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The primary objective of this study is the historical value of the comedies by Aristophanes. It discusses the aspects of slavery in terms of social status and also seeks to examine master and mistress-slave relationships, where possible.... more
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      Gender StudiesAristophanesEuripidesAristophanes Frogs
El fin del presente trabajo es doble: por un lado, una puesta al día y suscinta organización del material disponible acerca del culto mistérico de Eleusis en honor de Deméter, por otro, dar cuenta de la trascendencia de tales cultos y su... more
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      AristophanesAristophanes FrogsAncient Greek ComedyEleusinian Mysteries
Aristophanes’ oeuvre is inextricably tied to the life and the fate of his native city Athens. The history, the political issues, and the people of Athens have always provided the central themes of his comic fictions. Aristophanes opposed... more
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      AristophanesAthenian DemocracyAristophanic comedyAristophanes Frogs
This essay discusses the ancient testimony claiming that the Athenians decreed a second performance of Aristophanes’ Frogs shortly after its original performance in 405 BC. These testimonia have suggested that the Athenians granted... more
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      Aristophanes FrogsOld Comedyparabasis in Old ComdyAthenian Drama
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      AristophanesAristophanic comedyAristophanes FrogsAncient Greek Comedy
This thesis is an analysis of the performance reception of Aristophanes’ Frogs across the English-speaking world; in which I include Britain, North America, Africa and Australasia. It will draw on the growing trend of performance... more
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      ClassicsAristophanesGreek TheatreClassical Reception Studies
This paper aims to critically analyse the testimonies concerning Athenian impiety trials of the classical period. First, it reaffirms the arguments that some of them must have been an invention of Hellenistic and later authors. Second, it... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek HistoryGreek ComedyHellenistic Literature
Antik Yunan komedyası kimi uyumsuzlukları, karşıtlıkları ve farklılıkları; başka bir ifadeyle bir araya gelmesi oldukça zor olan uç noktaları bir araya getirir. Antik Yunan komedyasına bu karakteristik özelliği veren Dionysos'tur.... more
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      AristophanesTheatre HistoryAristophanes FrogsGrotesque
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyGreek LanguageAeschylus
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      AristophanesAncient Greek ReligionAristophanic comedyAncient Scholarship
Study of Kinesias, the Athenian "New Dithyrambist" often satirized by the Old Comic poets; in particular I examine the intersection of New Dithyramb and pre-Socratic philosophy, and the allegation that Kinesias "defecated on the... more
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      PhilologyAncient HistoryClassicsGreek Literature
This book presents the Greek text of Aristophanes’ Frogs with a facing English translation. The Greek text is that of F. W. Hall and W. M. Geldart (1907), from the Oxford Classical Texts series. The English translation and accompanying... more
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      Greek LiteratureAristophanesGreek LanguageComedy
The paper  shows throught a philological analysis of the text how Frogs' chorus was dancing on stage and it wasn't only singing in the backstage. The performance was functional to the aristophanic satire against  new dithyrambe.
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    • Aristophanes Frogs
Aristophanic comedy combines the materials of popular fantasy with keen, well-targeted satire and criticism of the major political issues of the Athenian state. The Birds can be read as an open parable which illustrates caustically the... more
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      AristophanesJ. R. R. TolkienAthenian DemocracyAthenian Imperialism
From the mythological burlesques of Epicharmus and the Athenian comic poets to the fairy-tale dramas of Crates and their political transmutation at Aristophanes' hands, the fight against a monster has frequently been exploited in comic... more
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      MythologyGreek ComedyAristophanesFolktales
The multiple similarities between the "Bacchae" and the "Frogs" have long intrigued scholars and inspired theories about the intertextual relationship of the two plays. In his book (based on his doctoral dissertation at Exeter... more
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      AristophanesMysteries (Greek Religion)Ancient Greek ReligionEuripides
Attic comedy, in its folk beginnings, was a popular form of art which expressed the spirit of the common people of Attica and targeted the privileged elites and the mighty officials. The introduction of this form into the Great Dionysia... more
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      AristophanesAthenian DemocracyAristophanes FrogsPolitical Comedy
In the field of studies on the 'theatricality' of Plato’s dialogues, this article deals with Plato's 'Symposium', its references to theatre (real and metaphorical), and in particular its relationship with Aristophanes’ 'Frogs' and... more
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      AristophanesTheatre StudiesPlatoIntertextuality
(English below) Resumen. El presente artículo examina las diversas referencias a fiestas dionisíacas atenienses que se encuentran diseminadas en las Ranas de Aristófanes, con el fin de establecer la función que realizan y cómo contribuyen... more
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      AristophanesGreek ReligionAncient Greek ReligionAristophanic comedy
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      Classical philologyAntiquityAristophanes Frogs
Intellectual puzzles have a tendency to intermix and accumulate in miscellaneous collections, as happens in present-day puzzle magazines. This phenomenon may already be observed in old compilations (cf. Palatine Anthology, book 14, which... more
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My presentation at the very interesting research seminar "Representations of repulsion in the ancient world", organized by my colleague Prof. Demos Spatharas at the University of Crete. The comic poets of ancient Athens, most notably... more
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      AristophanesCannibalismFolktalesAristophanes Frogs
Given its topicality, it is tempting to suppose that one may find important insights into the politics of late 5th C. Athens in Aristophanes’ comedies. The problem, I contend, is when scholars think they can discern Aristophanes’ own... more
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      AristophanesAristophanes Frogs
Emesis, also known as nausea and vomiting, are common symptoms associated with ingestion of toxicants, drug side effects, advanced terminal diseases such as cancer and postoperative procedures. Emesis is mediated through the coordinated... more
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      Natural ProductsNatural Products ChemistryAfricaDog Behavior
This chapter examines the depiction of the fifth-century tragic poet Aeschylus in Aristophanes’ Frogs by paying particular attention to the play’s engagement with space, especially the space of the earth below from which the poet is... more
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      AeschylusAristophanes FrogsAncient SicilyAncient Greek Hero Cult
Reassessment of schol. vet. Aristoph. Ran. 152 Chantry, containing the only reference in the body of the extant scholia on dramatic poets to the critical signs sigma and antisigma invented by Aristophanes of Byzantium to indicate... more
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      Aristophanes FrogsGreek PhilologyAncient Greek LiteratureAristophanes of Byzantium
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesSocratesAristophanes Frogs
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      AristophanesEpic ParodyAristophanes FrogsDionysus
Превод од старогрчки јазик Весна Томовска (Жаби, Лисистрата), Даниела Тошева-Николовска (Облаци, Птици).
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      Aristophanes FrogsAristophanes; BirdsAristophanes' CloudsAristophanes Lysistrata
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      AristophanesAthenian DemocracyEuripidesAristophanes Frogs
William Blake's writing on Butlin 812.3 (titled "The Mission of Virgil" by William Michael Rossetti) is often erased or overwritten, and always hasty. It is apparent that the authorized variant readings ("Porch in"; "Paradise") of the... more
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      AristophanesTranslation StudiesRomanticismDante Studies
The main purpose of this paper is to shed light on the literary function of the recurring reference to flowery meadows in the parodos of Aristophanes’ Frogs sung by the chorus of blessed souls of the initiated into the mysteries of... more
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      AristophanesPoeticsAncient Greek and Roman TheatreAristophanes Frogs
De los cinco testimonios del campo léxico de la demagogía del siglo V a.C., tres pertenecen al corpus aristofánico (Eq. 191, 217; Ra. 419). Desde 1972 la crítica, desde una perspectiva histórico-sociológica, considera que demagogía y... more
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      Discourse AnalysisAristophanesAristophanes FrogsDemagogy/demagoguery
The paper focuses on the contexts and meanings of the terms ἄτοπος and ἀτοπία in 5th century Attic theatre (Euripides' Ion and Iphigenia in Tauris; Aristophanes' Acharnians, Birds, Frogs and Ecclesiazusae) and aims at an appreciation of... more
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      AristophanesEuripidesAristophanes FrogsAristophanes' Acharnians
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      Political PhilosophyAristophanes FrogsClassical Greek Literature
La finalidad de nuestra investigación consiste principalmente en presentar y analizar aquellos pasajes de la comedia aristofánica relacionados con el tópico de las apariciones fantasmales. Comenzaremos ofreciendo una visión general de... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek ComedyAristophanic comedyAristophanes Frogs
Abstract of my MPhil thesis (in Chinese), full text in English on the way.
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      Aristophanes FrogsDivinity
Abstract: In Aristoph. Ran. 862 τἄπη, τὰ μέλη, τὰ νεῦρα τῆς τραγῳδίας, the term μέλη has a double sense (“tunes”/“limbs”) exploited also at other times both by Aristophanes and by other poets; the term νεῦρα (“sinews”), always interpreted... more
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      AristophanesAristophanes FrogsTragedy in comedy
A rather popularized synopsis of my main views on Aristophanic comedy, which I have also expounded in other studies. Focusing mostly on the Birds and the Frogs, I try to highlight the combination of fantastic material and political... more
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      AristophanesFairytalesAristophanic comedyAncient Greek Politics
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      ClassicsAristophanesGreek TheatreClassical Reception Studies
Some remarks on arg. Ra. I (c) and Ra. 12-15, 57, 66s., 167-172, 181-184, 188s., 309-311, 369s., 503-507, 580s., 599-601, 637-639, 788-790, 814-829, 888, 937-947, 948-950, 1129-1137, 1183-1186, 1261-1263, 1374-1377, 1435-1466.
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    • Aristophanes Frogs
Attic comedy may have begun as a simple satirical tool in the service of the common people, for the critique of the mighty elite. In its folk beginnings, it was a popular form of art, which expressed the spirit of the mass of the... more
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      AristophanesAthenian DemocracyAristophanes FrogsThucydides son of Melesias
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      Performance StudiesAristophanes FrogsAncient Greek LiteratureAncient Greek Comedy
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      AristophanesAristophanes FrogsReading Process
Aristophanes’ oeuvre is inextricably tied to the life and the fate of his native city Athens. The history, the political issues, and the people of Athens have always provided the central themes of his comic fictions. Aristophanes opposes... more
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      AristophanesAncient Greek PoliticsAristophanes FrogsAristophanes; Birds
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      Greek ComedyAristophanic comedyAristophanes Frogs
The article deals with the question of the visibility of the Frog Chorus in the Aristophanes' Frogs.
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      Ancient Greek DanceAristophanes FrogsAncient Greek ComedyGreek Chorus
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      AristophanesComedyLaughterAristophanes Frogs
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      TranslationAristophanes FrogsAncient Greek DramaAttic comedy