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"Résumé Les dieux des autres ne sont pas simplement d’autres dieux. En accord avec cette conviction, Hérodote met la divinité oraculaire libyenne Ammon de Siwa en relation avec les dieux royaux Amon de Thèbes et Zeus de Dodone. Cet... more
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      EuripidesHerodotusLuxorArsinoe II
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      HistoryAncient HistoryJewish StudiesBiblical Studies
Herod's appointment as Rome’s client ruler of Judaea in 40 BCE marked a step change in that territory's political, economic and cultural development, being brought from the periphery into the mainstream of the Graeco-Roman world. Josephus... more
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      Hellenistic MonarchyJosephusSecond Temple PeriodNew Testament Studies
In traditional scholarship, Aristoxenus’ Life of Socrates has been considered very often as an untrustworthy testimony, as the Socrates being described seems to be at odds with what we know about him by our main sources Plato and... more
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      PlatoAristotleSocratesClassical philology
Summary. Section (1) explains why the Derveni papyrus has often been misunderstood: among the main reasons are the wrong label «Orphic» and the confusion of two types of pantheism in Greek thought: the ethico- religious and the... more
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      History of LinguisticsAristophanesSocratesHistory of Atheism
The paper argues that joining a narrative about the origins of social institutions to a narrative about the origins of the cosmos and of living organism was not a customary feature of Presocratic accounts, but was an innovation introduced... more
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      AristophanesPresocratic PhilosophyPlatoSocrates
The Persian nobles installed in Anatolia shared their traditions with Greek culture. The kings of Pontus, who were Iranians and had family ties with the Seleucids, would have assumed this cultural contact. In the Pontic court, the... more
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      History of EducationHellenistic HistoryZoroastrianismIranian Studies
The Ariobarzanid kings of Cappadocia belonged to a cadet branch of the Mithridatids of Pontus and the Ariarathids of Cappadocia, who merged their bloodlines in an undetermined moment previous to the reign of Ariarathes V. Therefore, these... more
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      Hellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAchaemenid HistoryAncient AnatoliaHistory of Azerbaijan
Статья посвящена выявлению топосов рационально-теологического дискурса у античных философов досократического периода. Анализируются онтологические представления Фалеса, Пифагора, Анаксагора, Архелая, Гераклита, Ксенофана, Парменида,... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyPhilosophical TheologyXenophanesHeraclitus
Настоящая статья посвящена исследованию учений об Уме древнегреческих философов ионийской школы, а также рецепции и критике их взглядов в трудах последующих античных авторов, языческих и христианских. В статье рассматриваются доктрины... more
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      AristotleNatural philosophyPlotinusHeraclitus
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      Presocratic PhilosophyAnaxagorasArchelausDiogenes of Apollonia
Séminaire SENS (Société, ENvironnement, Santé), en ligne, organisé par Ali Ben Makhlouf et Patrick Savidan, UPEC (Paris 12) le 20 mai 2021 de 17h à 19h
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      Presocratic PhilosophyPhilosophy of NatureDemocritusPhilosophy of Nature and the Environment
According to Sallust (Hist. fr. 2.75M), Mithridates Eupator came to power shortly before the end of his minority. Subsequently, he put his mother to death. At this same time, Ariarathes VI of Cappadocia was assassinated at the instigation... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAchaemenid HistoryHistory of Late Classical and Hellenistic Asia Minor
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      ThessalyHerodes AtticusArchelaus
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      Ancient MacedoniaArchelausRoyal Hunt