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This work empirically examines six structural models of the term structure of credit risk spreads: Merton (1974), Longstaff & Schwartz (1995) (with and without stochastic interest rates), Leland & Toft (1996), Collin-Dufresne & Goldstein... more
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      Time SeriesCapital StructureParameter estimationKalman Filter
Penjelasan singkat mengenai Materi Manajemen Investasi - Analisis Obligasi 1 : Bond Pricing dan Bond Yield, berupa slide PPT yang di-convert menjadi PDF. Semoga bermanfaat.
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      Manajemen Investasi dan Pasar ModalBond yieldAnalisis ObligasiBond Pricing
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      Financial EconomicsFinancial LiteracyFinancial Decision MakingStock Market
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      EconometricsApplied EconomicsUnited KingdomDeveloping Country
We introduce a specification of habit formation featuring non-separability between consumption and leisure into an otherwise standard New Keynesian model. The model can be estimated with standard Bayesian techniques and the bond pricing... more
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      Monetary PolicyHabit FormationDSGE ModelRisk Premia
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical FinanceLevy ProcessOption pricing
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      Economic TheoryApplied EconomicsUnited StatesFinancial Studies
This paper gives a new taxonomy of dynamic term structure models that classifies all existing TSMs as either fundamental models or preference-free single-plus, double-plus, and triple-plus models. We exemplify the new taxonomy by... more
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      MathematicsDerivativesTerm StructureTerm Structure Models
This paper develops an endogenous default risk model for small open economies that interact with risk averse international investors whose preferences exhibit decreasing absolute risk aversion (DARA). By incorporating risk averse... more
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      BusinessEconomicsEmerging EconomiesRisk Aversion
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      EducationFinancial LiteracyNumeracyEveryday Life
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      MarketingEconometricsEconomic TheoryDeveloping Country
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      Natural disasterHistorical DataReinsuranceIndexation
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      Applied MathematicsLie AlgebraPure MathematicsMathematical Finance
SPLIT RATINGS AND THE PRICING OF CREDIT RISK RICHARD CANTOR, FRANK PACKER, AND KEVIN COLE RICHARD CANTOR is a vice president at Moody's Investors Service in New York. ... KEVIN COLE is a doctoral candi-date at the University of... more
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      RiskCredit RiskBondsCorporate Bonds
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      EconomicsFactor modelBond Pricing
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      Empirical StudyFinance and Investment BankingBond Pricing
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      Parameter estimationDifferential equationNumerical SolutionConfidence Interval
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      Stock MarketRisk AversionCredit SpreadInterest Rate
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      Monte Carlo SimulationApplied EconomicsSovereign DebtEmerging Market
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      DerivativesSearch AlgorithmFinance and Investment BankingBond Pricing
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      Computational FinanceApplied EconomicsStock MarketEmerging Markets
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      Economic policyOption ValuationDeveloping CountryInterest Rate
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      Monetary EconomicsEconomic TheoryApplied EconomicsLong Memory
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      Term StructureBond Pricing
The paper analyzes the consequences of joining markets of government discount bonds between identical economies when, in each country, there exists a positive probability of the government to default. In autarky such economies of... more
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      EconomicsSteady stateSymmetry BreakingCapital Accumulation
In 2004 and 2005, long-term interest rates remained remarkably low despite improving economic conditions and rising short-term interest rates, a situation that former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan dubbed a conundrum.We document the extent... more
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      EconomicsMonetary PolicyJohn WilliamsInterest Rate
This paper considers and provides estimates of the term structure of interest rates based on observable bond prices. The paper opens with an account of the usefulness of the so-called zero-coupon yield curve as a tool for term structure... more
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      Term Structure of Interest RatesBondsInterest RateYield Curve
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      BusinessEconomicsMultidisciplinaryLatin America
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      EconomicsInterest RateTerm StructureBond Pricing
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      Applied MathematicsComputer ScienceEconomicsStatistics
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      DerivativesSearch AlgorithmFinance and Investment BankingBond Pricing
This work empirically examines six structural models of the term structure of credit risk spreads: Merton (1974), Longstaff & Schwartz (1995) (with and without stochastic interest rates), Leland & Toft (1996), Collin-Dufresne & Goldstein... more
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      Time SeriesCapital StructureParameter estimationKalman Filter
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      DerivativesSearch AlgorithmFinance and Investment BankingBond Pricing
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      Financial Risk ManagementCredit RiskLiquidity riskTerm Structure
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      Economic TheoryApplied EconomicsFinancial StudiesPrice Competition
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      DerivativesProfitabilityStatistical SignificanceInterest Rate
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      MarketingStochastic ProcessEconometricsEconomic Theory
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      FinanceVolatilityRisk AversionFinancial Market
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      Country riskPrice VolatilityInterest RateProbability of Default
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      Monetary PolicyInterest RateTerm StructureBond Pricing
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      Emerging MarketFinancial InstitutionsEconomic indicatorBond Pricing
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      Monetary PolicyEmerging MarketInterest RateYield Curve
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      Financial EconomicsMonetary PolicyInflationInflation expectations
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      Applied MathematicsComputer ScienceEconomicsStatistics
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      MathematicsPhysicsEconomicsPrincipal Component Analysis
Abstract. This paper presents a simple two-factor model of nominal term structure of interest rates, in which the log-price kernel has an autoregressive drift process and a nonlinear GARCH volatility process. With these two state-variable... more
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      Social Science Research NetworkInterest RateTerm StructureFactor model
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsLie AlgebraPure Mathematics
Reduced-form credit risk models are often thought to be better suited than structural models for pricing corporate bonds. The authors challenge this view. Conditioned not only on equity but on bond and dividend information also, a... more
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      EconomicsEmpirical StudyFinance and Investment BankingBond Pricing
In this study, we use recent historical evidence to explore one dimension of the broad relationship between market returns and mutual fund flows: the effect of short-term market returns on mutual fund flows. Research on this issue has... more
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      Economic policyMutual FundNewspaperInstrumental Variable