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Frühmittelalterliche scheiben- und kugelförmige Amulettkapsel zwischen Kaukasus, Kastilien und Picardie. Bericht der Römisch-Germanische Komission (Frankfurt am Main) 76, 1995, 221-292.
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      Early ChristianityEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMerovingian ArchaeologyTalismans and Amulets
An Avar grave recently discovered in 2012 in Velencefürdő inspired me to look into the region’s Avar sites that are partially or entirely unpublished to date. In this category is the cemetery of Kisvelence and Velence-Úttörőtábor... more
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      Archaeology of the AvarsAvar AgeAvar age cemeteryAvar Age burying customs
Csiky’s work can be considered a landmark in the research of the Avar Age, which has been supplemented with some more recent works by the author of this review, indicating that no scholarship can ever be completed, only brought to an end.
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      Archaeology of the AvarsAvarsAvars and Avar Archaeologyavar weapons in Transylvania
A kötet a Bodajk város közigazgatási területén feltárt avar (6–9. század) és honfoglalás kori (10. század) temetőrészletek teljesség igényével történő közlésére vállalkozik. Az alapközlésen túlmenően számos tudományág kutatóinak... more
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      ArchaeologyBioarchaeologyHungarian ArchaeologyArchaeology of the Avars
Mezőföldön is jól nyomon követhető, hogy a kora avar kori megtelepedésben és térszervezésben a 7. század elejéig szerepet játszottak az egykori késő római struktúrák, azaz a római utak, villák és belső erődök. A pontosan lokalizálható... more
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      Archaeology of the AvarsMigration periodArchaeology Of The Migration Period And The Early Middle AgesAvar Age
A tanulmány a csákberény-orondpusztai avar kori temetőben 2019-ben folytatott tervásatáson nagy számban megfigyelt sírépítményeket mutatja be. A feltárt sírok kivétel nélkül a 7. század közepétől a 8. század elejéig, tehát az ún. közép... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyArchaeology of the AvarsVölkerwanderungszeitChamber Graves
Anke Bodo /László Révész / Tivadar Vida: Reitervölker im Frühmittelalter. Hunnen – Awaren –Ungarn. Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 2008, 47-74.
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      Eurasian NomadsByzantine ArchaeologyArchaeology of the AvarsArchaeology of the Eurasian steppe belt
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      ArchaeologyArms and Armor StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyArms and Armour
Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention the next, sixth release of our collection. It contains articles on archeology, history and antique and medieval Taurica's numismatics.
Yours faithfully, M. Choref
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
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      Avars and Avar ArchaeologyHistory of AvarsByzantium and Avars
The paper presents some remarks on the chronology and spatial distribution of the Late Avar, Carolingian, and Great Moravian finds in selected areas of the Western Slavic Territories. The main subject of this paper is to analyse a... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval Archaeology
A Fejér megyei Csákberényben keskeny nyomtávú iparvasút építése során 1935-ben fedezték fel az avar kori (6–9. század) temetőt. 1939-ig – lényegében a második világháború kirobbanásáig – 452 sírt tártak fel, kezdetben Lencsés József... more
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      Public ArchaeologyBurial Practices (Archaeology)Archaeology of burialsBurial Customs
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      Archaeology of the AvarsSlavsAvar AgeAvars
Die Studie untersucht eine Gruppe von Elementen der spätawarenzeitlichen materiellen Kultur, die an Gürtelbeschlägen feste Kombinationen (Gegenstandstypen) bilden oder sich mindestens ständig unter einander kombinieren. Sie sondern sich... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyCultural IdentityBorders and FrontiersAvars and Avar Archaeology
This essay deals with the correct interpretation of a Merovingian grave find from the Netherlands, composed of seven partially overlapping iron plates. This object, excavated in 1951, has so far been completely ignored or mistakenly... more
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      Arms and Armor StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMerovingian periodArchaeology of the Avars
The study offers an overview of the Avar-period settlement history of the Banat. The brief description of the geographical environment determining the lifestyle of the region’s Avarperiod communities is followed by the archaeological... more
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      Road TransportEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Roman roads
Book on Avar siege of Constantinople in 626
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      Byzantine HistoryConstantinopleGepids, AvarsGreek and Roman siege warfare
Kniha byla vydána roku 1966 v Bratislavě (Edice: Archaeologia slovacca, Fontes, t. 7) / The book was published in 1966 in Bratislava (Edition: Archaeologia slovacca, Fontes, 7).
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      ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyArchetypesArcheologia
Studie byla publikována v roce 1996 v knize ,,Studijní zvesti AU SAV" (Díl 32) / The study was published in 1996 in the book ,,Studijní zvesti AU SAV" (Volume 32).
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesArchaeologyArcheologia
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      Archaeology of the AvarsAvar AgeAvar age cemeteryAvar Age burying customs
A cikk az avar kor egyik legáltalánosabb, elsősorban lószerszámdíszként funkcionáló verettípusához, a félgömbveretek és az egyszerűen csak rozettaként leírt veretek elemzéséhez nyújt támpontokat. Ezen kívül érinti a pajzs alakú, a piramis... more
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      Archaeology of the AvarsHistory of Horse RidingAvarsAvars and Avar Archaeology
The needle case of Jánoshida is a significant artefact of the Late Avar period. It is inscribed with the Old Turkic runiform script on three sides. The present paper offers new readings for the three inscriptions on the needle case,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeEtymologyRunic inscriptions
paper examines the question of a group of artefacts found in Late Avar period graves in Eastern Croatia. The artefacts in question are of an earlier origin, dating from prehistory to Byzantine period, therefore they can be referred as... more
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      Archaeology of the AvarsAvar AgeAvar age cemeteryAvar Age burying customs
Az avar kori baltafélék és fokosok közül eddig csak egy L alakú bárdon végeztek anyagvizsgálatot, ezért döntöttünk úgy, hogy további típusokat, illetve altípusokat is vizsgálunk: fokosbaltát, T alakú bárdot és kettősfokost. Célunk a... more
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      ArchaeologyArms and Armor StudiesArcheologiaArchaeology of the Avars
Dietoften plays a vital rolein definingsocialdivisions within and between social groupsand thus can beusedto understandthe social paradigms of archeological cultures. During the Early Avar period (568–630 A.D.), burial evidence indicates... more
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      BioarchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyPalaeodietSubsistence systems (Archaeology)
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyByzantine ArchaeologyAvars and Avar ArchaeologyArchaeology of the Carpathian Basin
Studie byla publikována v roce 1983 v časopise ,,Slovenská archeológia" / The study was published in 1983 in the journal ,,Slovak archeology".
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      Cultural HistoryArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval History
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      Archaeology of the AvarsAvar AgeAvarsAvar period
Kniha vyšla v roce 1974 v Amsterdamu ( ISBN 90-256-0736-5) / The book was published in 1974 in Amsterdam (ISBN 90-256-0736-5) / Das Buch wurde 1974 in Amsterdam (ISBN 90-256-0736-5).
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      European HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesArchaeology
Studie byla publikována v časopise ,,Slovenská archeologie" v roce 1956. / The study was published in the journal ,,Slovak archeology" in 1956.
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      ArchaeologyHistory of ArcheologyArcheologiaArchaeology of the Avars
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      Byzantine ArchaeologyArchaeology of the AvarsByzantine artAvars
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      Archaeology of the AvarsGepids, AvarsArchaeolgy, Early Mediavel Archaeology, Avar Period in the Carpathian basinAvars
Use of iconography of horse harness for avar age reconstructions from Carpathian Basin
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      IconographyArchaeology of the AvarsHistory of Horse RidingAvars and Avar Archaeology
Studie byla publikována v roce 1967 v časopise ,,Slovenská archeologie" / The study was published in 1967 in the journal ,,Slovak archeology".
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Ceramics (Archaeology)
The paper is devoted to a large group of Turkic-speaking Bulgarians who migrated to Bavaria, Carinthia and Italy in the 7th century. The author cites information from written sources about the Bulgarians led by Alzek and considers the... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval Archaeology
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of the AvarsGreat Migration periodLombard Italy
Einzeln getragene germanische Scheibenfibeln im Karpatenbecken. in:  Reliquiae gentium. Festschrift für Horst Wolfgang Böhme zum 65. Geburtstag I. Hrsg. Claus Dobiat. Rahden 2005, 429-440.
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      PannoniaMerovingian ArchaeologyAvars and Avar Archaeologywomen costum
Excavations of two of the iron production sites used in the Avar period (Tarjánpuszta) and during the Carolingian era (Nemeskér). Interestingly both toponyms (Tarján, Kér) originate after names of 10th century Hungarian tribes…
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      PannoniaIron ProductionHungaryCarolingian Economy
A fiatalon elhunyt Bende Lívia 2006-ban védett doktori disszertációjából megjelentetett kötet az avar kor második felére jellemző temetkezési szokásokat dolgozza fel egy jól körülhatárolható földrajzi régióban, a Körös-Tisza-Maros... more
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      Burial Practices (Archaeology)Archaeology of the AvarsBurial CustomsAvar Age
The cemetery, which was discovered in the northern territory of Csoma (somogy County) in 1956, lies in the valley of river Kapos. In this region we know several cemeteries from the Early Middle ages, but most of them are unpublished.... more
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      Archaeology of the AvarsAvar age cemeteryAvars and Avar Archaeology
Sounds of the bronze bells from the late Avaric cemetery ov Vösendorf, Loweraustria. - Video on Youtube
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      AcousticsEarly MusicEarly Medieval ArchaeologyArchaeomusicology
Decorated horse harness from the Middle Avar period.
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      Archaeology of the AvarsAvar AgeAvar age cemeteryAvar Age burying customs
Funerary customs in the Avar Age Mezőföld and questions of the spatial use and continuity in the 5th–10th centuries. Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Doctoral School of Historical Sciences, 2019
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      Archaeology of the AvarsAvar AgeAvar age cemeteryAvar Age burying customs
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      Archaeology of the AvarsHistory of Horse RidingAvars and Avar ArchaeologyArchaeology of Horse and Riders
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      Archaeology of the AvarsAvar AgeRégészetKlimatology
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      Archaeology of the AvarsArms and ArmourArchaeology of WeaponsAvar Age
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      Hungarian ArchaeologyArchaeology of the AvarsAvar AgeAvars
The site of Tolna-Mözs, Községi Csádés földek (TO-02) was excavated during the construction of highway M6 in 2008–2009. The excavation has resulted in Copper Age, Bronze Age, Celtic, Avar and Árpádian-Age phenomena. This study presents... more
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      Archaeology of the AvarsAvar age cemeteryAvarsAvars and Avar Archaeology
U radu se predstavlja jedan dio posebnih nalaza otkrivenih u avarodobnim grobovima na lokalitetu Nuštar/Dvorac Khuen-Belasi. Riječ je o predmetima rađenim od kosti, roga i kamena, a koje prema funkciji možemo svrstati u kategoriju oruđe.... more
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      Archaeology of the AvarsBone ToolsAvar AgeAvar age cemetery
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      ArchaeologyArchaeology of the AvarsArtificial Cranial DeformationAntrophology