPersistenceSocial status
To investigate the ability of young children to perceive the feelings of others, 44 preschool children with a mean age of approximately 3 years, 8 months were shown 12 vignettes in which a puppeteer emitting facial and vocal cues twice... more
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      Research MethodologyPuppetrySocial CognitionBody Language
To investigate the ability of young children to perceive the feelings of others, 44 preschool children with a mean age of approximately 3 years, 8 months were shown 12 vignettes in which a puppeteer emitting facial and vocal cues twice... more
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      Research MethodologyPuppetrySocial CognitionBody Language
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      AltruismProsocial BehaviorElementary EducationChild Study
EJ524985 - Extended Attention Span Training System: Video Game Neurotherapy for Attention Deficit Disorder.
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      PsychologyNeuropsychologyNeurologyBehavior Modification
Plagiarism refers to the utilization of words or ideas as if they belonged to the writer and not the original author. What was the central argument in attachment theory? Cultural values of children’s childhoods Children as main... more
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      Child DevelopmentChildren's RightsEarly Childhood Care and EducationChildhood studies
Reviews research concerning the way siblings (SIBs) get along in different developmental periods, with particular emphasis on SIB conflict and SIBs as playmates and helpers. Findings indicate that overt conflict between SIBs in childhood... more
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      PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologySocial CognitionFriendship
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      PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyCognitive developmentElementary Education
EJ605420 - Teaching Classification and Seriation to Preschoolers.
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      Cognitive developmentClassificationCognitive processesChild Study
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between sex, social status and social behaviour in a sample of Australian preschool-aged children. Social behaviour has emerged as an important predictor of social status for... more
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      TeacherChild Study
Attention-deficit Disorder (ADD) is a behavioral disorder characterized by the inability to sustain attention long enough to perform activities such as schoolwork or organized play. Treatments for this disorder include medication and... more
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      PsychologyNeuropsychologyNeurologyBehavior Modification
To investigate the ability of young children to perceive the feelings of others, 44 preschool children with a mean age of approximately 3 years, 8 months were shown 12 vignettes in which a puppeteer emitting facial and vocal cues twice... more
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      Research MethodologyPuppetrySocial CognitionBody Language
... During the next year the SBP was re-implemented, with breakfast provided at school to ... only 15% of their breakfasts satisfied the criteria recommended in th e government's School Breakfast ... In light of this, from a policy... more
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      Program EvaluationNutritionCognitive developmentMemory
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      CreativityProblem SolvingChild Study