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Come possiamo migliorare i processi decisionali nelle organizzazioni complesse? In questo lavoro tentiamo di rispondere a tale domanda tramite l’utilizzo di un particolare strumento di problem solving, il quale aiuta a identificare ed... more
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      Decision MakingHeuristicsPersonalityCognitive Bias
Purpose – Why and how do cognitive distortions in managerial decision making occur? All organizations are imperfect systems (Katz and Khan, 1966), with wrong decisions often just round the corner. As a consequence, addressing these... more
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      BusinessManagementBusiness AdministrationDecision Making
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      Strategic ManagementStrategic MarketingBehavioral Strategy
How do the senior decision-makers within a multinational enterprise (MNE) think through and determine an internationalization decision? Despite the cognitive foundations of several key constructs, standard internationalization models do... more
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      BusinessInternational BusinessCognitionStrategic Management
This dissertation investigates individual and organizational effects of knowledge production in three chapters. I depart from the notion that both interpersonal collaboration between and within organizations as well as recombination of... more
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      Organizational LearningCollaborationSemiconductorsManagement of Innovation
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      Game TheoryStrategic ManagementStrategy and Policy (History)Strategic Culture
In this chapter, we develop a response strategy framework modeling behav-ioral responses to adverse situations in strategic alliances. Extant alliance literature treats behavioral responses as discrete and isolated reactions to adverse... more
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      Strategic AlliancesBehavioral StrategyEVLNBehavioral Responses
The self-leadership construct has received great attention from scholars over the last 40 years due to its capacity to influence personal effectiveness. However, despite strongly influencing individuals' self-efficacy, performed studies... more
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      Decision MakingLeadershipCore Self-EvaluationsBusiness Management
Analogies to financial markets have proven powerful in establishing novel or potentially controversial business concepts, even in contexts that deviate significantly from financial markets. This phenomenon challenges theory that suggests... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorPerformativityFinancial MarketsFinancialization
How do affect, cognition, and their interplay influence managerial decision-making at the individual, group, and organizational levels? How can these influences be fostered or reduced? This book conceptually and empirically answers such... more
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      EmotionDecision MakingCognitionBehavioral Strategy
Purpose Why and how do cognitive distortions in managerial decision making occur? All organizations are imperfect systems (Katz and Kahn, 1966), with wrong decisions often just round the corner. As a consequence, addressing these... more
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      BusinessManagementBusiness AdministrationDecision Making
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      Neuro Linguistic ProgrammingCoping StrategiesNLPNegativity
Using a managerial cognition lens, we investigate the organisational design issues facing multinational corporation (MNC) managers. We apply concepts hitherto untested in the international management (IM) literature to a longitudinal... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationInternational BusinessCognition