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      BioengineeringBioinformaticsMolecular BiologyComputational Biology
Efecto de las PGPB sobre el crecimiento Pennisetum clandestinum bajo condiciones de estrés salino PGPB effect on the growth Pennisetum clandestinum under salt stress Resumen Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo el aislamiento y... more
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      Plant Stress PhysiologyIndole acetic acid (IAA) productionPhosphate solubilizationPlant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria
Alpha amylase (E.C. is one of the most important starch-degrading enzymes and widely applied in pharmaceutical, food, feed, detergent, textile and bio refinery industries. The present work was focused on optimization of -amylase... more
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      Bacillus AmyloliquefaciensAmylaseFed Batch Bioreactor
Background: The use of auxin-producing rhizosphere bacteria as agricultural products promises increased root production and therefore greater phosphate (Pi) uptake. Whilst such bacteria promote root production in vitro, the nature of the... more
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      WheatAuxinBacillus AmyloliquefaciensPhosphate
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The increase of hen egg consumption demands profitable applications for eggshells, in order to minimize environmental and public health problems that could result from their accumulation.
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      Principal Component AnalysisCarbonPlant BiologyBiodiversity
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens QST713 and B. firmus I-1582 are bacterial strains which are used as active ingredients of commercially-available soil application and seed treatment products Serenade® and VOTiVO®, respectively. These bacteria... more
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      SoilMultidisciplinaryPlant RootsPLoS one
The genomes of three potential biocontrol bacterial isolates, <i>Bacillus</i><b> </b><i>amyloliquefaciens </i>(BTLK6A), <i>B. subtilis</i> (BTS-3), and <i>B.</i><b>... more
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      BioinformaticsMicrobiologyMolecular BiologyComputational Biology
The commercially available inoculant Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 is able to considerably reduce lettuce bottom rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani. To understand the interaction between FZB42 and R. solani in the rhizosphere of lettuce,... more
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      GeneticsMicrobiologyPlant BiologyBiology
Increasing population and urbanization has led to an exponential increase in organic waste. This waste if not treated properly may lead to pollution and health hazards. So, a study was conducted to develop an efficient bacterial... more
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      Food ScienceBacillus megateriumBacillus AmyloliquefaciensBagasse
Bacterial wilt complex disease of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) was incited jointly by bacterial wilt pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum and Meloidogyne incognita worldwide. Bio-efficacy of bacterial antagonists i.e. B. amyloliquefaciens... more
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      TomatoPlant BacteriologyBacillus Amyloliquefaciens
Biosurfactants are important in many areas; however, costs impede large-scale production. This work aimed to develop a global sustainable strategy for the production of biosurfactants by a novel strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens.... more
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      MicrobiologyBiomassMedical MicrobiologyBiofuels
Despite successful use of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) in agriculture, little is known about specific mechanisms of gene regulation facilitating the effective communication between bacteria and plants during plant... more
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Metal containing engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) are now commonly used in various industrial and commercial applications. Many of these materials can be transformed during waste water treatment and ultimately enter terrestrial ecosystems... more
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      Biological SciencesSilverPhysical sciencesNanostructures
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      Physical ChemistryLipidsCurcuminTemperature
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      BioinformaticsImmunologyMolecular BiologyBiotechnology