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To affirm his political regime, Pandolfo Petrucci (1452-1512) took advantage of the potentialities given by the Camera del Comune. It had been the arsenal of the city of Siena for a long time, but Pandolfo changed its organization and... more
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      Military HistoryArtilleryMedieval HistoryArms and Armor Studies
The Armory of the Museo Nazionale del Bargello of Florence preserves the remaining of the great Medici armory, founded by Cosimo I de’ Medici in 1540 and dispersed in 1770 by Peter Leopold of Lorraine, the future Emperor of Austria. In... more
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesArms and Armor StudiesHistory of Florence
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      Arms and Armor StudiesArms and ArmourAncient WeaponsArmures et armes anciennes
Joan of Arch effigies and depictions followed times and imaginaries of their productions periods. During the 19th century, she was often depicted as a young shepherdess, but the traditionnal oldest picture is truly showing her wearing... more
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      The Hundred Years WarJoan of ArcArms and ArmourSwords
in G. Calcani (a cura di), Prospettive per la tutela del patrimonio culturale. Ricerche svolte nell'ambito del Master "Esperti nella tutela del patrimonio culturale" a.a. 2015/2016, Edizioni Efesto, Roma 2017, pp. 195-202.
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      Military HistoryMuseum StudiesEarly Modern HistoryCultural Heritage
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      Moyen ÂgeMobilier Métallique MédiévalArmementXVe Siècle
After her historical armour suits, only possible to study by documents and some pictorial evidence from her time, as well as preserved archaeological comparison items, another subject is her armour after her own lifetime. The main... more
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      Arms and Armor StudiesThe Hundred Years WarArms and ArmourJeanne D'Arc
Footman, soldier, billman, halberdier, gunner, sergeant, men-at-arms, squire, valet, pionnier, crossbowman, pikeman, handgunner, archer,... Men at war have a lot of names and role to play in the martial and military activities in the... more
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      The Hundred Years WarMedieval Military HistoryJeanne D'ArcHistoire militaire
After her sword(s), Joan of Arc have had some armour suits made for herself, sometimes offered as gifts, sometimes taken from ennemies. Without any preserved example, not even from her time, her white harness has always been researched... more
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      Arms and Armor StudiesThe Hundred Years WarJoan of ArcArms and Armour
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      BibliographyArms and Armor StudiesArms and ArmourFortresses
by Fabrice DE BACKER, in Res Antiquae 18, 2021. The artefacts discovered in excavations, with the textual and visual evidence, provide the support for a series of deductions on the manufacture of a scale-armour. Field experimentation... more
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      Syrian StudiesSyriaNeo-Assyrian studiesNeo-Assyrian art
Traduction par Storti Enrico de l'article "软兵之母-九节鞭" de Wǔ Bīng 武兵 Figura 1: photo prise par le traducteur lors d'une manifestation du Meihuaquan Le fouet à neuf sections (en métal) est une arme d'arts martiaux chinois utilisée dans... more
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      Martial Arts (Anthropology)Research in Martial artsWushuMartial Arts Studies
Lucrarea prezintă activitatea de restaurare-conservare a unei armuri, in scopul asigurării stabilităţii şi a evidenţierii bogăţiei şi frumuseţii de corului.. Armura alcătuită din armura propriu-zisă şi lancea, aparţine Muzeului de Istorie... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationRestauration and ConservationArmures et armes anciennes
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      History of CostumeArms and ArmourArmures et armes anciennes