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The influence of dialect on child speech assessment processes is important to consider in order to ensure accurate diagnosis and appropriate intervention (teaching or therapy) for bidialectal children. In Australia, there is limited... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLanguage DevelopmentLinguistics
Understanding the language environment of early learners is a challenging task for both human and machine, and it is critical in facilitating effective language development among young children. This papers presents a new application for... more
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      Early Childhood EducationChild Directed SpeechChild Speech and Language Development
У овом тексту разматраћемо могућности за осмишљавање лексичких вежби у раду на сложеницама. Полазећи од природе проматраног језичког садржаја, покушаћемо да расветлимо одређене граматичке, али и методичке критеријуме за одабир примера.... more
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      Teaching MethodologyCompound wordsLinguistics. Word-formation. Morphology. Lexicology. Semantics.Child Speech and Language Development
The paper terminologically determines the syntagm Logotherapy in Education,i.e. the term Logopedagogy (Logopädagogik). The term Logopedagogy (Logopädagogik) comes from German-speaking areas and implies that it can be practised by... more
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureStorytellingTeaching of Foreign LanguagesChildren's Literature in Classroom
__________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT Globally, speech and language development of children has been at the helm of research. There are several factors believed to influence... more
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      Speech-Language Pathology/ Communication DisordersPragmatics, Philosophy of Language and communicationChild Speech and Language DevelopmentDysarthric Speech Recognition
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      Special EducationSpeechSpecial Education Needs and Inclusive PracticeDelayed Speech and Language Development
When a new baby arrives among the Beng people of West Africa, they see it not as being born, but as being reincarnated after a rich life in a previous world. Far from being a tabula rasa, a Beng infant is thought to begin its life filled... more
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      EmotionSpecial EducationSociology of Children and ChildhoodEthnography
This study evaluated whether core vocabulary intervention (CVT) improved single word speech accuracy, consistency and intelligibility in four 9-11 year-old children with profound sensori-neural deafness fitted with cochlear implants... more
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      Speech-Language Pathology/ Communication DisordersDeafness and Hearing LossLanguage and DeafnessChild Speech and Language Development
Today, the eternal question of finding the meaning of life is perhaps more present than ever. Regardless of our living situation, our material conditions of poverty or well-being, or our different life circumstances, there is still the... more
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureStorytellingElectronic LiteratureChildren and Media
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      Language Acquisition and DevelopmentPrelinguistic CommunicationChild Speech and Language Development
Los fonemas agudos muestran en muchas lenguas una tendencia a asociarse a determinados significados (pequeñez, afectividad, sexo femenino etc.). Dicha asociación se encuentra fundamentalmente motivada por el carácter agudo de la voz del... more
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      Sound symbolismDiminutivesNoun MorphologyChild Speech and Language Development
Introduction: Production of Infant Scale Evaluation (PRISE) is a popular parent-report scale used to assess the pre-first word vocalization of children. There is not any tool to assess pre-verbal vocalizations in Persian speaking... more
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      Speech Language PathologyPersian LanguageSpeech and language therapyLangauge Assessment
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      Historical LinguisticsEtymologyPsycholinguisticsCognitive Linguistics
Полазећи од промишљања постструктуралистичког приступа курикулуму, концептуализације детета и терминолошких недоумица, потом проматрајући карактеристике и недоумице у вези са применом пројектног приступа у предшколском васпитању и местом... more
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      CurriculumThe Project Approach to LearningPreschool EducationChild Speech and Language Development
Abstract— This paper aims to build a spoken Arabic corpus for Egyptian children. This corpus is special in many ways. It is the first corpus of a spoken Arabic for Egyptian children. It is a collection of longitudinal child language... more
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      Child Language DevelopmentChild Speech and Language Developmentchild language corpus
The present study compared productions of verbs and auxiliaries in child-directed speech and child speech. In adult speech, function words were shorter than content words and received less intonational prominence. However, children put... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhoneticsCorpus LinguisticsFirst Language Acquisition
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      Learner Centered ApproachApplied LinguisticsLinguisticsTask Based Teaching
Anticipatory coarticulation is an indispensable feature of speech dynamics contributing to spoken language fluency. Research has shown that children speak with greater degrees of vowel anticipatory coarticulation than adultsthat is,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage AcquisitionPhoneticsUltrasound Imaging
Words are made up of speech sounds. Almost all accounts of child speech development assume that children learn the pronunciation of first language (L1) speech sounds by imitation, most claiming that the child performs some kind of... more
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      PhonologyPhoneticsLanguage DevelopmentLinguistic Theory
In English-speaking western cultures the punitive attitudes towards law-breakers is well documented. The present study examines the utility of predictors of punitive attitudes with online survey data obtained from a convenience sample of... more
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      CriminologyPsychologyLawMother and Infant Interaction
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      Cognitive developmentPerceptual DevelopmentChild DevelopmentMultimodal Interaction
A magánhangzók időtartama számos tényező (hangminőség, kontextus, a beszélő életkorának stb.) függvénye, így igen változatos lehet. A gyermekek beszédében realizálódó hangok kisebb beszédrutinjuk következtében hosszabbak, mint a... more
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      VowelsChild Speech and Language DevelopmentVowels Lengthening
The research perspective assumed in this study is derived from the theory of second language teaching and learning (L2 T/L), in which the dichotomy between learning strategies (including but not limited to cognitive strategies) and... more
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      Communication StrategiesChild Speech and Language DevelopmentCognititive Strategies
Two most common disfluencies of spontaneous speech, vowel lengthenings (VLE) and non-lexicalized filled pauses (NLFP) were investigated in the adult-directed speech of eight Hungarian children. Though VLE and NLFP might seem to be similar... more
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      DiscourseChild Speech and Language DevelopmentVowels LengtheningDiscourse management
У овом тексту се најпре скицира контекст настајања зборника радова посвећених методици развоја говора који је приредио Вук Милатовић, као и контекст настајања његових ауторских текстова који припадају овој области. Потом се у краткој... more
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      Commemoration and MemoryPreschool EducationChild Speech and Language Development
In English-speaking western cultures the punitive attitudes towards lawbreakers is well documented. The present study examines the utility of predictors of punitive attitudes with online survey data obtained from a convenience sample of... more
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      Attachment Theory, Emotion Recognition and Theory of MindMother and Infant InteractionInfant-directed speechPostnatal Depression
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      Perceptual DevelopmentChild DevelopmentAudiovisual Speech PerceptionMultimodal Interaction
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAuditory PerceptionPerceptual Development
Поједине студије недвосмислено су указале на везе раног развоја метајезичке свести с каснијим успехом деце приликом усвајања писмености, као и с њиховом интеграцијом у друштво. Ипак, у контексту методике развоја говора многострукост... more
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      MetalanguageChild Speech and Language DevelopmentLanguage FunctionsPedagogy in Kindergarden
__________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT Globally, speech and language development of children has been at the helm of research. There are several factors believed to influence... more
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    • Child Speech and Language Development
Almost all theories of child speech development assume that an infant learns speech sounds by direct imitation, performing an acoustic matching of adult output to his own speech. Some theories also postulate an innate link between... more
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      Speech ProductionPhonetics and PronunciationComputer ModelPronunciation
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      Cognitive SemanticsPsycholinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsLexical Semantics
Assessment of the language environment of children in early childhood is a challenging task for both human and machine, and understanding the classroom environment of early learners is an essential step towards facilitating language... more
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      Audio Signal ProcessingChildSpeech and Language Assessment of Bilingual ChildrenChild Speech and Language Development
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      Phonetics and PronunciationPronunciationSpeech DevelopmentChild Speech and Language Development
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      PhoneticsChild DevelopmentSpeechBiological Sciences
This study analyses variation sets in a sample of child-directed speech (CDS) in Turkish in terms of their structure and effect on child speech. The term "variation set" was first introduced to describe the sequences of repetitions, in... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguisticsFirst Language AcquisitionChild Directed Speech
Η ανάπτυξη λόγου σε ένα παιδί είναι κατα κόρον θέμα μητέρας.
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    • Child Speech and Language Development
Learners' Self-assessment is a supportive and learner facilitating task, as a genuine part of the learner-centered approach, and Task-Based Teaching. It highlights the importance of giving freedom to the learners and is impactful on... more
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      Applied LinguisticsLinguisticsChild Speech and Language DevelopmentL2 language and literacy development and assessment
Peter B Marschik & Giorgio Pini & Katrin Bartl & Martin Duckworth & Markus Gugatschka & Ralf Vollmann & Michele Zappella & Christa Einspieler PSV Preserved speech variant RTT Rett syndrome AIM Our aim was to contribute new findings... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersRett syndromeChild Speech and Language Development
To understand the now well-established auditory-visual nature of speech perception, it is necessary to understand how it develops. We know that young infants perceive speech auditory-visually by the fact that they perceive the... more
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      Audiovisual Speech PerceptionAuditory-Visual Speech PerceptionChild Speech and Language Development
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      Speech ProductionPhonetics and PronunciationComputer ModelPronunciation
How is it that an English-speaking 5-year-old comes to pronounce the vowel of seat to be shorter than that of seed but longer than that of sit; to say a multi-word phrase with ‘stress-timed’ rhythm; or to aspirate the /p/’s of pin, polite... more
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      PhonologyPhoneticsLanguage DevelopmentLinguistic Theory