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    • Architectural graphics
Ottoman architecture is the architecture of the Ottoman Empire which emerged in Bursa and Edirne in 14th and 15th centuries. The architecture of the empire developed from the earlier Seljuk architecture and was influenced by the Byzantine... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureCultural HeritageInterior Design (Architecture)
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      SemioticsDetailed summary of PhD ThesisArchitectural graphics
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      Architectural TheoryArchitectural CapriccioArchitectural RenderingArchitectural graphics
Ташева, Стела. Общуване и обучение в архитектурните виртуални общности. // Добре дошли в Киберия. Записки от дигиталния терен, ИЕФЕМ, БАН, София, 2014, с. 326-341, ISBN 978-954-8458-49-8 Online:... more
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      Architectural graphicsкиберпространствоархитектурна графика
Compact city, sprawled city. Language and manipulation in commercial architectural graphic communication Resumen L a imagen ha adquirido un papel predominante en el discurso arquitectó-nico, reduciendo el espacio a un objeto de consumo... more
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      ArchitectureEcuadorCompact CitySymbols
Ташева, Стела, Българска архитектурна графика на XX век – типология на съдържанието. // Архитектура, 2014, бр.3, с. 46-49, ISSN 0324-1254 Статията е част от проекта на автора Българска архитектурна графика на XX век. Проблеми и... more
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      Digital HumanitiesArchitectural graphicsкомуникацияархитектурна графика
Katalog zur Ausstellung im Buchmuseum der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) vom 17. Mai bis 1. September 2013; darin von Peter H. Jahn kuratiert der architekturgeschichtliche Teil [= Katalogbeiträge... more
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      Baroque ArchitectureArchitectural DesignArchitectural graphicsPrivate Library
Graphic representation is a fundamental language in architecture and engineering because it facilitates the communication of any type of information. Therefore, professionals and students need continuous and updated training, with... more
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      DesignArchitectureVisual CommunicationGeometry
The Rudiment of Architectural Rendering (Pen and Ink, Colours), is a practical Architectural rendering book edited by Prof. Prabhubhai K. Patel (Emeritus Professor of Architecture from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee – Oldest... more
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      Visual ArtsFine ArtsArchitectural Theory and DesignArchitectural graphics
RESUMO A separação entre projeto e construção, embora pareça natural para o arquiteto contemporâneo, transformou tanto a prática da arquitetura quanto a definição e posição social dos arquitetos. A representação da arquitetura como... more
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      BIM (Architecture)CAD/CAMArchitecture and Urban RepresentationArchitectural graphics
Los sistemas de evaluación del rol investigador del profesorado universitario español se centran en el artículo científico como unidad de medición de los avances de un área de conocimiento. Se ha constatado que los estudios globales... more
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      ArchitectureHigher EducationBibliometricsArchitectural graphics
Graphic representation is a fundamental language in architecture and engineering because it facilitates the communication of any type of information. Therefore, professionals and students need continuous and updated training, with... more
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      DesignArchitectureVisual CommunicationGeometry
Image-based social networks are environments where users share their photographs and involuntarily contribute to evolve and to spread the meaning of things. For this reason, it is essential to use this source of information to determine... more
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      ArchitectureBuilt EnvironmentDrawingRepresentation
The image has acquired a predominant role in the architectural discourse, reducing the space to an object of visual consumption. The current ocularcentrism hegemony constitutes a base in the architectural and urban conception. Thus,... more
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