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Averroes (Ibn Rushd) is well-known for his controversial thesis that there is only one separate intellect for all humankind. This article provides a detailed analysis of Averroes’s Unity Argument from his Long Commentary on De Anima,... more
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      PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyAristotleIslamic Philosophy
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      HistoryJorge Luis BorgesTranslationAverroes
Ernst Bloch bu kitabinda, Aristoteles’in dusuncesinin sol kanadi olarak gordugu Ibn Sina ve Ibn Rusd’un dusuncelerini inceliyo r.  Esere genel olarak baktigimizda, Bloch’un, Aristoteles’in ortaya koydugu maddeci yaklasimi destekleyen... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionIslamic PhilosophyIslamic Studies
Since the Renaissance, perspective drawing has been established as the most ‘objective’ way to represent a ‘subjective’ point of view; it is precisely through the reflective surface of a mirror, as the space in which the self can be... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyArchitectureRenaissanceCarl Schmitt
Les presentes remarques se proposent d’observer la facon dont les noms propres ont ete traites par Averroes dans son Commentaire moyen a l’Ethique a Nicomaque (= CmEN), redige a partir de la traduction arabe du traite aristotelicien... more
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      PhilosophyEcdoticsCritical Edition (Medieval History)Proper Names
Jorge Luis Borges, we are told, devoted the last few weeks of his life to learning Arabic, with the help of an Egyptian teacher living in Switzerland. (1) In this most appropriately enigmatic of Borgesian endings, it is tempting to read... more
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      HistoryJorge Luis BorgesTranslationAverroes
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      Medieval PhilosophyJewish StudiesMedieval Jewish PhilosophyAverroes
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      PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyJewish StudiesMedieval Jewish Philosophy
Telhîsu Kitabi’l-Makûlât, İbn Rüşd’ün Aristoteles’in mantık külliyatı Organon’un ilk kitabı olan Kategoriler’e yapmış olduğu orta şerhtir.
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      AverroesAristotelesMantıkIslam Felsefesi
Abū-l-Walīd Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Ibn Rushd (Cordoba, 1126-Marrakesh, 1198), Averroes in the Latin West, is a key figure in the history of mediaeval and early-modern philosophical thought. While the measure of his influence in the Arabic... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyJewish PhilosophyMedieval Jewish PhilosophyAverroes
Resumen: Frente a una reciente lectura de Borges como un autor anarquista, el texto busca mostrar que la posición de Borges es más bien liberal, puesto que no aspira a superar la representación, sino a limitarla ante la amenaza de que... more
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      Jorge Luis BorgesAverroesSimulationRepresentation
The Büchlein der Gesuntheit is a late fifteenth-century compendium of preventive and curative medicine. Examining the four extant manuscripts of the work provides an insight into how the compiler selected, adapted and organized his source... more
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      Hippocratic CorpusAverroesMedieval Medicine and HerbalsAvicenna Latinus
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyScience and ReligionMaimonidesReligion and Science
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      Dante StudiesDante AlighieriAvicennaAverroes
"Multitude et "bene esse" chez Averroès et Dante. Retours sur la "Monarchia", I, 3", in A. de Libera, J.-B. Brenet, I. Rosier-Catach, "Dante et l'averroïsme", Paris, Les Belles Lettres/Collège de France, 2019.
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      Medieval PhilosophyDante StudiesAristotle's CommentatorsDante Alighieri
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryDante StudiesMedieval Studies
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval StudiesIslamic PhilosophyMedieval Jewish Philosophy
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval Jewish PhilosophyMedieval Jewish HistoryAverroism
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      Islamic LawJewish StudiesIslamic PhilosophyIslamic Studies
five lectures by Prof. Richard C. Taylor (Marquette University, Milwaukee WI – De Wulf-Mansion Centre, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) held in Pisa March-April 2018
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      Medieval PhilosophyThomas AquinasArabic PhilosophyAverroes
Departamento de Historia de la Filosofía, Estética y Teoría del Conocimiento, Facultad de Filosofía, aula 1114, Edificio E (multiusos), 9:00 hrs.
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryDante Studies
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryDante Studies
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryDante StudiesItalian Studies
3rd session of the 2017-2018 seminar "The desire for evil in Dante's Inferno".
Department of Italian Philology, Complutense University of Madrid
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      Set TheoryPhilosophy of ScienceMedia StudiesDante Studies
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      Dante StudiesDante AlighieriAverroesIbn Rushd (Averroës)
Journal of Theological Interpretation 8, no. 1 (2014): 145-155.
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
Le mot le plus célèbre de la philosophie est un verbe latin : cogito. C’est celui de Descartes, où l’on retient que se joue l’être même de l’ego. C’est le cogito de la psychanalyse, celui dont elle dénonce l’orgueil, l’incomplétude, et... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPsychoanalysisPhilosophy of Mind
It is uncontroversial that Averroes’s position on the relationship between philosophy and religion has influenced Spinoza’s political philosophy (Fraenkel 2013; Licata 2013) and arguably it also had some influence on his doctrine of the... more
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      Benedict de SpinozaEarly Modern Intellectual HistoryBaruch SpinozaSpinoza
Several scholars have pointed out the impact of Jewish Philosophy on Spinoza (1632 – 1677), and the role of Jewish intellectual history from the late middle ages to the Renaissance in shaping his philosophy, but the influence of Jewish... more
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      MetaphysicsIslamic PhilosophyBenedict de SpinozaBaruch Spinoza
I reconstruct and analyze al-Ghazali’s arguments defending a plurality of real divine attributes in The Incoherence of the Philosophers. I show that one of these arguments can be made to engage with and defend Jeffrey E. Brower and... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophy Of ReligionHistory of Ideas
Les questions 75 et 76 de la Somme de théologie (première partie) rassemblent l’essentiel de la conception de Thomas d’Aquin (m. 1274) sur l’essence de l’âme humaine et son rapport au corps. Ce texte majeur de l’histoire de la pensée, aux... more
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      Philosophy of MindMedieval PhilosophyTheologyPhilosophical Theology
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      LiteratureLiterary TheoryGiorgio AgambenMelville Studies
Unconscious Thought in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis explores concepts throughout the history of philosophy that suggest the possibility of unconscious thought and lay the foundation for ideas of unconscious thought in modern philosophy... more
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophyPhilosophy of MindAesthetics
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Introduction, traduction et révision de l'apparat critique du De visione beatifica de Dietrich de Freiberg
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      Augustine of HippoDietrich von FreibergAverroesAristotle, agent intellect, De anima
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      ReligionHistoryIslamic LawMedieval History
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyMedieval PhilosophyAristotle
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      PsychologyMedieval PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Imagination
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      Medieval PhilosophyAristotleIslamic PhilosophyIslamic Studies
The paper aims to recognize that Maimonides represents, in medieval philosophy, a conciliatory approach, which adopted also by some other famous scholars like Averroes. Over the first section of the paper, the question of creation, as the... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyJewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Some remarks on Dante's "Monarchia", the so-called political Averroism, and universalism in political tought
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      Medieval HistoryDante StudiesMedieval StudiesSecularization
The pivotal role of medieval European poetry on the aesthetics of Ezra Pound is well known: he received graduate training in Provençal and was committed to lifelong study of the Troubadours, whose innovations in poetic form he saw as... more
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      Modernism (Literature)AristotleModernist poetryMedieval Islam
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      Dietrich von FreibergAverroesIbn Rushd (Averroës)Dietrich of Freiberg
In this paper I compare Avicenna’s and Averroes’ notions of “intention” (ma‘na, intentio) and show how Averroes’ understanding aims to revise Avicenna’s and make it conform to a more orthodox Aristotelian framework, thus preparing the way... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
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      Islamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesMichel FoucaultAverroism
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      Thomas AquinasAverroesHenry of GentDenys the Carthusian
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      Medieval PhilosophyThomas AquinasIbn SinaThomism
A seminar lecture on Aquinas's arguments against Averroes's theory of the 'continuatio' between the potential intellect and the individual man. With an Italian translation of §§ 63-65 of Aquinas's «De unitate intellectus».
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      Medieval PhilosophyAquinasThomas AquinasAverroes
Though Averroes is not generally considered to be sympathetic to Neoplatonic thinking, there are definite parallels between the philosophies of intellect of Averroes and Plotinus. Both can be considered to be "Idealists" in that... more
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      Philosophy of MindMedieval PhilosophyIdealismPlotinus